Jueves, 13/7/2017: Garbage electrifies 3,500 homes, Taxi protest, Womens craft fair, Another ‘pyramid’ scheme, Russill Paul in concert

Jul 14, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Master class – There was a master dance class from 19-21:00 Thurs. at the U. of Cuenca directed by Terry Araujo.

Recital poético – There will be a poetry recital Thurs. in the Casa de la Provincia. It is part of the 300th Anniversary of Masonry.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Feria Artesanal – The Crafts Fair “Mujeres Emprendedoras” (Women Entrepreneurs) will run until domingo from 9-20:00 in the Calle del Artista (Sucre Benigno Malo). The fair is to promote women, and associations and organizations of women in vulnerable situations to make a living by selling their work.

Articles about –

Libros – Two publications by Arturo Montesinos who died in 2009, was presented Thurs. in the Museo de la Ciudad – “Arcilla indócil y otros relatos” y “El peso de la nube parda.” (“Indocile clay and other stories” and ” The weight of the brown cloud.”)

Concierto – Russill Paul, composer, musician and author of “Jesús en el Loto” and “El yoga de Sonido” (“Jesus in the Lotus” and “The Yoga of Sound”), will give a concert Fri. at 19:00 in the auditorio of the U. del Azuay (UDA). Free.

10th Anniversary – The Casa de la Juventud (Youth House) celebrated its 10th anniversary with a show Thurs. in the teatro Sucre. The performers were students in the workshops. A new cycle of workshops in batucada (an Afro influenced style of drumming), singing, orchestra, folk dance, cheer leading, hip hop and hula dancing will start el próximo lunes. The Casa is at calle Latinoamericana y Brasil, parque El Ángel. Call 4098-467 for more info.

La Filarmónica Atenas (The Athens Philharmonic) <This is a reference to Cuenca as the Athens of Ecuador)> – This group of orchestra and chorus is composed of young musicians at the conservatory, professional musicians, and retirees from the OSC. It started last noviembre with the chorus whose first performance was Christmas carols. The orchestra was added later and is looking for wind, chord and percussion players. It performed a concert Thurs. in honor of the Virgen del Carmen in her church. <Is that the one next to the flower market?>

Otras cosas –

Titular – Gas derivado de basura ya produce electricidad (Gas derived from garbage already produces electricity) – The plant at the Pichacay land fill that converts biogas to electricity will be inaugurated on 27/7. The plant generates one megawatt which can serve about 3,500 families. The methane generated by the decomposing garbage is extracted by 46 wells which should have a life of 15 years. As more garbage is added, so will more wells. In 2019 the EMAC-BGP ENERGY CEM (EBE) company will add another motor to generate another megawatt of power. Ecuador generates 5.4 million metric tons of garbage, one million more than in 2015.

Pyramid scheme – Another possible Ponzi scheme is being investigated in the Sevilla de Oro canton. Recently MTCOIN Banco del Futuro was raided by police. It promised investors who put in $1,000 a return of $12/day for 10 months. <Greed would have to take over your brain completely to fall for that.>

Vehicle inspections – On 3/6, an on-line system to make appointments for the Revisión Técnica Vehicular started. <I don’t know if you can still drop in and get your car inspected.>

Taxi protest – Councilwoman Narcisa Gordillo announced that she will seek sanctions against the taxistas that participate in the protest called by the UCTTA. She said the directors of the taxi union did not ask for a meeting to explain their demands. An article in the Constitution prohibits the shut-down of public transport. Sanctions include loss of liberty for 1-3 yrs and revocation of the taxi operating permit. <Did anyone notice a departure from normal in the taxi service today?> <Sounds like the same article used to jail the indigenous who were protesting against mines in their territory.>

Tranvía – The deadline for submissions of firms interested in providing project management services to complete the Tranvía was Thurs. with 10 firms submitting. The contract has a budget of $32 million and a term of 300 days. The winning proposal or bid should be selected between the 20 & 30/7.

Puente Filipe II – The one-way bridge over the Yanuncay will be closed to make changes that started today. Currently, the bridge is restricted to 1 lane and on 24/7 it will be closed completely. The work to make the bridge two way will be finished in late agosto. Some of the lightly trafficked roads in the area will also change direction.

Business page – Articles about –

LATAM – The airline announced a new service, “Mercado LATAM” that started on 12/7. Passengers can now buy food and beverages on all domestic flights with a choice of more than 30 items. The airline will offer lower fares, and passengers can pay for the services they want. <It’s not like domestic routes are 5 hours long. You can forgo the chips and soda on an hour flight. This is an interesting spin for not serving free drinks and snacks any more. And how much will the fares be lowered? $1.50?>

Pacari – the chocolatier won 28 awards at the International Chocolate Awards in Hoboken, NJ on 26/6. Chocolatiers from the Americas participated in this round. One of the awards was for a dark chocolate bar more than 85% (Raw 100%). <Let me know if you see it at the Supermaxi.)

Internacional –

Brazil – Ex-president Lula da Silva was sentenced to 9 years in prison for the crimes of passive corruption and money laundering.

Perú – A hearing was started at the request of the prosecutor into whether ex-president Ollanta Humala and his wife Nadine Heredia should be ordered into 18 mo. of preventive prison for receiving money from Odebrecht during the 2011 campaign.

Discuentos y compras –

Mazda – weekend event, 14 & 15/7 – 2 SDN P.V.P. $25,990; 3MT SDN-$32,990; Mazda 6- P.V.P. $39,290; CX-5 AT-from $42,990; CX-3 ENTRY AT-from $32,990 – Maresacenter Cuenca at av. España y Elia Luit (airport roundabout).

RM – up to 50% off sale in the whole store – until 31/7/2017 – conditions apply.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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