Jueves, 2/2/2017: Crespo museum work completed, U.S. college students, Jesus Christ Superstar performance

Feb 3, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Feria de discos – There will be a fair mañana y sábado at 10:00 in El Prohibido with records (vinyl – how old do you have to be to remember vinyl?), CDs, DVDs, and T-shirts.  Free.

Articles about –

US university students – Students from Worcester, Mass. are in Cuenca to present their final graduation projects.  One of those is “Involucrar a la Comunidad Local en el Sostenimiento del Miuseo del Monasterio de las Conceptas” (To Involve the Local Community in the Support of the Museum of the Conceptas Convent.

Jesús Morate – The Spanish artist who was selected by the Bienal to do an Artist in Residence Project called “Conexiones” (Connections) proposed a project to link the Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno (MMAM) with its neighbors and the nearby community.  One of those links will be with the mercado 3 de Noviembre.  (Now that could certainly bring art to everyday people – exhibit in the markets including the rural parish weekly markets.)

Symphony – The Orquesta Sinfónica of the U. of Cuenca performed Thurs. in the Catedral Vieja.  Its first concert of the 2017 season included Ravel’s “Pavanne for a Dead Princess,” “Pequeña suite” by Debussy, and Beethoven’s 4th Symphony.

Jesucristo Super Estrella (Jesus Christ, Super Star) – The School of Arts at the U. of Cuenca is planning to stage this rock opera musical this coming Holy Week. Auditions will be el sábado 11/2 at 10:00 in the auditorio Fabián Carrasco in the School of Arts. Only 1 female voice will be needed.  Previous voice experience required, acting not required. This will be one of the events for the 150th anniversary of the U’s founding.

Sabers ancestrales (Ancestral knowledge) – CCE organized an event Thurs. with sales of craft, agroecológicos (agroecological), natural cosmetic, ancestral medicinal, and food products. Mama Isidora Barbecho, a “comadrona” (midwife), spoke of her profession and the importance of good care and practices which are now being lost, leading to risk of “violencia obstétrica” (obstetric violence), dehumanization, and traumatic birth experiences.  In the communities, the “comadronas” are with the pregnant mothers before, during and after the birth, supporting her both physically and psychologically to achieve being in harmony.  (Western medicine could learn a lot from ancestral medicines, but mostly it’s just exploited the pharmaceuticals.)

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Todo listo para suplir al CCRC (All ready to substitute the CCRC) – The CCRC’s justification was received and it will be analyzed by the the French firm auditing the project and whose report will be available early next week.  The mayor said if the termination is finalized, the terms of reference are ready for the contracting with another builder.

Hearing – A judge in the Electoral Disputes Court heard arguments yesterday on the charge that there are “inconsistencias” in the electoral rolls for the 19/2 elections. According to the plaintiff, the roll contains 493 dead people.

Election materials – On the próximo jueves, 9/2, distribution of election materials to 24 provinces will begin, starting in the Amazon.  The last election simulation will be el próximo domingo.  This should cover 100% of the precincts that will be transmitting election results.  The ballots for the referendum on tax havens are being printed. Publication of polls and election predictions can be done until 10 days before the election – 9/2. (That’s interesting.  I wonder if a similar law in the US would have changed the results?)

Voto 2017 – There are 378,292 overseas voters for the 19/2 elections. 31,099 are in Latin America and the Caribbean, 110,524 in the US and Canada, and 236,669 in Europe, Asia, and Oceana.  (This was for those of you who like numbers.)

Inclusive vote – If you are disabled, the “Tienen Derecho a Votar” (We Have the Right to Vote) campaign insures the ability to get to your polling place.  The CNE (National Electoral Council), Conadis, and the Unión de Taxistas del Azuay signed an agreement this morning.  Disabled persons can register with the CNE (Tarqui y Sangurima), Conadis (av. México between De Las Americas y Unidad Nacional), or call 2831-050 or 4110-253 to receive free transport.

Museo Remigio Crespo – The restoration work on the museum is done.  The 5 story building has 2,000 sq. m. of interior space, 700 m. in gardens and 140 in terraces and circulation.  The museum has 25,503 pieces of which 17,895 are archeological, 3,454 are historic archives, 2,891 numismatic, 270 utilitarian, 214 sculptures, and 118 textiles.

Germans – Representatives from 22 German travel agencies were in Cuenca to see what there is to see.

Encuentro por el agua y la Pachamama (Meeting for water and Pachamama) – There will be a series of activities throughout the day tomorrow starting with registration at 8:30 in the Salón de la Ciudad (Sucre y Benigno Malo).  On sábado, people will leave from parque de San Blas at 8:00 to go to Kimsacocha to visit the lakes and perform the ritual of reciprocity.

Grafitti – A youth who was caught tagging the walls of the Puente Roto on 23/1 was sentenced to clean the wall.  He was watched by a Guardia Ciudadana for the week of nights he needed to clean the wall.  (When I first visited Cuenca I was impressed by how clean the walls were.  Then I moved here, and grafitti started becoming common.  Oh, well – not every change can be for the better.)

Credit cards – On 1/2, new rules governed issuance of credit cards.  The issuer can’t issue a card unless it has been requested and signed for.  Unsolicited cards are considered null and can’t generate costs or charges against the customer.  (Then there’s a lot of complicated information about payments, deferred or revolving balances, and how interest is charged.  And it looks like it’s written in legalese.)

Internacional –

Colombia – Peace was declared yesterday between the government and FARC. (The photo shows FARC guerillas in their camouflage uniforms which one soldier has livened up with bright red lipstick.  Hope she never tried to load her gun with lipstick.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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