Jueves, 16/6/2016: Choice of Inti Raymi celebrations, Tram work on Av. España, Animal ordinance debate, Pooch rescued

Jun 17, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Thursday’s (finished) events –

Nueva Festival – The New Festival continues in the Salón de la Ciudad with the horror film “La casa del final de los tiempos” (The house atchl jeanne logo the end of times) at 17:00 and “La niña de los tacones amarillos” (The girl of the yellow heels) at 19:00. At 20:35 “Siempre Viva” (Always Alive) will be at the Multicines. The festival continues on Friday (see Monday’s Periodico for the schedule).

Concierto de ópera – Thursday’s concert was in the Teatro Sucre with selections from famous operas.

Teatro – “Loca, la Juana…” was be presented in the sala “Alfonso Carrasco” (Luis Cordero y Pres. Córdova) by actress Juana Estrella.  The work is a monologue in the stand-up comedy format with the actress playing several characters “porque no hay mayor locura que una person hablando solita.” (Because there’s nothing crazier than a person talking alone. Well, I’ve now been diagnosed – I talk to myself a lot – but I do it in Spanish so it really isn’t crazy – it’s practice.  Try it – your conversation partner won’t laugh at you or correct you.)

Articles about –

José Andrés is a young actor who presented “Requiem por la lluvia” (Requiem for the rain), a monologue by José Martinez Queirolo, Wed night in the Sala de Conciertos (Luis Cordero y Pres. Córdova).

Declamación de poesia – 30 students in 3 age categories are competing in a poetry declamation contest.  They will read works of Julio Matovelle, who founded the order of the “Corazones Santísimos de Jesús y María” (Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary) which worked especially in education in this country.

“De cuerpo presente” (I translated this yesterday – have you already forgotten what it means?  Absolutely.) – The poetry event was yesterday.  (And I bet not a one of you went.)

Otras cosas –

Titular – La TRI por su segunda semifinal (The TRI goes for its 2nd Copa America semifinal). Ecuador would have been in the semifinals for the Copa América Centenario if it had beaten the US in Seattle Thursday night. (They lost.)

Tranvía – Work will start on the platform on España in the Milchichig sector from the Puente Fabián Alarcón to the bridge over the ravine near the redondel Hurtado de Mendoza.  This will change bus lines 7, 10, 20, 26 & 100.  Since the start of the Tranvía work 70% of the bus lines have had to modify their routes.  (That explains why you can never seem to find your regular bus any more and why you get delivered to strange places.  Think of it as an adventure – Dr. Livingstone, I presume?)

Inti Raymi (Fiesta del Sol – Festival of the Sun) – Indigenous and campesinos (country people) are preparing to honor the Sun God and Mother Earth (Dios Sol y Pachamama) this weekend from Fri to Tue at various locations in Cañar, Azuay, and Loja provinces.  The locations are shown on a map on p. 4B.  Go to elmercurio.com.ec for more details.  The locations are Ingapirca, Huántug, and Cojitambo in Azogues; Museo Manuel Agustin Landivar; Museo Pumapungo; Gualalcay, El Valle; Huahuatzhumi Paccha; Chobsi, Oña; and Susudel, Oña in Azuay; and Saraguro in Loja.

Hate crime – Wed. was the first hearing against a 64 year old man accused of “el delito de actos de odio” (the crime of acts of hatred) who pushed two Afro-ecaudorian women and then verbally assaulted them.  The president of the Colegio de Abogados de Azuay (like the ABA?) said hate based on race is an extremely serious offense because it is considered a crime against humanity.  (You can make your own comparisons between Cuenca and your country of origin, and Donald Trump better stay out of Ecuador.  Can’t you just see it?  He shoots off some outlandlishly racist comment against Latinos on national TV and winds up in jail because he’s a flight risk.)

Avianca fare specials – A campaign to bring travellers to Ecuador was launched overseas for over 120,000 seats at special fares. The promotion is from 14-24/6 and was advertised in Colombia, US, Spain, England, Perú, Brazil, Chile y Paraguay. There is also a promotion of domestic travel.  (Domestic in this case meaning within Ecuador.)

Caminata de Arte – The art walk, organized by the Honorary Consul of Chile, benefitting children affected by the quake was last night in the plaza San Sebastián.  (I thought it was a gringa who organized event.)

Survey of artesans – 400 artesans were identified in the canton of Cuenca in a study by the U of Cuenca.  Women were the majority at 58%, and the age distribution peaked between 42 and 59 with few young people entering the crafts, and men abandoning crafts.  Some of the problems are a diminishing of traditional workshops, lack of financing resources, and the need for opportunities for direct sales from vendor to consumer.  The new craft market, Portal Regional de Artesanías de Cuenca (PRAC) being built on Bolívar y Huayna Cápac, is 93% complete with delivery this July.  The artesans who will sell there have yet to be selected.  The artesans do not need to stay in their booths.  They just need to bring the items and EDEC EP (Empresa Municipal de Desarrollo Económico – Municipal Business for Economic Development) will be in charge of sales.

Animal protection ordinance – The Ordenanza de Proteccíón de Animales Domésticos will have its second and definitive debate this Sat. at 8:00.  (I think the location isn’t mentioned because any Cuencano would know where city hall is.)

Your sliver of life article today is about – A dog who was stuck under a concrete sewer cover was rescued by the Fire Department which had the equipment to send down the hole to liberate “la mascota” (pet – your word for the day).  The dog suffered no injuries and was returned to her 13 year old owner. (Like the cat in the tree or Jimmy in the well rescue stories in the US.)

Amenidades –

Anniversary of radio La Mega (103.3) – La Estación Que Tiene Bailando a Cuenca (The Station That Has Dancing to Cuenca) is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a concert of Tex-Mex cumbia with the Argentinean group Organización X and several local bands Fri, 17/6 at 20:00 in the Club Tomebamba (av. 24 de Mayo – kitty corner from the Colegio Garaicoa).  You need to show your cedula for admittance. (Too bad if you’re an illegal or a tourist.  But I bet they’d accept passports – I think this is to make sure there’s no underage drinking.)

Concert – Cuencano singer Patricio González will give a concert to launch his latest CD, “Homenaje a la Vida” (Tribute to Life) on Wed, 22/6 at 20:00 in the Teatro Sucre.

Discuentos y compras –
Kia – Rio R from $19,990; Cerato Forte, Smart On from 23,990; Sportage Active from 28,790; and Picanto R 1.2 from 15,990. (Father’s Day always seems to bring the car ads out.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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