Josefina landslide danger continues, State of emergency extended, New bus card deadline
Jueves, 22/3/2018
Hola, Todos –
Pagina cultural –
Today’s agenda events –
Art opening – The show “ExpoMujeres-Maternidad” opened Thursday in Saledentro, a multifunctional cultural space (Paseo 3 de Noviembre 4-78 y Bajada de Todos Santos. 13 women are exhibiting paintings, photos, installation and performances.
Articles about –
“Expresiones de Fe” (Expressions of Faith) – This exhibit from two artists opened Thursday in the Piazza del Río in the Mall del Río. Virgilio Quinde uses “gubias, formones y martillos” (gouges, chisels, and hammers – your words for the day for the next time you go to Kywi) to create wood religious figures. <He has that iconic image of Che on his wall. And if you don’t know who Che was, why are you even in Latin America?> Ángel Valverde is a photographer with a tendency towards religious themes.
Teatro – “Saulo” is the story of a bad luck, low ranking bureaucrat in Lucifer’s conglomerate who was sent to earth to conduct a census of the sins of Cuencanos. <Mostly related to atrocious driving habits and chronic tardiness?> It will be performed Thursday in La Guarida Centro Cultural (Mariscal Lamar y Luis Pauta).
Huésped Nativo y Urbano (Native and Urban Guest) – This artist in residence program is calling for artists to participate in a 5 day residency program from 28/5-5/6. For the Huésped Nativo, the artist(s) will bring camping equipment and live in the community – sleeping in casas comunales, eating with the community. The urban residence will not provide sleeping locations, but will support with materials. Applicants can go to <If that doesn’t work, try> The program is will select scenic or theater arts activities, “procesos sonoros” and concerts, creating murals and grafitti, documental film and audiovisual, artistic and documental photography, and applied and illustrative arts. <Whew.>
Otras cosas –
Titular – La Josefina, 25 años después (La Josefina, 25 years later) – And the stabilization of the Tamuga hill is still not finished. About 700,000 cubic meters of rock have not been removed from the hill next to the vía El Descanso-Lamagpamba-Gualaceo. During 1992, there were signs of movement by a huge mass of soil. There were cracks that were visible and the Ministry of Mines closed 7 gravel quarries, but mining activity continued. At 18:00 on 29/3/1993, there were slides with rocks empeding vehicular traffic. At 21:00 there was a “estruendo ensordercedor” (deafening roar – lots of good words in today’s El Mercurio.) and a simultaneous blackout. At 6:00 the next day, neighbors and authorities saw that thousands of tons of material <another website says 20 million> had fallen from the Tamuga hill, blocking the confluence of the Cuenca and Jadán Rivers which create the Río Paute. The Paute River was dry, and at the foot of the slide there were bodies, thought to be those of miners. Eventually, a huge lake formed behind the slide. The plan was to build a canal to allow the water to flow out gradually, but a huge rock fell into the canal, blocking it. The military suggested or actually did torpedo the rock from the air with some sort of arms. On 1/5, 1993, the dam broke and 283 million cubic meters of water took everything in its path.
Estado de excepción – The state of emergency on the northern border has been extended for a month, and a Consejo de Seguridad Fronterizo (Border Security Council) has been created. <Great – fight drug lords and gangs with committees and bureaucracy.>
Science station – The Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam in Napo province will build the first science station inside the Reserva Biólogica Colonso Chalupas. Construction supplies will be ferried in by helicopter this week. The reserve is between the Reserva Ecológica Antisana and the Parque Nacional Llanganates.
More time for bus cards – The date for the mandatory use of electronic bus cards has been extended to 1 de Mayo.
Clandestine slaughterhouse – Based on a complaint, authorities discovered a slaughterhouse in Sinincay near the old church of Racar. The operators were killing street and stolen dogs, supposedly to sell the fat as “cebo” (bait?). <Is there more than tablespoonful of fat on a street dog?>
Amenidades –
Miss Supermodel Worldwide – This beauty contest held in India was won by the Ecuadorian candidate, Daniela Banegas who lives in Cuenca but was born in Gualaceo.
Deportes –
Azogues en Bici – There will be a bike ride in Azogues el próximo domingo a las 8:00. It will start from the Centro de Atención Ciudadana. The route will follow Av. 16 de Abril to Av. Che Guevara <See? Che has a road named after him.> to Av. 24 de Mayo to the Universidad Nacional de Educación. Register at:, the SENESCYT office (Centro de Atención Ciudadana (av. 16 de Abril y Babahoyo) or call 07 370 2170 for more info.
And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –