Jueves, 7/7/2016: Airport work schedule, Musicians’ workshop, River watch, Rock and Roll seminar, Tiger rescued at Feria Libre

Jul 8, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming events –

Gaceta Cultural – The July issue of the Cultural Gazette, published bychl jeanne logo República Sur is in circulation with poems by Juan Bermeo and Alexander Ávila, a graphic novel, and opinion pieces.

“Sueños del Antaño (Dreams of Yesteryear) – This Thu, from 19:00 in the Museo Pumapungo, organizers of a photo album project will be collecting old photos to create and album of memories of Cuenca.

Teatro – Theater students at the U. of Azuay are inviting the public to attend their final performances including experimental dramatic works.  (They don’t say when or where.  I think maybe the students really don’t want you to see them perform.)

Articles about –

Exhibit – Eduardo Segovia and Boris Ordóñez are showing paintings and ceramics in the two salas at the Salón del Pueblo in the Casa de la Cultura.

Blas Garzón – The professor of history at the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana in Cuenca and a doctor of history at the U. Pablo de Olavide in Seville, Spain will be inducted as a member of the National Academy of History in a public ceremony tomorrow at 19:00 in the Monseñor Leonidas Proaño Auditorium at UPS.  (This is one of those items I wouldn’t have translated except that you wanted everything on the cultural page translated.)

Micro books and photo books – The La Komuna Collective held a micro-book workshop yesterday and will have a poetic photo-book workshop starting Sat. that will last 6 weeks.  The course will cost $35 and include the cost of materials.  Call 099 202 3651 or 099 557 0736 for more info.  (Or have your facilitator call for you.)

Recording seminar – Home Studios is giving an intensive 6-hour seminar directed at adult musicians (this isn’t one of the vacation camp activities for kids.).  The instructor, Daniel Alba is a sound engineer and music producer at Zampol Productions and 2nd Story Sound in Manhattan.  There will be a free talk on Thu, 14/7 with the intensive workshop on Sat, 16/7 at Más Música (Borrero y Pres. Córdova). Cost:  $40 for preregistrations or $50 on the day of the event.  (Don’t ask me the time – it didn’t say so it’s on you to get your lazy butt to Más Música and get your own details.)
Chamber music – The Chamber Music Group of the U. of Cuenca had a recital tonight at 19:00 in MMAM.

Otras cosas –  
Titular – Obras en la pista no fueron consultadas (Work on runway not consulted) – The director of DGAC (Dirección General de Aviación Civil (General Directorate of Civil Aviation)) explained to Azuayan assembly members that the runway recapping done in Feb., 2016 by the Corporación Aeroportuaria de Cuenca (Corpac) was not done in consultation with DGAC or with its approval.  It was part of the airport’s maintenance plan and that rigorous testing showed the work done was deficient. (Finger pointing?)  The director said that there were no reports about runway deficiencies before the recapping and that after testing the recap, he sent a alert, including to airline crews about using the runway when wet.  (Finger pointing while covering your butt. That’s why God gave us two hands.)

Corpac is supposed to send a work schedule this coming Mon., and the actual work should start at the end of July or the beginning of Aug.

The president of the Accident Investigation Board said that it is investigating the causes of the accident and is aiming at delivering the final report at the end of the year.  He indicated that there are indications as to the cause, but he can’t make them public until the conclusion of the investigation.

Co-titular – Crece congestión vehicular (Vehicular congestion grows) – The congestion due to the closure of Las Américas between the redondel Simón Bolívar and calle del Batán to build a Tranvía platform has has become “insoportable” (unbearable – your word for the day).

Remittances – Remittances to the Andean Community (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú) have increased.  Year over year 4th quarter amounts increased 6.7%.  It was highest for Colombia at 10.2%, followed by Peru – 5.7%, Ecuador – 4.8%, and Bolivia – 0.4%.  The US and Spain were the two main originating countries, sending $1,763 million in the 4th quarter of 2015.  That amount represents 60.8% of all reported remittances during that period.  (Does that mean the economy in the US is getting better for the average person?)

Public announcement – The Municipal Tourism Foundation is asking for hotels that want to participate in a 2 nights for the price of 1 promotion between 15/7 and 29/9.  Hotels can can call 2841-232 or register at iturescuelacentral@cuencca.com.ec.  (I guess this is to try counter balance the pain of getting here.)

River monitoring – The Consejo de Seguridad Ciudadana de Cuenca (CSC – Council for Citizen’s Security) is enlarging its monitoring system to warn of rising water and to caution about safe use of public spaces.  The system consists of 6 stations on the Yanuncay and Tomebamba rivers with a video camera and a speaker.  The info is monitored 24 hours at a central office and if the cameras see anything odd Guardia Ciudadana units are dispatched.  The increase would add 6 more stations and install them on the Tarqui and Machángara Rivers as well.
Two new police generals – 6 colonels of the Policía Nacional were promoted to generals including the first two women to hold the highest rank in the force.  The Police Commander said that in 78 years, the police becomes the first heirarchic institution to have gender equity.  (I’m confused about the verb tenses used and it didn’t make any more sense after I ran it through Google Translate.)  One of the women commented that it was hard to win the respect of society and within the force. (My hat’s off to both those women.  Hard enough to be a woman in any police or military force, but to add on the Ecuadorian machismo?  Superwomen!)

Tigrillo – An ocelot was rescued from Feria Libre and taken to the Amaru Zoo.

Amenidades –
Thursday Rock and Roll Workshop Series – A History of Rock and Roll Workshop will be every Thur. for 2 months at 19:00 in the Museo de la Ciudad.  Max. cap. 120 persons.  The schedule is (all Thursdays):
7/7 – Beatles and Rolling Stones
14/7 – The Doors and Jimi Hendrix vs Janis Joplin
21/7 – Led Zeppelin & The Who
28/7 – Pink Floyd & Rush vs Yes (Who? – never heard of them – I guess I just got too old.)
4/8  – Black Sabbath & Deep Purple vs Rainbow
11/8 – ACCD & Iron Maiden
18/8 – Queen & Supertramp vs. White Snake
25/8 – Metallica & Megadeth
1/9 – Guns and Roses & Nirvana
2/9  – Rock Latino & Rock Ecuatoriano (This must be the yapa.)

Discuentos y compras –

Areldi Jeans – 50% off everything – 7, 8, 9, 10/7 – Bolívar y G. Torres, Mall del Río, Monay Shopping, C.C. El Vergel.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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