Hospitalizations increase, Economy takes big hit, Markets close for cleaning, Cuenca Orchestra goes digital, Domestic violence cases rise

Apr 9, 2020 | 3 comments

Martes, 7/4/2020

Hola, Todos –

About those fake news articles – remember I said de vez en cuando, no cada día. The acrylic box is real – like a plastic laboratory glove box only not totally enclosed.

Actividades –

De la pagina cultural –

100 years of indigenous rebellion against elites – Patricio Montaleza researched fotos and documents since the last centennial about indigenous rebellion. Heavy taxes were imposed on the indigenous for benefits they never received, such as electricity. The campesinos had to pay in person which meant a day to walk to Cuenca in an era without roads, and a day to walk back. Sometimes, they ran into bureaucratic obstacles and had to come back another day causing them to lose even more time from work. <Makes your visa problems sound insignificant, doesn’t it?> The fotos and documents will be exhibited in the Casa de la Provincia when the health emergency is over.

The 12 de Abril market is closed for cleaning.

Symphony – The Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca is presenting performances on their Sala de Digital, las noches de sábado on a UTube channel. The last performance was of the opera “Eunice” by Ecuadorian composer Humberto Salgado.

“La cultura no para” (Culture does not stop) – The Alianza Francesa has the hashtag #CulturaDesdeCasa to access their offerings via social media. On their Facebook page are art, movies, animated stories, music, comics, stories, and French lessons. You can take virtual tours of the catacombs of Paris or the Museum of Fine Arts. Coming up is “My french film festival,” with the short films from the last 10 editions. Currently you can see the trailers.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Camas de UCI, al límite; cierran mercados y camal (ICU beds, at the limit; markets and camal close down)

Number of hospitalizations up 147% – The number of virus cases in Azuay went from 98 to 100 after the results of 150 new tests. There was a 79% (from 57 to 100) increase in Zone 6 in the last week, with a 147% increase (from 23 to 57) in hospitalizations. The IESS hospital had 13 beds for critical coronavirus patients, and all are occupied. The hospital has space for 40 patients and is currently treating 30. The hospital is working on buying 10 more respirators <I think that the article uses respirators for ventilators interchangeably, but I’m not sure.>, and contracting with additional medical personnel in the next 1 or 2 weeks.

Currently the “Vicente Corral Moscoso” regional hospital has space for 30 patients and yesterday it added 2 more ventilators to the 12 it already had. Iván Feicán, the hospital manager said the situation continues to be worrisome, and that if disrespecting the lock down continues, cases will probably rise in the coming weeks. The hospital is increasing its capacity in order to treat 70 patients, and in the near future, the hospital might treat wind up treating only COVID-19 patients. For this, at least 35 more doctors, supplies and equipment will be needed.

The Centro de Alto Rendimiento (CEAR) is ready to increase the treatment capacity for virus patients. It will treat patients needing intermediate care. Juan Carlos Zevallos, Ministro de Salud, indicated that the numbers of cases is undercounted mostly due to a lack of testing. He said that 200,000 tests are now in the country and will be sent to medical centers in the coming days. The coordinator for Health is hoping for quick arrival of rapid tests to improve detection of cases in Azuay.

Private donations – Hospitals are receiving donations of equipment, food, disinfecting supplies and personal protection equipment from businesses, public figures, and politicians. The donations ranged from 32 protective goggles from Honda to pizzas and bottles of alcohol.

Mercados and camal (slaughterhouse – your word for the day) closed – 3 mercados have been closed including El Arenal, the largest in the city. The wholesalers have have been relocated next to the Plataforma de Narancay along with some of the retailers. Other retailers are at Totoracocha and Miraflores. The mercado 12 de Abril was closed when a vendor tested positive for coronavirus, but will be reopened this week. The mercado 10 de Agosto will also be closed for 72 hours for a deep cleaning because a vendor in the meat section tested positive. The vendor stopped coming to the market 7 days ago. <I’d guess an Ecuadorian feeling too sick to work, is really, really sick.> The slaughterhouse will be closed for a week because a close family member of a worker who brought meat to the 10 de Agosto mercado tested positive. The camal will undergo a deep disinfecting process, and when it reopens, it will be disinfected every 3 hours. A rancher who brings cattle to the market thought the closure might create a scarcity of meat in the mercados, but then remembered that the demand for meat has fallen notably. <This might be a good time to start trying a plant based diet instead of going to the SuperMaxi and hoarding meat.>

5% recession – Last year the IMF projected a minimimum growth of .2% for Ecuador, but has revised it to a -1.5 to -5.0% contraction due to the pandemic. Some hardest hit sectors of the economy have had losses of over 70%. The tourist industry has lost $418 million with $33 million in lodging, $60 in tour operators, $151 million in food and drink <I would have thought that drinking would be going up.>, and $135 in air, land and sea transport. The government is looking at including 2.600 independent tour guides in the $60 emergency bono (grant). The textile industry has fallen by over 85%. In April, many factories will start making medical supplies and reusable tapabocas (literally mouth covers – masks).

Family violence – Between 16/3 and 30/3, 225 cases of violence against women and other family members were reported. Report violence to 911 and a police officer will be sent.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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