Jueves, 9/2/2017: Partial road closure, Petroecuador scandal, Home loan interest rate lowered, Goodbye to archbishop

Feb 10, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Conservatorio José María Rodríguez – The school will observe its 79th anniversary on 14/2 and is preparing a musical program.

Articles about –

Teatro – A final project by students in the School of Acting in the Department of Arts at the U. of Cuenca was performed.  “Carmen, sobre la tarde, con galletas de avena quemada” (Carmen, in the afternoon, with burnt oatmeal cookies) was about questioning the nature of the human being.  (A screwed up species that should never have been allowed out of the trees.)

Essay – Patricia Suárez Donoso wrote an essay titled “Un minuto de silencio.” (Congratulations on translating that on your own.)

Murals in Paute – The CCE and Education District No. 6 have launched a mural project for children and youth to celebrate the cantonization of Paute at the end of febrero.  The murals painted in the “Minga de Colores” project will showcase the plants and animals of the area.  (So if you live in Paute look for murals in some of the public spaces – like the walls around schools.)

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Fieles se despiden de “Moncho” (Faithful say goodbye to “Moncho”)   You can pay your respects at the Catedral de La Inmaculada between 7-22:00 today.   On viernes at 8:00, there will be eucharistic celebration, at 9:00 a tribute by the authorities, and a solemn mass at 12:00.

Tranvía – La Federación de Barrios de Cuenca (FBC – Federation of Barrios of Cuenca) which represents 242 neighborhoods, gave the Mayor a petition signed by 700 people asking and supporting the Mayor to unilaterally terminate the contract with CCRC.  The document also includes resolutions about water sources and mining.  One point was a demand that the National Government suspend the Río Blanco and Loma Larga mining projects.

Photography course – Juan Carlos Astudillo will give a workshop on basic photography techniques and photographic composition over 3 sábados – 11/2m 18/2m and 4/3.  Attendees must have a manual DSLR camera.  The workshop will be in the sala de conciertos at the CCE.  (I wonder if the CCE wrote this?  They’re usually really good at letting you know all you need to know to get to their events.)

Petroecuador – Attorney General Galo Chiriboga responded in a press release to Carlos Pareja Yannuzelli’s (aka Capaya from his name) 2 videos posted on “capaya-leacks” (sic).  Pareja said he was called by Chiriboga on 26/9 and told that he (Chiriboga) had arrived from Panama with compromising information.  That afternoon, Pareja went to Jorge Glas’s office who confirmed to Pareja that he should leave the country.

However, a press bulletin was released by the AG’s office 3 days before Pareja fled announcing that charges were being formulated against him.  (That in itself should have been enough to tell Pareja to pack his money bags and scoot.)  And there was no record of calls to or from Pareja’s phone in the period between 25/10 and 28/10 when he left the country.

In the second video Pareja asks Chiriboga if he can take a lie detector test with one question – “Did you pick up a suitcase with money in the Quito Swissotel.  Yes or no.”  Chiriboga answered NO.  (What prosecutor in their right mind would let the suspect write the questions and limit it to only one?)

Loans – Biess approved a reduction in interest rates, an increase in the loan terms, and an increase in the loan to income ratio for unsecured loans to the retired and pensioners.  Interest rates will be 10.99% for a one year loan up to 12.99% for a 4 or 5 year loan.  Loan amounts can be up to 80 basic salaries or $30,000.

Partial road closure – ETAPA announced that the Panamericana Norte at Km. 14 in the Cruz Loma sector will be partially closed on sábado, 11 de febrero for 2 days to install sanitary sewers in the sector.  ETAPA recommends taking the vía rápida Azogues-Cuenca for traffic coming into the city.  Outbound traffic will be restricted to only 1 lane.  Slow down and drive carefully.

Announcement – Political scientist Gloria Álvarez will talk on “República vs Populismo” on viernes, 10/2 from 8:15-10:00 in the auditorium of the Cámara Comercio Cuenca (Cuenca Chamber of Commerce).  Buy your tickets at the chamber, space is limited. Cost: $15 for members and students, $30 for the general public.

Voto 2017 –

Ballots – The ballot that will be used to vote for Azuay’s Assembly representatives was shown.  Voters need to pick 5 representatives from a field of 14 “listas” (lists/slates), each with 5 candidates.  (So unless you vote the party slate and only need to research 14 parties, you’d have to select from 70 candidates. Maybe this is why the US has a 2 party system.  Less work for the voters.)

Simulation – Tomorrow there will be a simulation of the Voto en Casa (Vote at Home) system for the 109 citizens of Azuay who registered, are over 65 years old, and more than 75% disabled. The actual vote at home will be on 17/2, two days before the regular election.  (It sounds like the voting officials will drive the 10 routes that the home voters live on.  (I guess they need to see if they can find the houses – turn right on the dirt road after the big dead tree and then turn left after the 2 big rocks.  Don’t mind the dog – he’s vicious, but old and slow, and he doesn’t have any teeth.)

Polls – Yesterday was the last day that communications media could publish poll results.  Violation of this limitation that starts 10 days before the elections could cost the media outlet a fine of $5-20,000.

Road opening – Mariscal Lamar between Tarqui y Estévez de Toral was opened yesterday to local traffic only.  There are no traffic signals, markings, etc.  Drive with care.

Your sliver of life article today – is about a minga in the ciudadela La Cascada between Pichincha y 10 de Agosto.  About 40 neighbors helped build a “cancha” (multiple use court) in a minga that started last sábado.  Before the work, neighbors had bingos to raise money for snacks and drinks and to pay certain workers. The Prefectura del Azuay (Prefecture of Azuay) supplied construction material such as concrete, sand and rocks as well as skilled workers and technicians.

Amenidades –

Concierto – Ecuadorian singer Juan Fernando Velasco will perform with Colombian artist Santiago Cruz on 11/2 at 17:00 in the Coliseo Jefferson Pérez.  It will be the first concert in Cuenca with the 360 format.  Tickets are available at Doña Menestra, Almacenes El Surtido, San Isidro bakery and Coffe and Musicalísimo at Mall del Río. Tickets are $20, $30, or $45.

Internacional –

Colombia – The CNE of Colombia is investigating whether money from Odebrecht wound up in the 2014 campaign.  Attorney General Néstor Humbeto Martínez explained that ex-senator Otto Bula who was detained for receiving bribes from Odebrecht, affirmed in a legal declaration (sworn statement?) that from the $4.6 million he received, $1 million was to go to Roberto Prieto, Pres. Santos’ campaign manager.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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