Jueves, 28/7/2016: Fireworks regulations, Richard Clayderman in concert, Coastal sterilization, Tuna fishing ban

Jul 29, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Sorry about yesterday’s missing post.  The paper never came – I looked for it high and low.  It wasn’t under the car or overhead in the electric fence.   But I shouldn’t complain – this is the first time in over 4 years that it hasn’t beenchl jeanne logo delivered.

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming Agenda events –

Piano – German pianist, Richard Clayderman, will be in Cuenca on 8/9 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz as part of a tour.

Visita – The national president of the Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana (CCE), Raúl Pérez, will visit with the members of the CCE Azuay Fri at 09:00 in the Sala de Conciertos.

Thursday’s (Jueves) events –

Poetry – Writers Sonia Manzano and Antonio Santos recited Thurs. in the Pedro Páramo bookstore (Pres. Córdova y Luis Cordero, planta baja)  (Remember the lecture about floor labeling?  Planta baja would be the ground floor, with the primero piso (first floor) immediately above.  So would the piso 13 still be unlucky, or would it be piso 12?  Don’t make yourself crazy trying to figure it out.  In China it’s piso 4 that’s unlucky.)

Arte – “La música en la intimidad de los cuentos” (The music in the privacy of the stories) with the Comediantes Itinerantes from Peru was Thurs. in Tarqui Parish and at 19:00 in the Teatro de Cuba in the Milenium Plaza.

Gastronomía –  As part of the Semana del Perú, there was a cooking class Thurs. in the Seminario San Luis, taught by Michael Wagner.  (Is that an old Peruvian name?)

Guitarra – Sol Okarina held a guitar workshop Thurs. in the Sono Estudio Guitarrístico (Borrero y Pres. Córdova) Cost: $25.00.

Articles about –

Letters – Last Tuesday, to commemorate the birthday of El Liberador, letters between Simón Bolívar and Manuela Sáenz were read by 3 actors at the Quinta Bolívar.  The letters showed their love for each other as well as reflections on the political and military situation.  One letter, written by Bolívar on 6/8/1824 appointed Sáenz a “capitán de húsares” (Cavalry captain). (Maybe if she’d been a man, the appointment would have been to a general.   But that would be a whole different story and probably not one committed to paper.)

Libro – “Juegos tradicionales el Ecuador” (Traditional games of Ecuador) will be presented Fri. at 19:00 in the Sala de Conciertos in the CCE.  The story book will be part of the childrens’ collection.

Bandoneón – Viernes Cultural (Cultural Friday) at the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) will be Friday (duh) at 19:30 in the teatro Carlos Crespi and feature the group, “Aires de Bandoneón”.  (That’s the little accordion that’s used in tango music.)

Otras cosas –  
Titular –  Independiente, con honor Vicecampeón de América (Independiente, vice-champion of America with honor)  Fútbol – nuff said.

Water cut-off – The water cut-off that affected the area bounded by av. México, Unidad Nacional, y De Las Amèricas; and the Feria Libre, Puertas del Sol, and Cazhapata was not planned.  A truck disregarded the “Altura Maxima” notice (Maximum height – your words for the day and ones you should definitely know if you drive – especially if you drive a truck and carry high loads.) for the underpass on 12 de Abril.  It hit a 31.5 cm water supply line that hangs from the ceiling of the underpass. (Whether an unprotected water line should be hanging in an underpass in another issue which I’m sure some of you gringos will bring up as an example of Ecuadorians “not doing it the right way.”)  The underpass was flooded adding to traffic woes since 12 de Abril is one of the recommended alternate routes.  The first reports came in at 5 am and by 9 am, residents could call number 100 to ask for a water tanker to deliver water.  (See, if you spoke Spanish, instead of panicking when your shower just sputtered at you, you could have called ETAPA and found out what the problem was and at least ordered water to make coffee with.)

Tuna fishing ban – In order to preserve and conserve the stocks of tuna, there will be a ban on large scale tuna fishing.  The first part of the ban will be from this Fri. to 28/9 and involve 45 class 4, 5, and 6 fishing boats that use nets.  The second part of the ban will be from 18/11 to 18/1/2017 and involve 58 boats.  (So does that mean the price of fresh tuna at the mercados will be going up?)
Manta – ARCA, the International Humane Society, Inge y Neil Palmer, the City of Manta, and the local group Dayko (named after a rescue dog who died in Manta) are holding a massive sterilization campaign.  (Guys, you can stop cringing and let go of your balls now, we’re talking dogs and cats.)  The plan is to spay and neuter over 500 pets from households with limited means in the urban fringe around “ground zero” in Manta.

Ordenanza de pirotécnicos (Fireworks ordinance) – Legislation proposed by Mayor Cabrera will regulate the manufacture of fireworks to reduce risks.  Fireworks factories participated in the drafting of the ordinance which will include locating factories a minimum of 150 m. away from populated areas and community facilities such as police substations (think maybe the cops would fire back?), National Police and military quarters, hospitals and communications facilities.  Fabrication would not be allowed in homes, retail locations or the offices of the factory.  It would require “polverines” (special storage for explosives) separate from the workshop itself.  Fireworks shows would be classified according to size and “firepower.”

Cantón Morona – This canton in Morona Santiago will celebrate 462 years since its founding.  The festivities will start on 5/8 and end on 29/8 and include a mass, artisan fair, shows, a livestock fair, dancing, sports and food, including muquindi (gusano de la chonta – a grub.)  There’s a picture of a chef assembling some architectural plate with 4 kinds of tubers and gusano and I can’t tell which is flora and which is fauna.) Many tourists are leery about eating the grubs, but try them and like them, especially since they are supposed to have curative properties for asthma and anemia. (They’re on my culinary bucket list.  Maybe when I’m too blind to tell them from shrimp.)

Internacional –
Perú – Pedro Pablo Kuczynski assumed the presidency of Peru Thurs, taking over from Ollanta Humala. Ecuador Vice President Jorge Glas attending the inauguration.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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