Love may not be all you need, but it sure helps

Jan 28, 2018 | 0 comments

By Robert Bradley

I’ll confess that I, like many men, do not handle being sick very well. At all.

So, when I began to feel a bit punky on Wednesday morning, rather than lay in a cache of fruits and juices, or make a cauldron of soup, or buy an assortment of comfort food that would at least allow me the cover of pretending I was being proactive, I did what many do. I simply ignored my symptoms and carried on. Bad idea.

By Wednesday afternoon I was moaning, groaning, dehydrated, fevered, sore as a defeated boxer, and sweating like an eight-year-old in a Nike factory.

I am no better this morning.

A neighbor came by to help earlier, but I noticed he kept looking at my shoes.

It was obvious. He all but muttered, “Jeez, those are pretty nice. I wonder if they will fit me, ‘cause it sure don’t look like he’s gonna need them ever again”.


If you haven’t yet gotten your flu shot, do. It may not keep those bugs from breaching your defenses and laying siege to your immune system — but it will certainly moderate your illness and save you days of discomfort.

I am finding comfort elsewhere.

“Love is all you need” may not be exactly accurate but it sure helps to turn your attention away from your own distress toward others and in love’s direction.

These pics make me feel better.


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