Latam to increase number of Cuenca flights, Moreno has party support, Car sales up 62%, Carbon footprint

Nov 9, 2017 | 0 comments

Miércoles, 8/11/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming agenda event

Book launch – “Aprender bellas palabras: El cine de Pedro Costa – comunidades, migraciones, ficciones” (Learn beautiful words: Pedro Costa’s films – communities, migrations, fictions) by María del Pilar Gavilanes Ribadeneira, will be launched el viernes a las 19:00 in “Los Molinos del Batán.” The author will be at the event.

Articles about –

Festival de la Lira – The theme of this year’s poetry competition is “Las aguas profundas: poesía y naturaleza” (Deep waters: poetry and nature)

“Todo Métrica” (All Metric) – This exhibit of paintings by Jaime Cárdenas will open el próximo lunes en MMAM. The show’s title describes his paintings which are geometric.

CCE – The Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana is organizing meetings for those interested in being part of one <or more?> of the 8 sections of CCE. <If you don’t speak Spanish, you can stop reading now unless you like to go to places where you don’t understand a word spoken. Is that learning by immersion?> Ayer y hoy, the Visual and Plastic Arts and the Literature sections met. The next meetings are for Ecology on martes, 14/11 in the CCE lobby and on Music on miércoles in the Sala de Conciertos. Each section will analyze its sitation and a coordinator and a secretary will be selected.

Watercolors – “Cuenca Patrimonial” (Heritage Basin – sometimes using a translation program just to save typing backfires.) <Now let me try again. Patrimonial Cuenca – now that was a let down since you’d already translated it for yourself, right?> A show of dreamy watercolors of corners and places in Cuenca by Guido Álvarez, architect, will opened Wed. in the Museo Pumapungo.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Mayoría del bloque de AP con Moreno (Majority of AP block with Moreno) – 46 of the 74 asambléistas (Assemblypersons) <I like asambleístas. It’s not gender specific and English gender unspecific words are often unwieldy, the original word tending to refer to men. Such as assemblymen or mailman which wound up being assembly member and mail carrier – see? longer.> confirmed their support of Pres. Moreno and the referendum via an announcement by José Serrano, Pres. of the National Assembly. No position was taken on the possible impeachement of VP “sin funciones” (without functions/duties) Glas.

Opposition – In its second attempt at impeachment, the opposition has 55 signatures including one from an AP delegate.

Automotive sector – The automotive sector has bounced back 62% over 2016 nationally, but has not reached the level of sales from 2008 to 2014. In Azuay, the increase was 71%. <Must be all of us gringos lifting the market singlehandedly.> Light vehicle sales from 1-9/2017 in the following segments were: cars – 48.4%, SUVs – 35.2%, and pickups – 16.4%. In Azuay, sales by manufacturer was: Chevy – 40%, Kia – 14.7%, Hyundai – 12.3%, Toyota – 6.5%, Ford – 4.3%, Hino – 4.1%, Great Wall – 3.4%, Nissan – 2.5%. VW Amaroks are assembled Ecuador and currently available at an introductory price of $36,990 for the 4×2 and $46,990 for the 4×4. Auto financing options have also increased. Financing from a national institution requires a down payment of 35%, but loans from cooperativas were not included in that Resolution of the Monetary Board. There is also direct manufacturer’s credit.

Municipal employee jailed – A City employee in the purchasing department was sentenced to preventive prison after being accused of concusión (extortion, soliciting a bribe). He was reported by his victim who was asked for a percentage or commission of his contract with the city. The employee was arrested in the Monay sector and his house and office were searched.

Odebrecht – The Attorney General has filed charges against Odebrecht as a “legal person” for the alleged crime of tax fraud. Odebrecht allegedly used 5 off shore companies in tax havens to evade $120 million in taxes. The AG’s office has reviewed transactions for more then $120 million which didn’t match with declared income.

Pollution – Cuenca’s carbon footprint was 1,500.33 tons of CO2 in 2016, representing 4% of the emissions in Ecuador. Urban Cuenca was responsible for 80% of that footprint and rural Cuenca for the rest. Transportation accounts for 55% of the pollution, industrial for 16%, residential uses for 15%, waste for 10%, commercial/institutional for 4% and agriculture for .0003 <Does that include all the cow farts?> The total direct water footprint of the canton is 87,402,821 cubic meters which could supply potable water to the whole canton for 3 years. <I feel like I’m missing something in there.>

Circo Social – The metal structure for the Circo Social will be disassembled. As VP, Moreno spearheaded the social circus programs in Guayaquil, Quito, Cuenca, Loja and Ten in 2012. The program was for children and young people in vulnerable situations to help them build confidence and skills to overcome traumatic circumstances. The structures were built, but the fabric of the tents failed.

Airlines – This morning, LATAM announced an increase in the number of flights between Guayaquil-Quito and Quito-Cuenca. Weekly flights will increase to 19 from the current 11.

Linear accelerator – The linear accelerator used in cancer treatments at the IESS hospital is not working due to the theft of a cable which has to come from Holland. The 39 patients receiving treatment will be treated at SOLCA which has 2 accelerators.

Road closure – From 25-27/11, the viá El Descanso-Puente Europa will be closed for work to install the dynamic barrier on the cerro (hill) El Tahual. Precious testing showed that one post needs more anchors and therefore more drilling. Hours of the closure will be from 9-17:00. The road will be open on weekends.

Amenidades –

Bridal show – There will be a bridal runway show on el jueves 23/11 in the Jardines de San Joaquín. Proceeds will benefit the Club Rotario Cuenca Yanuncay which treats over 400 children a month at their dental office, helps with surgeries on harelip and cleft palate, and helps with prothesis. <Something you can do that will have nothing to do with Thanksgiving.>

Descuentos y compras – Seems like another car ad issue

Chery – Practivan Karry – 11 passenger tourist van <or large families> – $14,990 incl. IVA – Cuencauto – España 8-31 y Barcelona – 099 886 8322 or 099 052 5882.

Nissan – from 9-11/11, extended hours to 20:00 el jueves y viernes & to 17:00 el sábado – X-Trail “2 filas” (2 rows <of seating?>) – $39,990 –

Sukasa – Washing machines – your old washer is worth a 20% discount on a new Mabe, Samsung, LG Electrolux, Indurama or Panasonic washer – 9-12/11. Your old washer will be donated to the Fundación Dejemos Huellas.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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