Jueves, 26/1/2017: Petroecuador trial cranks up, Anti-mining rally Saturday, 8k race, Traffic jam at Feria Libre, Trump news

Jan 27, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Thurs.) agenda events –

“Fiesta de Muñecos” (Puppet party) – Eugenio Deoseffe and María Ochoa Argüello will perform along with “Humberto” and to of this fellow marionettes Thurs. at 21:00 in the República Sur (Pres. Córdova 5-55)

Cine de Rusia – The Russian film festival continues today with “El barbero de Siberia” (The barber of Siberia) was Thurs. in the Sala de Conciertos de la Casa de la Cultura (Cordero y Pres. Córdova, 3d flr.).

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Jueves de teatro (Thursday theater) – “Entre Memorias y Recuerdos” (Between Memories and Remembrance) – The play will be at the sala “Alfonso Carrasco” in the CCE (Cordero y P. Córdova) from jueves a sábado.  Cost: $5.00.  (I could tell you who did the lighting or staging, but not the time.)

Articles about –

Foto exhibit – The show “Paisajes culturales de América Latina” (Cultural scenes of Latin America) opened anoche (last night – I can’t remember if this was already on the list of the words not to be translated) in the Museo de los Metales (av. Solano almost to 3 Puentes).  (The show sounds like it’s worth seeing.)

Puppets with a message – “Madreselva” is a show based on a story by childrens’ writer Edna Iturralde and is a defense of animals in extinction against displacement of nature by human activities.  The show will be mañana and sábado at 19:00 in the teatro de bolsillo at the Sono Centro Cultural (Borrero 6-83 y Pres. Córdova).

Forum – Researcher and speleologist Nelson Pineda Brito, is giving a conference on the “Cueva de los Tayos: civilizaciones perdidas” (Cave of the Tayos: lost civilizations) on jueves to students at 2 high schools.  The cave is in the sector Coangos, Cordillera del Cóndor, in the area where the 1995 war with Perú was fought.  (Had anyone of you ever heard about this war before you moved to Ecuador?).  There are unique cave dwelling birds, los tayos, and markings on the floors, walls and ceilings that are difficult to explain without saying they were intentionally done.  (Written by aliens – “Kilroy was here,” “AB loves CD,” and “Eat at Peptobisburgers.”)

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Trump dispone que se construya muro (Trump ready to build a wall) – He ordered the construction to start within months and promised it would reinforce the relations with Mexico which has already rejected the idea and said it would not pay for the wall.  The wall will be started with US funds, but Trump said that Mexico would repay it 100%.  (I wonder who are going to be on those construction crews. I bet a whole lot of Latinos if it’s a typical border state crew.  Heck, Chinese contractors in the East Bay had Hispanic workers.  Probably lousy Spanish on the one hand, and lousy Chinese on the other with crappy English from both sides.)

Sanctuary cities defunding – (You can get better information on line, but the issue is important enough that it’s on the front page of El Mercurio, albeit below the fold.)

“Nudo vehicular en la feria libre” (Traffic “knot” (jam) at the Feria Libre) – The paso a desnivel (a not level pass – underpass here) under the Simón Bolívar redondel was opened yesterday and resulted in a traffic jam at the Feria Libre.  One lane of the bridge over the Tomebamba is open and it has been split to carry both north and south bound traffic.  (It would be scary to see a bus or dumptruck coming at you.) Bus lines 8, 16, 28, and 100 will return to their normal routes.  (I hope you remember the normal routes after all this time.)

Petroecuador – 18 people were called to trial for the crime of bribery, 13 as direct perpetrators and 5 as accessories to the crime.  They are accused of receiving and making irregular payments through off-shore businesses in Panama.  The businesses were set up in their names or in the names of family members.  About $13.3 million was sent off shore corresponding to 12 contracts that the Baquerizo brothers signed with Petroecuador.

Elections – Paco Moncayo of the Acuerdo por el Cambio Party (Agreement for Change) was campaigning in Cuenca yesterday. Cynthia Viteri is in Cuenca today.

Voto 2017 – 7 more “fourth on the slate” candidates were interviewed.  (All women, 5 youngsters and only two with some wrinkles.  I guess this is one of the characteristics of a country with a large young population.)

Ordoñez Lasso – Comments are being taken on the request sent to INPC and the City Department for Historical and Patrimonial Areas that asks for houses on Lasso in the Santa María sector to be taken off the patrimonial list.  The project is finished and waiting for a date for the opening, but there are historic houses that are encroaching into the project area for the street widening.

Declaratorias antimineras (Anti-mining declarations) – More than 2,000 water system users are calling for a national assembly in the Tarqui Parish, Las Américas sector, este sábado a las 15:00. They will discuss the declarations by Cuenca and the province as metal mining free zones, and how to make it a reality.

Internacional –

Colombia – The military is getting ready to attack the “corazon” (heart) of the FARC dissidents who did not participate in the peace agreement.

Deportes –

Carrera 8k – The “Corriendo por la vida” (Run for life – not run for your life) 8k race will be on el domingo, 12 de febrero at 8:30, leaving from the parque El Paraíso. The run will benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  The announcement was made at the Federación Deportiva del Azuay, so you can probably sign in there.  Cost: $10.00.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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