India Week schedule, Lack of driving law enforcement, Fundraiser for Hogar de Ancianos, Print exhibit

Nov 20, 2017 | 0 comments

Domingo, 19/11/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Taller – There will be a free workshop in the Biblioteca Municipal (public library) in Sayausí on Comics – how to draw comics. <I think comics have gone a long way since Little Orphan Annie, Dick Tracy and Mafalda.> <Gotcha – Mafalda is a cartoon character. I bet if you ask any of your Ecuadorian friends they’ll know Mafalda. And I hope you have at least one Ecuadorian friend to ask.>

Agenda events from sábado –

Academía – The academia Cinco Sentidos Arte (5 Senses Art Academy) is offering continuing classes in music and painting (Tomás de Heres 7-58 y Francisco Tamariz). For more info call 099 680 5102. <I won’t get snarky about facilitators this once.>

Libro – “Pío Bravo: auténtico republicano” (Pío Bravo: authentic republican) by Aurelia Bravomalo de Espinosa is in circulation.

Bienal – The XVIII Exposición Bienal Internacional de Estampa y Grabado (XVIII International Biennial Exhibition of Prints and Engravings) will open el próximo lunes. Register on line until 20/11. More information at

Concurso – The registrations for the Año Viejo contest have been extended until 15/12 in the Amistad Club (Pres. Córdova 9-80, ground floor of the hotel Alli Tiana).

Meeting – The 3d meeting of the workshops on rethinking the objectives and activities of the Sala Proceso will be el próximo lunes a las 17:30 in the Sala Proceso next to the Biblioteca Manuel Muñoz Cueva. <Does anyone know what the Sala Proceso currently does? I thought that was just the name of a room.>

Articles about –

Literatura – The U. of Cuenca has organized a conference on Literatura Contemporánea de Ecuador y América Latina on 20-24/11. <If you’re going to a conference on literature you can read the article to see who’s attending in for yourself.> Cost: $30 for students, $40 for professionals and the general public. Register with the Secretary for the Conference on the 2nd flr. of Building C de Posgrados next to the Facultad de Filosofía at the U. of Cuenca. Or register online at Facebook: Encuentro de Literatura.

Mural – The wall behind the Cementerio Patrimonial de Cuenca along calle río Palora is called “Personajes representativos de una ciudad patrimonio” ( Representative characters of a heritage city). The examples listed were educators, writers, artists, radio announcers, and a doctor and social activist. <Nothing about people known for having lots of money and businesses. Tells you something about who and what is valued enough to be honored.>

Javier Cercas – This Spanish author has written “El monarca de las sombras” (The monarch of the shadows) which is about the legacy of the Spanish Civil War.

Ad for Semanas Internacionales, India – Internacional Week, India will be from 22-25/11.
Miércoles, 22/11
9:30 – press conference and kickoff in the Galería de la Alcaldía.
Film cycle starts a las 11:00 with Devdas in the Auditorio of the Museo de la Ciudad.
16:00 – Mohabbatein in Sala 3 of the Museo de la Ciudad.
17:00 – Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge in the U. of Azuay (Auditorio Jose Cordero Acosta – Ciencias Jurídicas).
Jueves, 23 –
Cultural and crafts show “Increíble India” from 8-18:00 in PRAC (Bolívar y Huayna Cápac).
Film cycle
10:00 – Black in the Auditorio Museo de la Ciudad.
17:00 – Lagaan at the U. of Azuay (Auditorio Jose Cordero Acosta).
15-17:00 – painting mandalas in El Patio Comida Urbana (27 de febrero y Solano).
18:30 – Fashion show and clothing of India – Mall del Río food court.
Viernes, 24/11 –
Film Cycle
17:00 – Dhoom – U. of Azuay (same auditorium)
19:00 – Bollywood y Banghara Musical, dances of India, mysticism and culture on the Escalinatas (from calle Hermano Miguel).
sábado, 25/11 –
16-20:00 – Closing of India week at PRAC with a cultural and gastronomic fair, drawing contest, trivia, traditional dance, sitar, traditional clothing fashion parade.

Otras cosas –

Titular – En el día de prevención mueren 4 en accidentes (On the day of prevention, 4 die in accidents) – There was a simulated accident on the Circunvalación Sur to raise awareness in drivers, especially about speeding. It also served to measure response time.

From enero to octubre of 2017, 35 people have died in traffic accidents in Cuenca alone. In the same period there were 718 accidents, both numbers larger than the last three years. In 2016, there were 16 deaths and 618 accidents, 26 & 669 in 2015, and 31 & 1,143 in 2014. <2014 was not a good year.>

An ex-traffic judge in Cuenca said there is a lack of a culture and policies for road safety and that this subject should be part of the school curriculum from the early grades. He thought there there was lack of action by the federal government to inform citizens about transit regulations, and that the lack of training led to not preventing accidents. <Unless you’re driving without a license and willing to go to jail if caught, you’ve got to pass the written test every 5 years. So at least every five years, you’ve got to do some studying.>

“Vegan Day” – The festival ended today in the parque El Paraíso. There were 60 exhibitors for food, nutrition, meditation, music, crafts and more. Francisco Hoyos prepares vegan food. Another couple makes vegan pizza with “queso de arroz” (rice cheese), and the brand Nativa from Cañar makes extra virgin oil from pepas de zambo (zambo (a kind of squash) seeds) for export to France.

Hogar de Ancianos Cristo Rey – This old age home is having an open house el próximo domingo, 26/11 starting at 8:30. It’s a fundraiser to help maintain the facility during 2018. The residents will sell things they’ve made, and you can buy food typical of Spain, Perú and Ecuador. The facility houses 150 seniors in 3 sections – one for men, one for women and a nursing wing for patients who need help to move. <Go and check it out – an institution of this sort may be in our futures if we stay here long enough.>

Actualidades –

I’m skipping this section – I’m tired and there’s nothing interesting to me.

Descuentos y compras –

Ferreteria Continental – Big discounts – 20-25/11 – av. Loja y Remigio Crespo.

Recor Dental y Quimedic S.A. – Black Friday sale up to 50% off dental products – from 23-25/11 – Luis Moreno Mora y Fco. Moscoso and Simon Bolívar 5-78 y Hermano Miguel – 07 281 8889 –

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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