Landslides close highways, Carjacking victim was drugged, March for the disabled, French movie festival, Exhibit of women’s drawings

Dec 2, 2019 | 1 comment

Lunes, 2/12/2019

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

<For once, every event on the page is actually happening in the future.>

Exposición – There is an art exhibit at the Museo de Arte Moderno Municipal where the public can interact with the 6 exhibiting artists. The artists submitted their works 70% complete and will finish the last 30% during the exhibit which runs to 12/12. Museum goers and watch the artists work and ask them questions.

Exposición – “El arte en tiempos contemporáneos” by Virgilio Quinde will open el 4 de diciembre a las 19:00 in the old Escuela Central. One of his works is the monument to the “Chola Cuencana” at España y Huayna Cápac.

I Festival de Cine Cuenca Patrimonio – The first film festival “Cuenca, World Heritage Site” will run until el miércoles, 4/12, with screenings in various neighborhoods. Tuesday’s film will be in the Barrio Cayambe a las 19:00. The festival will close el miércoles at the Coliseo Greco-romano in Turi a las 19:00. Free.

Landslide closes a lane of the Cuenca-Azogues autopista.

Book launch – “Ficción de Origen” will be presented el miércoles, 4/12 in the Liberería Palier. Get your free tickets, which is a box with a surprise inside, at the Librería Palier.

Ceramics prize – The first edition of the “Premio a la Cerámica” will be el viernes, 6/12 a las 19:00 in the Casa Municipal El Alfarero (calle Convención del 45 y Mariscal Lamar).

IX edición del Festival de Cine Francés 2019 – The 9th edition of the 2019 French Film Festival will be from martes, 3/12 to viernes, 6/12 in the auditorio of the Alianza Francesa Cuenca. Free.

Muestra – An exhibit of drawings, “50 Mujeres de Nuestra Historia” (50 Women of Our History) will open el jueves, 5/12 a las 10:00 iin the Casa de la Provincia (Tomás Ordóñez 8-69 y Simón Bolívar).

Conferencia – The Department of Architecture and City Planning is holding a conference titled “El Futuro del Pasado, caminos hacia la gobernanza participativa del patrimonio cultural” from 2-6/12 from 8:30 to 18:30. <Sounds like something very academic and guaranteed to work better than Ambien.>

Otras cosas –

Titular – Discapacidad física predomina en Azuay (Physical disability predominates in Azuay) – About 15,000 people in Ecuador walked for the Día Internacional de las Personas con Discapacidad este domingo which is on el 3/12. There were 400 entrants in Cuenca accompanied by 600 family and friends. 29,000 people with disabilities are registered with CONADIS, most with physical disabilities. CONADIS (Consejo Nacional para la Igualdad de Discapacidades (National Council for Disabled Equality)) <Not what Google Translate said, but this sounded good to me.> The Council registers 4 types of disabilities: physical, sensory, intellectual and psychosocial (mental).

Reina a de los Barrios – Alisson Jiménez, representing Cayambe, was elected Queen of the Barrios. She is a 23-year-old biologist and besides being queen, is the ambassador of tourism for Cuenca.

Carjacking – The owner of a Toyota Yaris was found by a cab driver last Saturday morning on the sidewalk, semi-conscious with blows to his legs and lacerations on his face. He had been sedated with a toxic substance and his car stolen. It was later seen and intercepted. The police took 2 men and 1 woman into custody.

Road closures – The weekend rains caused 3 landslides. There was a large slide, which started in febrero of this year at km. 86 in the Uchucay sector of the vía Cuenca-Girón-Pasaje. it was cleared and machinery will stay on site to keep it open. The second slide was on the vía Gualaceo-Plan de Milagro in the Ingamullo II sector. One lane has been opened, but alternate routes are faster. The 3d slide was on the vía Cuenca-Azogues in the 12 de octubre sector. About 440 cubic meters of material fell on the road. Southbound traffic was diverted at the Mall del Río and detoured onto Don Bosco.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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