High UV levels continue, Parking protest at Feria Libre, Beaujolais fiesta, Vegan Day

Nov 11, 2017 | 0 comments

Viernes, 10/11/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming agenda events –

Music Festival – The Festival Internacional de Música y Artes Sonoras Contemporáneas de Cuenca (International Festival of Contemporary Music and Sound Arts of Cuenca) will be from 14-16/11. There will be concerts and talks in the Department of Arts at the U. of Cuenca a las 15:00. Free.

Fiesta del Beaujolais Nouveau 2017 – The event, sponsored by the French Embassy and the Franco-Ecuadorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, will be el 23/11 a las 19:00 in the Alianza Francesa. <No, I don’t know if they’re giving out free samples. Just don’t make a pig out of yourself if they do.>

CCE – The CCE is reactivating its sections and Ecology will meet in the lobby el próximo martes, and Music will meet el miércoles in the Sala de Conciertos. <Does no time given mean that if you don’t know when the meeting is, you don’t belong there?>

Articles about –

Festival de la Lira – Part of the festival are 4 meetings with high school students.

Book launch – “PSTGFFT” by the Project “Postgraffiti: cartografía del rotulismo popular de los medios de transporte pesado del tránsito sierra-costa-oriente del Ecuador” (Postgraffiti: cartography of the popular labeling of heavy transport vehicles of the sierra-east-coast traffic of Ecuador) was launched hoy in the Museo Pumapungo. <Is he talking about the ads on trucks? Or their company logos? Too esoteric for this Phillistine.> There was a show upon which the book is based and the project was a winner of competitive funding in 2016-17.

Museum conference – The International Council of Museums, Ecuador Chapter and Cultural Media Desing from Spain held a meeting Fri. and will hold another Saturday a las 8-13:00 y 16-18:00 in the Auditorium of the U. de Azuay.

Concierto – The String Chamber Orchestra of the OSC played Fri. in the mother church of Ricaurte .

Otras cosas –

Titular – Según el Fiscal, Glas fue el beneficieario de $13.5 milliones (According to the Prosecutor, Glas was the beneficiary of 13.5 million) – See the CHL article for the details.

Sun protection – The UV levels are extremely high with readings of 11 & 14 due to cold, dry air masses from the Pacific. Dermatologists are recommending a maximum 10 minutes of exposure to the sun without protection, especially between 10 & 2 or 4. Wear a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, long sleeves and long pants. <Do you think this recommendation is for Ecuadorian skin? And should you very pale types maybe cut the exposure to 5 minutes? Or are exposure tables typically written for white skin?>

Odebrecht – A Spanish newspaper reported that Odebrecht paid $200 million to politicians, officials, businesses and presumed frontmen from 8 countries through the Banca Privada de Andorra. From Ecuador, the ex-minister of electricity was on the list of account holders.

“Pequeños Científicos (Little Scientists) – This project of the UPS is teaching children from 10-13 science in two workshops. The first is science and technology and the second is robotics.

Festival vegano – “Vegan Day” will be el sábado 18/11 y el domingo, 19/11. The event will be from 10-18:00 in el parque El Paraíso and is the largest Vegan festival in the country. <In it’s own way, Cuenca is to Ecuador as Berkeley is to the US.>

Feria Libre Parking protest – A group of merchants at El Arenal are opposed to paid parking at the mercado, and took over the entrance in protest. Police arrived as well as representatives from the Province of Azuay, and everyone went into the building to meet for 3 hours. Merchants were afraid their customers wouldn’t pay for parking and would shop elsewhere and complained that the Wednesday outside vendors set up Mon. morning and not Tues. afternoon as they should. The cost of parking is 80¢/hr, 30¢ for 30 min, and 15¢ for 15 min. <That does send a message to do your shopping fast and free up the space for the next shopper?> The parking fees will pay for 6 private guards, shifts of inspectors and collectors, lights, and cameras.

Amenidades –

Agenda items –

Música – Edria Barbieri, winner of a reality show, will sing este viernes as las 19:00 in El Mesón Español (Cordero 6-12 y Juan Jaramillo 6-12, Hotel Príncipe).

Juan Manuel Ochoa – Was at the Lirón Lirón Bar Restaurante Friday (Gran Colombia 9-41 y Benigno Malo). Call 099 989 6935 for reservations.

Andrés Suárez – He will be in Cuenca for the first time el sábado a las 21:00 in República Sur (Pres. Córdova 5-55 entre Mariano Cuevo y Hermano Miguel). Tickets available at República Sur for $40 before the day of the event and $45. Over 18 only.

Free meditation – El Centro Shambhala de Cuenca (Calle Larga 747 y Hermano Miguel 6-16, kitty corner from the escalinatas) practices meditation in the Buddhist tradition every domingo. No experience necessary. Show up at 9:00 to get basic instructions. From 9:30-10:45 you can participate with the group.

Movies – as usual, go to www.multicines.com.ec for show times and locations. The following movies open this week.

2D Asesinato en expreso oriente – Esp. y Sub.
2D Deep el pulpo – Esp.

The following movies are continuing.

2 & 3D Thor Ragnarok – Esp.
2D Jigsaw 8 – Esp.
2D Geotormenta – Esp.
2D La estafa de los logan – Sub.
2D Feliz día de tu muerte – Esp.

Deportes –

Mountain climb – There will be simultaneous ascent of 52 Ecuadorian mountains este domingo. The climb is suitable for the public. One of these is Paraguillas. If you’re interested, meet in parque San Sebastian a las 7:30. Cost will be a contribution to pay for transport which will return you to San Sebastián at 15:00. The organizer recommends warm clothing, gloves, appropriate footwear, ski mask, and high energy snacks. <He’s probably assuming everyone would know to bring water.>

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –



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