Jueves, 7/4/2016: Call for Attorney General to resign, Pasillo winners, New online crafts store

Apr 8, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Upcoming event –

Teatro – “Dulcinea el amor de Don Quijote” will play from today to Sat in the sala “Alfornso Carrasco” at the Casa de la Cultura at 19:30.chl jeanne logo

Finished events –

A book launch – of “Dumapara.  Un sitio Kañari-Inka, atravesado por el Qhapaqñan” (Dumapara.  A Kañari-Inka site crossed by the Inka Highway.) (And don’t tell me the correct spelling of Kañari or Inka.  This is how the author spells it and who am I to correct it.   And who are you to correct it since most of you don’t even read Spanish.  You can correct me if you speak Quichua.)

A monologue – by María Beatriz Vergara “Ser mamá o morir en el intento” (I’m going to be a mother or die trying.).

Articles about –

Dance performances –  The Compañia de Danza Contemporánea de la Universidad de Cuenca  (all cognates, all yours to translate) is bringing performances to museums.  The first performance was Thurs. and the performances will continue through Sept.  In May they will premier “LSD” and “Soledades, encierros y abandonados.”  (Solitudes, confined and abandoned).

National music – The 2nd Gala de la Música Ecuatoriana sponsored by the Rotary Clubs was Wed. and Thurs.

“Patio Alvarado” – This space is in the house that the Fundación Municipal Bienal de Cuenca occupies (Bolívar 13-83 y Estévez de Toral) and will have a permanent photo exhibit of Alvarez’ photos.  The patio will be inaugurated on Sat. at 11:00 with a video tour of the house and a presentation from the Compañía de Danza Contemporánea de la U. de Cuenca. Patio hours will be M-F from 8:30-13:00 and 15-18:30.

Winner of the pasillo contest – Los Comarñejos won the Festival del Pasillo contest and will perform this Mon. along with el Quinteto Polifónico del Municipio del Cuenca and Mariela Condo.

Otra cosas

Titular – Toquilleras de Biblián exportan con marca país (Hat weavers of Biblián export with a national brand) – the cooperative received a license to export under the “Ecuador ama la vida” (Ecuador loves life) brand as well as their own Bibilak brand.

A woman – was drowned trying to complete a healing ceremony. The “baño de purificación” (purifying bath) had tragic results when she was swept into the river. The curandero is being investigated.  (Now there’s a case of the cure being worse than the ailment.)

Panama Papers – There are calls for Attorney General Galo Chiriboga to resign and for an impartial investigation.  Chiriboga is still saying “que no hay nada que investigar” (There’s nothing to investigate.)  (Isn’t that what Bill Clinton said, too?)

Inflation – in March was .14%.  Cuenca had the highest monthly inflation rate with .47% and Guayaquil followed with .40%.  The “canasta básica” (basic basket) costs $680.70 with family income at $683.20 assuming 1.6 workers in a family.

“SupertiendaEcuador” (SuperstoreEcuador) – is a new virtual shopping site featuring Ecuadorian artesanal products. Producers can register their products or services with prices and photos of goods.  Consumers can shop on line.  (You don’t even have to leave your couch.)

Geoportal – The City of Cuenca presented the Geoportal Municipal yesterday. It can be accessed through the city web page at www.cuenca.gob.ec and contains information about property records, permits and infractions at urban control (maybe planning and building services), locations of services that have permits, transit information, etc.

Multiferia – This fair with more than 200 exhibitors will be at the old Cuartel Cayambe from Fri. to next Tue.  (Maybe your taxista will know where the old military base is – I sure don’t)

Apple festival – The Bulán Parish in Paute is having its first Festival de la Manzana on Sat.  The parish produces 23 varieties of apples, saxumas (which I can’t find a translation for), reinaclaudias (a yellow plum), pears and other fruit.  The activities start at 9:00 and include a tour of orchards at 11:30. There will also be a 10 meter long torta de la abuela (grandmother’s cake – not a cake made out of granny.)

Fiesta Pachamama Raymi – Zamora Chinchipe invites you to the festival of gratitude to Mother Earth on 20/4.  The activities include the starting ritual on 20/4 at 5:00, a motor canoe ride at 9:00, and a touristic and intercultural walk at 13:00.  Thu, 21/4 opens the 1st National Chocolate festival with talks, a debate contest, conferences and a dance contest.  On Fri, 22/4 there will be a Summit of the People and Nationalities of Ecuador, exhibits, and acts of thanksgiving.  Sat. will have exhibits and a gallery, extreme sports, chicha de chonta tasting at 11:00, a blessing of the food at 12:30, a community lunch at 12:30, a bicycle ride at 13:00 and an evening show.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana – if I can still move my arm tomorrow – don’t run in a blinding rain if you can’t tell a normal curb from a low retaining wall.




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