Jueves, 7/4/2017: Inflation stays low, New park, Jesus Christ Superstar, Power outage, Serial killer on the loose?, Strike in Argentina

Apr 8, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Carmen – Bizet’s Carmen will be presented today at 20:00 by the Department of Arts in the U. of Cuenca. The work, “basada en el teatro fisico para sequencias actorales en las que se incorporá particuras musicales para propuestas de montaje” (based on the physical theater for actor sequences in which musical scores are incorporated for proposals of assembly) <And based on that artspeak, can you tell if they’re producing an opera or some hybrid of acting and opera – opera without the singing?>

Comedia – The monologue “Calle Cuchi” by Fabián Merchán will be tonight at 20:00 in the theater of the CCE.

Origami – An origami workshop was given today from 16-17:30 in the Centro Cultural Municipal El Rosal (calle Dalas y Carolina).

Música – Singer Pacho Marchán will perform today at 21:00 at calle Luis Cordero 9-14. Call 2837-285 y 098 110 9436 for reservations. <For many of you older readers, isn’t this show past your bedtime?>

Taller – There was a workshop for children from 7 on up at 15:00 on how to make “manillas” (woven bracelets). <which Google translated as either handles or handcuffs – Can you picture parents are taking their kids to handcuff making classes? Not something you’d want your kid learning. The kid would probably cuff you to the bed while you were asleep and lose the key leaving you to try explain your situation to the bomberos or policia.>

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Guitarra – A guitar workshop will be held each lunes, miércoles and viernes in abril in the Centro Cultural El Alfarero (Convención del 45 y Mariscal La Mar). Classes are aimed at youth and adults.

Danza – For The Día de la Danza, Sat. at 15:30, there will be classes open to the public in the parque De La Madre with tropical and kizomba rhythms. <Google it – kizomba seems to require women to have really, really nice butts with a range of motion beyond what most humans are capable of.>

Articles about –

Fausto Bravo – The artist’s show of ceramics and paintings is open in the galería El Alfarero on Convención del 45.

Música y danza – The show “In/fusión” is a mix of Andean and modern and will be presented tonight at 20:00 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz.

Jesucristo Superstar – The rock opera will be staged for the Fiestas de Cuenca and Semana Santa (Holy Week – your words for the day) on 13, 14, & 15/4 at 20:00 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. Get your tickets at El Surtido and La Victoria (El Centro, el Estadio and Monay Shopping). Cost: $15 for the “sector preferencial” (preferred seating) or $20 general. The project is an effort by the OSC and Coro Polifónico del U. of Cuenca.

Marionetas – From the French island of Reunión, Cuenca Georges, “inventor, aviador, explorador y un narrador loco” (inventor, aviator, explorer and a crazy storyteller), is here to tell you about the flying frog, the lira-bird and its horn-saw-camera, the seal and its buoy, the elephant and its tuba, the sea dragon disguised as seaweed, pokemon-nudibranchia, and other rare wonders. The show is today at 18:30 and tomorrow at 11:30 in the auditorium of the Alianza Francesa and has a message of consciousness of the environment.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Inalterable el conflict postelectoral (Unalterable post-election conflict) – Read the CHL article for details. <If I can’t have it I’m going to break it? Make your own comparisons between the behavior of the wannabe here and the one that got elected up there, and be grateful (or not) for the choice that was made here.>

Catholic Church – The Pres. of the Conferencia Episcopal Ecuatoriana called the decision of AP to support CREO’s challenge of alleged inconsistencies in 1,975 certifications an “acto de nobleza.” (an act of nobility). He called for the people in the street to stop the violence and return to peace. He said that the levels of violence are worrying the Church. <Would rioting be something you should confess to? I guess you’d go to confession only if you figured what you did was something you needed to atone for.>

Azuay votes – In Azuay, Lasso won 3 of the 15 cantons – Girón, San Fernando and Santa Isabel. These are the three cantons that have been most influenced by mining activites.

Inflation – According to the Índice de Precios al Consumidor (IPC – Consumer Price Index) March inflation was at .14% with Loja (.46%) and Guayaquil (.30%) leading. Machala and Esmeraldas were in negative territory with -.17 and -.33%. <An earthquake certainly would depress an economy.> In the 1st quarter of 2017, the rate was .42% and from March 2016 to 3/2017 the annual rate was .96%.

Calle Santa Ana – The street that runs from Benigno Malo to Padre Aguirre next to the New Cathedral will be re inaugurated this próximo martes at 18:00. They are currently testing the lighting.

Holy Week – <Excuse me if I misname things. Didn’t grow up Catholic.> Religious activities will start with the blessing of the branches on domingo at 9:00, followed by a eucharistic celebration. On 11/4 at 12:00 there will be a mass and confessions all day. <I wonder how you’d go about finding an English speaking priest.> On Holy Thursday there will be a Chrismal mass at 9:00, and a recreation of the Last Supper at 19:00. This is the same day as the Walk to the 7 Churches and the New Cathedral will stay open until midnight. On Good Friday, there will be a meditation on the last 7 Words at 9:00, a celebration of the Passion of Christ at 15:00, and the Vía Crucis (Stations of the Cross?) at 19:30.

Centrosur – There will be short electrical service interruptions while obsolete equipment is being replaced. The interruptions will be from 7:15 to 7:25 and from 21:00 to 21:10 until domingo. The work will be done in vaults underneath the intersections of Borrero y Sucre, Talbot y Sucre, Manuel Agustín Aguirre y 12 de Abril, Mariano Cueva y Sucre, and Mariscal La Mar y Benigno Malo.

New park – “El Recreo,” a new “parque inclusivo” (inclusive park), will be opened tomorrow at av. Primero de Mayo y Gaspar de Villarroel. The park will benefit not only the children in the neighborhood, but members of the Institute of Cerebral Palsy of Azuay which is next to the park. “El Recreo” is part of the “Cinturón Verde de Cuenca” Project (Cuenca Green Belt).

Ad for – Livestock fair with an auction, things for farmers, government agencies, etc. – Sector Estación de Cumbe – eventos@centroagricolacuenca.com – 072 818 465 0999 962 909.

Chordeleg – The canton will celebrate its 25 years as a canton starting today with a filagree exposition that’s long over. There are events through 23/4 that include opening of water and sewer systems, a health fair and honoring teachers. Next Fri, 14/4 will have a food fair at 10:00 and a photo show at 11:00.

Serial killer(?) – Citizens are upset at the recent killings in March and April. At the moment, authorities are rejecting that there is a serial killer stalking his victims. Police are investigating the cases – one hear the Amaru Zoo, one in the Guangarcucho transit distributor <I don’t know what that is either.>, and an attempted shooting in a forest between the Reina del Cisno barrio and the vía Cuenca-Azogues. <See – without your Spanish connection, you could have continued in ignorant bliss while your Cuencanan neighbors were worrying about getting shot.>

Amenidades –

Movies – As usual, go to www.multicines.com.ec for show times and locations. The following movie opens this week:

2D Los pitufos 3 – Esp.

The following movies are continuing. All are in 2D and in Spanish. <I guess you monolingists are out of luck this week.)

Jefe en pañales
La bella y la bestia
Vigilante el futureo
Kong: Isla Calavera
Power rangers

Internacional –

Argentina – The Confederación General del Trabajo (Work) succeeded in paralyzing the country with a general strike against Macri’s government. The unions complained about high inflation which was over 40% in 2016. <Aren’t you glad you retired in Cuenca and didn’t buy that sweet little vineyard in Mendoza?>

Venezuela – Thousands of Venezuelans marched against the judges on the Supreme Court whom they accused of staging a coup.

Colombia – The next item on the agenda for the Colombian peace talks is demining. The chief negotiators announced they are in agreement with a developing a humanitarian demining pilot program. <Does that mean they don’t intend to send soldiers into a minefield to randomly deactivate the mines with their feet? They need to send in the rats. (Google it)>

Colombia – The number of deaths in the landslide in Mocoa rose to 303. 183 have been identified – 14 by the family context and 169 through fingerprints.

Discuentos y compras –

Expo of furniture making supplies – 7 & 8/4 – Salón Yanuncay in the Mall del Río Convention Center – until 20:00 tonight and from 10-20:00 tomorrow – wood, thread, stains, cloth, tools, glues, synthetic leather and more.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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