Jueves, 14/1/2016: Councilwoman receives threats for supporting animal rights, Federal debts to city, Miss Ecuador candidates

Jan 15, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Música –  A recital of contemporary Latinamerican chamber music was held Thursday in MMAM with the trio Walen, Auner y Copeland from the US.chl jeanne logo

Flamenco – “Noches de vino y flamenco” (Nights of wine and flamenco) will be this Sat at 20:30 at República Sur (P. Córcova 5-55) with Rosario Castalo and guitarist Jon Colkey.  (And how many of you said “The hell with the flamenco, bring on the wine.”?)

Exposición – “La verdadero historia de Omar Tello el sembrador de la selva” (The true history of Omar Tello the sower of the selva)  (The Johnny Appleseed of the jungle?)  The show will open on 20/1 at 20:00 in the Alianza Francesa de Cuenca.

Articles about

The 3 candidates for presidency of the CCE debated this past Tuesday.  (It really doesn’t matter what they talked about , because the elections are over. I bet tomorrow there will be an article about the winner, and I probably won’t translate more than the headline either.)

“Montañas y ríos sin fin” opened today at the MMAM with works by 6 artists that review a part of the history of mining in Portovelo.

“Julieta y Julieta,” a play by Mudra Teatro Danza will be performed tomorrow at 20:00 in the Teatro Sucre, Mon.; 18/1 at 19:30 in Classroom 120 of the Scenic Arts Department of the School of Visual Arts at the U of Cuenca (I’m just giving you the English because it would surprise the heck out of me if any of you picked this venue. And if you do, you could probably do your own translation back into Spanish.); and Fri, 5/2 at 20:00 in the Museo de la Medicina.  The play is an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet for two lesbian lovers.

Creating a storyboard for a music video is a project by Zero Gravity Toilet (Now just pause here and think hard about that name and was your reaction ´”Oh, Jeez,” too?)  This storyboard project will last 30 days.  The participants will get a theme for the day that they have to draw and the best 30 drawings will be used in a music video by Los vuelos de Marianguna.  Go to Facebook: 30 Day Storyboard Challenge.  Cost: $30.00

Otras cosas –

Titular – Lluvias, refrescan pero causan estragos en vías (Rains, refreshed but caused havoc on roads)

Road Unclosure – the closure of the Panamericana Sur has been postponed to this coming Mon.  The conditions of the detour route are being improved for the additional traffic.

Councilwoman Gabriela Brito – has received threatening phones calls over her support of the animal protection ordinance. The ordinance is opposed by supporters of private bull fights and cock fights.

Several articles about debt owed by the federal government to the municipal government (your check is in the mail), Tranvia, and Provincial government.

Your sliver of life article today – is about chocolate.  International chefs are visiting República del Cacao to learn about how chocolate is made.  They will also tour Ecuador to see the producers of the ingredients – milk, organic sugar, and cacao. (Now is that considered hard sell or soft sell – because it definitely is marketing.)

Intercultural – 

An article about Petrona Pizha (calles Honorato Ochoa y Pinzhull, pasando la Panamericana) who embroiders traditional Cañari clothing and designs new styles of embroidery for the skirts, blouses, and shawls.  Her husband programs the computerized sewing machines brought from the US.  (This Mom and Pop shop is a long way from two people sitting under a naked lightbulb and ruining their eyes sewing.)

Amenidades – 

Miss Ecuador candidates – are coming to Cuenca (More interesting to a good percentage of you than candidates for CCE, I bet.) from 23- 26/2.  They will be staying at Rione and Zahir 360 hotels.  (Two pretty new boutique hotels and Zahir 360 has a restaurant you could probably hang out in to girl watch.)

Internacional – 

Mexico – received 180 Cubans from Guatemala who received 20 day visas to get to the US on their own.  (And they’d probably need an act of God to get into the US.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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