Jueves, 6/4/2017: Freeway contract, Spay / neuter this weekend, Drag theater, Trees cut

Apr 7, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

I will be translating this Saturday’s paper and not Sunday’s. Another instance of lack of energy to do two demanding things in one day – especially if one of them takes 10 or 12 hours.

Pagina cultural –

Header event –

Exposición – The show “Pintura, Cerámica, Luz y Forma” (Painting, Ceramics, Light and Shape) by Fausto Bravo will open tonight at 18:30 in the Centro Cultural Municipal El Alfarero (Convención del 45 y Mariscal La Mar)

Articles about –

César Rivera y Napoleón Bravo – The two actors have each had 3 decade long careers.

Concierto – The Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca (OSC) will play tonight at 20:00 in the Catedral Vieja, MIchael Meissner directing. The program will include the “Marcha Eslava” by Tchaikovsky, and the “Sinfonía en Do Menor” by Ernest Bloch.

Librio – A compilation of the last 10 years of work of artist Servio Zapata will be launched today at 19:00 in MMAM (Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno). The paintings highlight the forests and the photos are in color.

Teatro drag – The theater group “Dionisios, Arte, Cultura e Identidad” (Dionisios, Art, Culture and Identity) will present “Umbral de flores” (Threshold of flowers) tonight at 20:00 in the sala “Alfonso Carrasco” in the CCE (calle Luis Cordero y Córdova) in the “Drag Faux” genre. This genre deconstructs the normal female form and exagerates this femininity. It questions a society that censures women for being women, and goes to an extreme for the public to assimilate the message.

Otras cosas –

Titular – G. Lasso reitera fraude: el CNE dice que es ‘infamia’ (G. Lasso reiterates fraud: the CNE says it is ‘infamy’) – <Another politician who thinks if he screams loud enough and often enough, what he wants will become the truth?>

Justifications – If you were obligated to vote and didn’t, you have to justify your reason for not voting in order to avoid paying the fine ($37.00). There are 4 reasons – a legal mandate that would prevent you from voting <Like serving a jail sentence at the time>, health reasons – for this you need a sworn statement from your doctor or IESS, if you suffered from a “calamidad doméstica grave” (Severe domestic calamity – your words for the day.) on voting day or in the 8 days preceding, or if you were out of the country or returned to the country on voting day. <I wonder what counts as a severe domestic calamity – my house fell down, for sure. My dog threw up? You decide.>

Vía rápida – A supplementary contract on the widening and reconstruction of the vía rápida (freeway – high speed highway) has been signed which will extend the contract 6 months. The work had a delivery date of 22/4 and is currently 98% complete. The original contract was for $94 million and the new one is $14 million. In the area of Turi Chico the reinforced earth retaining walls are being finished. In this sector, there will be a bilevel roadway. <There’s a lot of work going on – too much to list. So drive carefully – remember that road crews don’t always put out cones and suddenly you’re running into a repair crew, I hope not literally.>

Sterilization campaign – The Environmental Management Commission and their Animal Management Unit started a campaign to fix 2,000 pets in the periferal and rural zones without vet service. The campaign is aimed at pet owners with limited resources.

Trees – Trees along the Panamericana Norte in the Poliforo of the Univ. Católica de Cuenca sector are being cut down if they are in bad shape or create a risk for passersby. Last week 2 trees fell and blocked the road. It is recommended people drive with care. <Now besides all the other traffic hazards – other drivers, domestic animals and livestock, potholes, stretches of missing pavement, speed bumps, and blind corners – you’ll need to look up periodically to make sure a tree or the mountain isn’t falling on your car. But I still love it here.>

Fertilizer – EMURPLAG EP is selling organic fertilizer <If you’re a vegan, a member of PETA, or just sensitive you might want to stop reading here.> The first type is pig or cow poop processed with weeds and a 45k sack costs $4.00. The second is a liquid made with a base of blood and costs $6 for a 20 liter can. <You’ll have to contact EMURPLAG on your own to find out where to buy it.>

Free palms – The Prefectura del Azuay will give out 2,000 palm plants on viernes, 7/4 at 10:00 in the Casa de la Provincia. The palms were grown from seed by Agroazuay.

Spay/neuter campaign – There will be a campaign in Azogues this weekend with a veterinary team from ARCA. There will be a cost of $25 and you can get an appointment a Papelería Xavier’s (Matovelle y Serrano). Call 099 252 3445 or 282 3175 for more info.

Amenidades –

Miss Ecuador – The 22 contestants are in Cuenca for 4 days.

Discuentos y compras –

Indalum – metal cookware up to 50% off – 6, 7, & 8/4 – Gil Ramírez Dávalos 418 y Fco. Pizarro – 072 862 545 or 072 805 958.

Tosi – explosión de saldos (big sale) – 4-8/4 – Benigno Malo y Bolívar, esq.

Home Vega – incredible discounts in the whole store – 7, 8, & 9/4 – Ordóñez Lasso y La Higuerilla (sector Oro Verde).
And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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