Government advises Ecuadorians in Russia; Traffic agents face danger, lack of respect; Health scans and lab work are free; Restaurants get health ratings

Mar 2, 2022 | 1 comment

Martes, 1/3/2022

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Titular –

Carnaval multicolor (Multicolor Carnival ) – During Carnaval, various communities of the Cañari people also celebrated Lalay Raimy or Paukar Raymi. This was basically a photo article so not translatable.

Cuenca –

Expuestos a peligros agentes de tránsito (Traffic agents exposed to danger) – Traffic agents are exposed to multiple risks as they go about their duties. On 10/2, an incident went viral when a traffic cop asked a citizen to move his car out of a no parking space. The citizen accelerated, dragging the cop from av. de Las Américas to Isauro Rodríguez y Miguel Tamayo where the citizen stopped and went into his house. <What kind of idiot hits a cop and then brings him straight to his house?>

The sponsors of weekend festivities said Carnaval 2022 was a rousing success despite the occasional rain. (El Mercurio)

The Prosecutors office authorized the Policía Nacional to enter the house and pick him up. Jorge Cabrera, manager of Control de Tránsito of EMOV said that some professions are dehumanized which is something we should think about. There are those who have no respect for anyone wearing the EMOV uniform. At the arraignment hearing, some aggressors receive substantial charges. Cabrera also said there are some people who have been identified as aggressive. He remembered one case where the aggressor made a public apology as part of the judicial process. After that, he went and attacked another officer. <People like that don’t need revolving door justice – they need jail.>

Atención médica, imagenología y laboratorio gratuito (Free medical care, imaging and laboratory) – The Fundación Municipal de la Mujer y El Niño signed an agreement with the Fundación Hogar de Esperanza to provide users with free medical care, imaging and laboratory services. The agreement strengthens the services of the Corporación Municipal with colaborative work and establishing strategic alliances to allow expanding their work. Mayor Palacios said that this link is part of the social service area with services to guarantee all social sectors with the right to health, and that the Fundación Esperanza is indispensible in in the actions of society. President of the fundación Hogar Experanza, Garry Hubert, was grateful for the opening up of the Hospital Municipal to this alliance which will guarantee the users of the foundation efficient diagnosis and treatment of their ailments.

Calificación de locales de alimentación en Cuenca (Qualification of food premises in Cuenca) – The Agencia Nacional de Regulación, Control y Vigilancia Sanitaria (ARCSA) has qualified 5 locations in Cuenca and expects another 15 in Azuay in the 1st week of marzo. The goal of this certification is to support economic recovery and recognize best hygiene practices in restaurants, cafeterias and other establishments providing food to the public. The certificated is given after an exhaustive sanitary inspection, compliance with more than 50 perameters, and is good for 3 years. The establishments that apply for the program get training from ARCSA technicians and are later evaluated before getting a certificate.

There are 2 categories — A is given to establishments with 90-100 points, and B to those with 80-90 points. ARCSA asks citizens to report unhealthy conditions in establishments via the ARCSA Móbil app or its social networks. <After all my years in Cuenca, I don’t think I’ll be picking my eating places based on health certifications. If I were going to get food poisoning, it probably would have happened already.>

Matriculación para el dígito dos (Registration for number 2) – Starting hoy, vehicle owners with plates ending in 2 should register their cars this month. Vehicles with plates ending in 3-9 plus 0 can also register their cars. The fine for not registering in the scheduled month $50. Vehicles also have to get the Revisión Técnica Vehicular (RTV) in order to be able to register the car. The fine for not doing this is $20. You can register on line at the site, click on the button for servicios, and then click on renovación de matrícula. 2 — enter your license plate number and click on validar. 3 — verify the information is correct and enter your data. 4 — the platform will send you a verification code to your email which you will need to enter to complete the paperwork. Last, the system will tell you that the link to your annual permit to circulate has arrived in your email. For the vehicle inspection, get an appointment at the EMOV EP website and pick the time, date and location you want.

Vigencia de licencias (Validity of licenses) – Drivers can use licenses which expired afrer 1/1/2020 until 31/3/2022. This exception which was to have expired el 31/12/2021 has been extended. In order to use this benefit, drivers need to have a copy of their original license or report of its theft or loss and a paper copy of the renewal appointment.

Nacional –

Gobierno pide evitar viajes a Rusia (Government asks to avoid travel to Russia) – the Ecuadorian government is asking citizens to avoid any nonessential trips to Russia. If you are in Russian territory, make sure you have the necessary visas for countries along your route and confirm that your bank accounts have the money needed for your stay in Russia. Make sure you have at least 6 months left on your passport and if you don’t, you can get an emergency passport to get home from the Ecuadorian consulate in Moscow. <That’s if you’re Ecuadorian — the advice is probably good for other nationalities except for the consulate you need to go to.> The Government also asked Ecuadorians in Russia to have a contingency plan in case you need to evacuate and pay attention to official communications from Government channels. The phone number for the Ecuadorian consulate in Moscow is +7 901 350 18 44 and the email is consulecurusia@gma. <I think being stuck in Russia during a shooting war would be a lot worse than being stuck in Argentina due to Covid.>

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper (please don’t ask her for them). The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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