Jueves, 22/9/2016: More intersections open in Centro, Jazz and reggae, Deportations, Tram bridge work, Volunteers needed

Sep 22, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming agenda events –chl jeanne logo

Curso de guitarra – The CCE (Pres. Córdova 7-89) is registering students for a permanent course in “guitarra funcional” (functional guitar – which may mean that you can get to level where your playing won’t offend people or cause them to leave the room).  The course will be given Saturday mornings from 1/10/2016 to 29/9/2017. (So signing up for this class is a 10 month committment – I know people with marriages that didn’t last that long.)

Acuerdo – The Casas de la Cultura of Zamora, Azuay, El Oro, Cañar, Loja y Morona Santiago will sign a “Mancomunidad Cultural del Austro Ecuatoriano” (Cultural Association of Southern Ecuador) on 14/10.

Talleres – There will be a workshop of recycling for adults from 26-10/9 in the centro municipal cultural de Los Sauces (calle Juan Ruiz y Las Américas in the Control Sur sector).  (Maybe they teach you how to work at the recycling plant separating stuff.)

Cursos – The Teatro Imay (calle del Batan 4.70 y El Oro) will give classes in theater, puppets, masks, crafts, yoga and more.  For more info call 2811-798 and 099 564 0935.

Articles about –

Academic publishing – There is a rigorous process before the U. of Cuenca publishes academic work.  It includes peer review and review by a Publications Committee. (And probably has nothing to do with your lives or interests.)

Jazz – The Roots, a Quiteño reggae jazz band and Hipsteria perform today (Jueves) at 19:00 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. Tomorrow´s (if today is Jueves, tomorrow would be Viernes) concert will be with Guanaco MC, Da Pawn and La Madre Tirana.  Sabado (Sat.) at 10:00, there will be conferences about the music industry in Ecuador and keys for making music (not the musical keys, though – more like key information) in the Facultad de Artes at the U. of Cuenca.  In the afternoon there will be drum, guitar, bass and piano clinics.  Tickets are available at Lislop (Paucarbamba 4-55), Más Música (Borrero 7-47) or at tickets.proposta@gmail.com. Individual concert tickets are $15, $10 for each workshop or conference and $30 for the complete workshop package.
Comics, anime and manga – There will be a Fanart exhibit of characters from these genres starting today at 18:30 in the Centro Cultural Municipal El Alfarero (calle de la Convención del 45).  (Wonder if there will be people dressed as Batman, Gokú or El Guasón?)

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Con actitud el Cuenca empata (With attitude, Cuenca ties) – (I’ve just confirmed to myself why I don’t translate sports – I tried to read the article and understood the individual words, none of which made any sense when strung together into sentences.)

Tranvía – Work on the bridge is accelerating.  (Anything faster than “stop” is accelerating.)  The work on the bridge at Milchichig should be finished on 4/11 and the bridge over the Tomebamba on 20/10.  The bridges are being reinforced so they can support the 50 tons of train cars.  Romeo Moncayo, director of the Tranvía project gave reasons for past delays and said no more would be permitted.  He also talked about imposing fines for “incumplimientos” (non-compliance, non-completion, breach) by the CCRC consortium.  The Cámara (Chamber) de Industrias, Producción y Empleo (CIPEM) made  proposal to hire German consultants Deutsche Ban, rail specialists, for 3 months at a cost of $198.000 Euros to do an analysis leading to solving the Tranvía’s problems.  (The Chambers do like their German consultants, don’t they.)

Road openings – The intersections at Benigno Malo, Tarqui, Estévez de Toral y Padre Aguirre should open this Sat.  (My guess is where they cross Gran Colombia.)

Día sin Auto – Today is the Day without Cars – walking or using a bike is suggested. (I suppose you could also ride your horse, but do poop scooping laws apply?  Cars aren’t the only things that can contaminate streets.)

Your sliver of life article today – is about university students performing a misión social.  Students majoring in Family Guidance and Social Work at the U. of Cuenca will provide services through the Misión Leonidas Proaño under MIES (Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social).  62 students will complete 160 hours of pre-professional practice in infant development, special protection, seniors, disabled and economy.

JEP credit cards – the only Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito (Savings and Credit Cooperative) in the south (that would be the south of Ecuador for those of you who are geographically challenged and couldn’t find Cuenca on a map.) started the process of getting authorization from SEPS to issue JEP VISA and Mastercard credit cards.

Deportations – The Defensoría del Pueblo del Ecuador (Public Advocate of Ecuador) filed a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of 21 Haitians who were being collectively deported.  The Constitution prohibits collective deportation of foreigners and migration processes must be done individually.  (Just in case there’s any problem in the future and Ecuador wants to get rid of gringos wholesale – now you know your rights.)

Economics – The book, “La política en la revolución ciudadana” (Politics in the citizen’s revolution) by Marco Salamea Córdova will be presented on 29/9 at 18:30 in the auditorium of the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.  The book analyzes the economic policies of the current administration.  (I think a lot of you who comment on things Ecuadorian and especially politics should read this – even if you have to go to Spanish class and learn the language.)

Evento gastronómico – The Hotel Oro Verde chain will have a gastronomic event, Choco Dinner, in the cities with Oro Verde Hotels.  The dinner is inspired by chocolate which will be used in both salty and sweet dishes.  La Cena Menú Degustación con su Maridaje (the tasting menu dinner with pairings (does that mean they include the wine?)) will be on 1/10 at 19:30 in the Oro Café. RSVP: 5937 4090000 Ext. 278.  Cost: $59.90 including taxes.
Amenidades –
An ad for – Volunteers for FASEC invite you to attend the 3d Curso de Cuidados Paliativos (Course in Paliative Care) which will be given at FASEC (on av. 10 de Agosto behind the SOLCA Hospital) from Mon., 26/9 to 29/9 from 17-21:30.

Deportes –
Club Sangay – The club will have two activities on the weekend of 14/10.  The first will be to climb Illiniza Norte.  There is space for 25 people.  The $90 cost includes transport and guides.  The second activity is camping at the Laguna Quilotoa.  Call 098 770 9694 or 098 437 0625 for more info.  If you are interested in the club, there is a meeting tonight at 19:30 in the República Sur (Pres. Córdova 5-55 between Mariano Cueva y Hermano Miguel) with videos taken on the mountains and talks by people who participated in the climbs.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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