Lowdown on Oña, Mozart, Gabacho Maroc and Santa Catalina Chorus in concert, 5k, 8k, and 10k runs

Nov 13, 2017 | 0 comments

Domingo, 12/11/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events from el domingo y el sábado –

“Memorias Parroquiales Rurales” (Rural Parish Memories) – This project of 22 stories that preserve the oral tradition of the city will be presented el próximo viernes a las 10:00 in el Museo de la Ciudad.

Coro – The 30 voice Santa Catalina Chorus will perform el martes próximo <The word order I’ve been using is not sacred. It still means next Tuesday.> in the Museo Catedral Vieja a las 20:00 with a program of popular music. Free. <Gringo magic words. Free – gratis.>

Música – Gabacho Maroc will give a concert el próximo martes a las 20:00 in the teatro Sucre. The group plays on Western, African and Eastern instruments. Ingreso libre. (Free)

Ópera – La Flauta Mágica by Mozart will be performed from miércoles al viernes próximos a las 20:00 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. Cost: $20 & $30.

Awards ceremony – The award for the winner of the 5th drawing contest for children, “El Color de los Valores” (The Color of Values) <Seems like values ought to come in more than one color.> will be presented el próximo miércoles a las 18:30 in the Mansión Viscaya.

Concierto – There will be a concert on 18/11 a las 19:00 in Gullanzhapa (Tarqui) to celebrate the 7th Anniversario del Ballet Andino Sumak Pakarina.

Articles about –

Remigio Crespo – There was a ceremony to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the crowning of the poet, Dr. Remigio Crespo Toral in the Museo Remigio Crespo. The gold crown is on display along with documents leading to the coronation. <Hope their security is better than a couple of years ago when they couldn’t stuff in their collection.>

Charlas – Víctor Mayo-Swami Shivananda gave talks on “La Ciencia de la Conciencia” (The Science of Consciousness) el jueves pasado in the Escuela de Valores Divinos. It was an introduction to a conference that will be held on the 18 & 19/11. <And that’s all she wrote, so if you want more info, try Googling the school.>

Filme – “Tayos” will premier on 24/11 in theaters in Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca. The film is an 86 min. documentary about the Cueva de Los Tayos which is in Shuar territory and to whom the cave is a sacred place. The film explores the limits of what science can explain and what it doesn’t. The cave is a 200 million year old formation and has been visited by scientists, explorers, geologists, ufologists, mystics, andinistas (mountaineers – your word for the day. After all, the Alps and alpinistas aren’t the only mountains and climbers in the world.>, and adventurers. <My only question is, why aren’t they premiering this in Vilcabamba?>

Otras cosas –

Titular – Lo “online” se pone de moda al hacer radio (“Online” becomes a new trend for radio) – The U. of Cuenca, Casa de la Juventud, and the City of Cuenca all have online radio programming.

Toquilla – There was a fashion parade for designs using paja toquilla <The straw “Panama” hats are made out of.> mixed with imported Italian leathers and other fibers such as lambswool along the calle Rafael María Arízaga. Some of the designers and manufacturers included Artesanías Joselo and JOAN HAT (Pedro López de Argudo 4-05, Ciudadela Mutualista Azuay, sector Cebollar); Andean Chic by Cecilia Chabla; Pamar y Compañía Exportadora de Sombreros; Azohats; MC Hats; Sombreros Patrimonio; Asociación Manos Tejedoras de Sidcay: Trajes Moscú; and EC Hats.

Book drive – On 13/11, the Fundación Terre des Hommes, the Alianza Francesa, and the Ministerio de Justicia, Derechos Humanos y Cultos (Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Cults) will hold a book drive for teens incarcerated at the Centro para Adolescentes Infractores (CAI) de Cuenca (Center for Adolescent Offenders (CAI) of Cuenca). <I should just donate my shelf of optimism – books in Spanish I have yet to read.>

Road closure – Av. Del Tejar will be closed between César Andrade y Cordero and the vía to San Miguel de Putushí. Use alternate routes such as César Andrade y Cordero, Del Chamburo, De Los Adobes, etc. The traffic light at San Miguel de Putushí and av. Ordóñez Lasso will include a new U-turn cycle.

Actualidades – Articles about – As usual, if you’re interested in any of the articles, you can go read them for yourself at www.elmercurio.com.ec.

Skyscrapers – The tallest buildings in the world under construction include the Big Bend in NY, 6 in China, and one each in Saudi Arabia, Kuala Lampur and Seoul.

Essay – Another unreadable essay that seems to be about an upcoming TV series about the traditional characters of Cuenca.

Oña – This Azuayan canton is 103 km. from Cuenca. It’s prime source of income is crafts, a large portion of it in traditional businesses of making clothing typical for the region. People also raise cows, produce dairy products, and grow vegetables for the Cuenca market. Tourist activities include hiking and adventure sports. The town center has notable historic buildings.

Health and sports – The article is about physical activity and ultraviolet radiation.

Internacional –

Perú – The Peruvian newspaper, El Comercio, reported that oppoition leader Keiko Fujimori’s 2011 campaign received financing from Odebrecht. ´

Venezuela – Pres. Maduro has called for a meeting with “los tenedores de bonos” (bondholders) <a tenedor is also a fork, but not in this context> to negotiate the country’s external debt.

Deportes –

Carrera 5.0 K – The U. of Azuay will have a run el próximo 19 de noviembre from the School of Medicine Campus to the main campus. Cost: $10, $7 for UDA students.

Carrera “10K Por Una Sonrisa” (10K For A Smile) – This run benefitting children in Solca will be will 10 de diciembre a las 8:00. The run is sponsored by the Grupo Ortiz Corp. and Coral Hipermercados. You can register at Mi Boletería in the Mall del Río and Monay Shopping. The route goes from Monay Shopping to Mall del Río. Cost: $7.00 including a chip, T-shirt and medallion which can be picked up on 9/12 after 12:00 in the Mall del Río convention center.

8K Run in Gualaceo  – This run to promote the campaign to fight against violence against women, will be el próximo 26/11 from 8:00. You can register in the offices of the Federación Deportiva del Azuay, Club a Correr, at the GAD Municipal, and the Liga Cantonal de Gualaceo. Cost: $10, and $5.00 for children under 10, women and the disabled.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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