Jueves, 29/9/2016: Owner could be jailed for mistreating his dog, 6k bike ride for everyone, New crafts center inaugurated

Sep 30, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Jueves) agenda events – chl jeanne logo

Exposición fotográfica – Cuencana photographer Gabriela Parra opened her photo exhibit “Ánima” Thurs. in the Vestíbulo of the Teatro de la Casa de la Cultura (Luis Cordero y Pres. Córdova)

Sinfónica – The OSC played its 4th concert of the 2nd season Thurs. night.  The program includeed “Rapsodia sobre un tema de Paganini” and the Sinfonía N. 1 by Serguíe Rajmaninov with soloist Chris McCrachen.

Taller – Based on the workshop “El cuerpo como interfaz de creación” (The body as interface of (for?) creation) which explores use of the body as a creative and expressive tool for visual poetry), instructor and curator Mariá José Machado will present “una velada de acción” (an evening of action) tonight at 19:00 in the Centro Cultural Casa de Chaguarchimbana.  The public is invited.  (I really wouldn’t know what to expect – anything from someone thrashing around on stage like an angry octopus with a label that says “angst,” to mime, to acting a la Charlie Chaplin.)

Articles about –

Ley de Cultura – Debate about the last parts of the Ley de Cultura is being held in the National Assembly before sending it to the President for either signature or veto. The law creates a National System of Culture whose rector will be the Ministerio de Cultura.  It will define contributions, obligations and powers of the state, public policy in the exercise of cultural rights and applies to access, promotion, and circulation of creativity, arts, social memory, patrimony, and innovation.  It will apply to individuals, communities, pueblos and collectives.  (Now to where it may affect more of you, dear readers – in the pocketbook.)  The law also includes a national plan for books and promotion of reading which will be financed by 5% of the “utilidades” (profits?) of the Development Bank of Ecuador and 10% of the cost of movies when they project foreign films.  (So is it worth an extra 10% to see a US film if the money is used to support reading?)  Students and faculty at the U. of Cuenca have reservations about the law on the issues of creative freedom, rights of the artists, decentralization of funding for cultural projects and democratic access.
Musical homage – Friday is the Día del Pasillo (a national musical genre) and will be observed tomorrow at 18:00 with live performances and a conference in the auditorium of the Ciencias Químicas at the U. of Cuenca.
Bienal – The directors of the Bienal are analyzing “aplazar” (delay – your word for the day – which is part of the cultural phenomena of Cuenca time.  You can also use tardar, demorar, or retrasar.) of the opening for a month.  Work is going ahead, but more time is needed to execute a loan from Foncultura.  Time is also needed for the public contracting process for purchases and work.

“El perpetuo exiliado” – This book by Raúl Vallejo Corral was presented today at 19:00 at MMAM.  It is about the expresident José María Velasco Ibarra who was elected to the presidency 5 times but only served one complete term.  (He was deposed or run out of office the other 4 times.  Makes you wonder why he was elected multiple times, but I guess the few years between each election was enough to make the electorate forget why they ditched him the last time.)

Please let me know by commenting on CHL if any of you is interested in the “Articles about” translations when there is no information about an upcoming event or performance in the article.  If there is little interest in the culture page articles, I would like to switch to translating more articles about local politics and the Feb. elections.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Plan ‘Cero Drogas’ en los Colegios (“Zero Drugs” Plan in the High Schools) – The plan was introduced yesterday to students, parents, teachers, and officials yesterday.

XXI Congreso Ecuatoriano de Oftalmología – The meeting of ophthalmologists in Cuenca ends Sat.  A spokesperson said the most commonly performed surgery is for cataracts.  He said there are about 36,000 new cases each year and 10,000 receive surgery.  Cuenca has higher risk factors for cataracts due to its altitude, dry air and higher exposure to UV rays.  Cataracts are one of the main causes of blindness in the country, but cataract surgery is one of the most well developed fields due to the availability of the latest technology.

Road opening – The intersections of Tarqui with Gran Colombia and Mariscal La Mar will open to cars and buses next week. There were plans to open it to private cars Thurs.  Heavier vehicles such as buses will have to wait until next week for the concrete to cure.  Bus lines 12, 20 and 28 will return to their original routes.  (If anyone can remember what those were.)

PRAC – The Portal Regional de Artesanías de Cuenca (the new crafts center – Bolívar y Huayna Cápac) will be inaugurated Fri. at 10:00.  There will be a Noche Cuencana with performances and a food fair.

Animal ordinance – The first case of animal mistreatment under the ordinance has been adjudicated.  A large breed puppy of 4 or 5 months was found tied up, underfed and in deplorable conditions at an auto body shop.  Neighbors had complained after the dog attacked them (Poor dog is probably psychotic living in those conditions). The owner was notified, and a follow-up visit found no improvements in the conditions.  The owner was cited and the proceedings should be resolved in a max. of 30 days.  (Let’s hope the poor puppy lives long enough to get some better treatment.)  The Cuenca Health Council estimates that there are 15,000 dogs and 4,000 cats that live on the streets with an overall population of 120,000 dogs and 40,000 cats.

Intercultural –

Article about – La Casa Museo de la Makana is where weaver José Jiménez (that’s not a joke for anyone who remembers Bill Dana’s “My name, José Jiménez”) is rescuing and reviving value for the traditional cloth called makanas.  He weaves the ikat patterns with traditional techniques and using traditional looms and other equipment.  He says that these ancestral techniques are being lost.  His museum, workshop and sales room is located in the vía to Gualaceo at km 10.55 in the San Pedro de los Olivos sector. (It’s definitely worth a visit – who knows if there will be this sort of hand woven cloth after he quits.  His kids aren’t learning the craft.)
Deportes –

Ciclo carrera 6K – Los bomberos (fire department) is organizing a bike ride and run this Sun., at 9:00 which will start and end at Station N. 3 on av. 27 de Febrero y Roberto Crespo.  The route will be 10 de Agosto, Pasaje el Paraíso, av. Pumapungo, av. Max Uhle, 24 de Mayo y Francisco Moscoso.  Register at their offices on De Las Americas y Miguel Heredia until Sat., between 8-16:30.  You will get a ticket and on the day of the race you can pick up a T-shirt after 7:00.  It’s a recreational run with no cash prizes for whoever finishes first, but everyone takes part in a raffle.  Free.  (Is this the race where fire fighters go thumping along in full gear?)

Stunt – Motorcycle acrobatics will be on show at the Colegio la Salle on 8/10.  Free. (So does that mean that the crazy lane splitting motos will now be doing it on one wheel – through traffic?)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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