IESS boss faces dismissal, Referendum questions review, Barrio residents march against crime, Sacred art exhibit, Nighttime 10k run

Oct 20, 2017 | 0 comments

Jueves, 19/10/2016

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Cine en CIDAP – “Silver Sponn” (sic), directed by Keisuke Yoshida, was shown Thurs. in the auditorio at CIDAP as part of the film series on crafts. Ingreso libre (Free entrance – your words for the day).

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Exposición fotográfica – El Fotoclub Cuenca is 9 years old and celebrating with the “Ríos de Cuenca” exhibit from 26/10 to 23/11 at the Museo de la Ciudad (ex Escuela Central).

Feria del Libro en Macas – The first Macas Book Fair will be on 31/10 and 1/11 desde las 10:00 hasta las 20:00 in the plaza Radimpa. <Is it worth a 3-1/2 hour drive or a 5-1/2 hour bus ride each way?>

Festival in Otorongo – “Otolongazo,” organized by the LaKomuna collective will be on 2/11. The design and independent publication fair will include workshops on oral narration, bookbinding, mural painting, a poetry recital and live music.

Articles about –

“Cabalgata Nocturna “ – This book by Eliécer Cárdenas is being made into a full length film with casting for women this sábado. <My guess is that your Spanish, or at least your pronunciation, will need to be very, very good no matter how many movies you’ve made in the US.>

TitiriCuenca – “Juanito y las semillas mágicas” was performed by the “Rayuela” Puppet theater from Pasto, Colombia Thurs. morning in the Teatro Sucre.

Sacred art exhibit – “El refleje de los ángeles” (The reflection of the angels) opened Thurs. in the Museo de las Conceptas. What makes the exhibit special is the installation of mirrors to create an optical illusion. There are 4 rooms for the exhibit for the angels Gabriel, el Ángel de Figueroa, named in honor of the sculptor, Miguel, and Rafael. <Don’t go in drunk – you’ll be seeing quadrupal.>

Otras cosas –

Titular – Homenaje a los que labraron su historia (Tribute to those who carved out their history) – The University of Cuenca held a solemn session anoche (last night – another word for the day) to celebrate its 150th anniversary.

IESS – Dismissal is lying in wait for the director of IESS who was given 3 months by the Comptroller’s office to explain a $2.5 billion dollar debt maintained by the State that doesn’t show up in the IESS accounts. The deadline for Richard Espinoza and another 17 high to medium ranking officials to defend themselves is 18/11. The sanctions would be dismissal and fines.

Protest – Residents of the Virgen del Milagro barrio on av. Ordóñez Lasso, marched to protest constant robberies. Houses, commercial locations and passers-by have been robbed and the barrio is asking for more police patrols and anti-crime planning by institutions responsible for security. The barrio is supported by their neighbors in the El Tejar, Cuatro Esquinas, Los Tubos and San José de Balzay barrios. <Edging closer to Gringolandia.>

Referendum – Supreme Court justice Tatiana Ordeñana’s name was drawn to draft the opinion as to the constitutionality of the 5 most controversial referendum items – indefinite elections, “la muerte política” (political death) for corruption, no statute of limitations on sex crimes against children and teens, and metal mining. She has 10 working days to draft the opinion which will be presented to the full court. If approved, the resolution will go back to the President who will call for assembling the CNE which has 15 days to start the process with voting no later than 60 days after. <Our civics lesson for the day. This is the stuff we missed by not going to school here.>

Fire station – A new station will be built in the Illincocha sector in the Parque Nacional Cajas to reduce response times, mostly to accidents on the vía Cuenca-Molleturo-El Empalme. The Fire Department will also keep personnel trained in handling polluting substances at that station. The department is also looking at building a $2.5 million station in the Ecoparque Chaullayacu in the zona franca in Tarqui.

Chola Cuencanas – There are 19 candidates for the Chola Cuencana who will be elected at a gala on 3/11. Only 2 of the rural parishes did not sent a candidate. From 1-3/11 there will be a food and crafts fair on the esplanade in the parque Miraflores as well as sports, social and cultural activities like the wooden car race. Miraflores will also have 3 days of entertainment from international, national and local artists.

Deportes –

Mountain climb – On 12/11, there will be simultaneous ascents of 52 mountains in Ecuador. Included will be a climb of the cerro (hill) Paraguillas located in the Parque Nacional Cajas at 4,450 m. above sea level. <Anywhere else that wouldn’t be a hill – it would be a mountain.> Register by calling 093 988 1943. The climb is open to all ages <but be realistic about your capabilities>. Note that the temperature will be between 5-7 C and windy. Dress warmly, wear adequate shoes and sun screen. Also bring snacks <and don’t forget your camera>. Hikers will leave at 8:00 from the parque Calderón and return at 17:00.

Ruta Nocturna 10K – This years race will be on 28/10 leaving from the Parque El Paraíso at 19:00. There are still 600 spaces left of the 5,000. There will be a food fair at 12:00 with 6 stands – 5 Ecuadoriand and 1 Venezuelan. Register at Mi Boletería in the Mall del Río and at the Fybeca on Bolívar. Cost: $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for under 15, seniors and the disabled.

Descuentos y compras –

Salon de Navidad – <Santa Claus has come to town> 22 dazzling collections for Christmas.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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