Lunes, 13/6/2016: Film festivals schedules, Museo de Cacao y Chocolate, Electrical outages, Road work, Bus route changes

Jun 14, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Gaceta Cultural República Sur – The first República Sur Cultural Gazette is in circulation with a critique of Juan Carlos Moya and an interview of the artistchl jeanne logo Esteman. (Like you were going to run out and read it anyway.)

Articles about –

Nuevo Festival (new festival) of film – There are two genres for the competition – Visión Latina, with a some of the best Latin American films, and Zona Oscura (Dark Zone) with fantasy and horror films.  Some films will be shown in the Salón de la Ciudad for a $2 suggested donation and donations of books, films, sports equipment, and games for earthquake victims.

Tues – 19:00 – Kiptonita (Argentina)
21:00 – Me quedo contigo (México)
Wed – 17:00 – The Stranger (Chile)
19:00 – El evangelio del la carne (Perú)
21:00 – La valija de Bermudez (Arg.)
Thu –  17:00 – La casa del fin de los tiempos (Venezuela)
19:00 – La niña de los tacones amarillos (Arg.)
21:00 – Francesa (Arg.)

Showing at the Multicines – Cost:  $4.00.

Thu –  20:30 – Destinos (Colombia)
Fri –   20:30 – Alma (Chile)

Closing and awards ceremony on Sat at 20:30.  (Don’t ask me where – it wasn’t in the article that I could find.)  For more info go to

Festival de Cine Cubano – The festival runs to Wed with the films shown at 19:00 in the Sala de Conciertos de la Casa de la Cultura (Luis Cordero y Pres. Córdova).  Free.

Tues – Páginas del diario de Mauricio (2016)
Wed –  Memorias del subdesarrollo (1968)
(I’m not translating titles because if you’re going to go to the movie and understand it, you’ll be able to translate your own titles.)

“Terapia de proyectos” – (I’m going to translate the first paragraph into English more or less word for word, and even then I have no idea what they’re talking about.  Maybe some of you in the art world know what it all means.)

Members of the Central Dogma, a collective (from Ambato) that gives life to multiple artistic-cultural platforms which have been manifested in interchange among the artists, society and the public space, is found in the city for the presentation of a sample of museographical files and devices, mediation and activation of documents, visit and projects to exhibit rooms.  (Sarah Palin couldn’t toss a better word salad than that.)

Otras cosas –  

Titular – Tri, en cuartos de final, enfrentará a anfitriones (Tri, in the quarter finals, faces hosts) (Read the article in CHL – I don’t do fútbol.)

Museo el Cacao y Chocolate (You translated that for yourself, no?  If not, are you even an English speaker?) – The Cocoa and Chocolate Museum has opened in the Casa Hacienda Cacaotera San Juan, located in the Parque Histórico Guayaquil.  Ecuador provides more than 63% of the world “cacao fino de aroma ” which represents half of the acreage planted.  (I’m wondering if the museum has a gift shop, and what it smells like if there is one.)

“Pacto ético (Ethics pact) – Pres. Correa suggested that the citizenry reject candidates that have their money in tax havens.  An official of the National Assembly has been removed from office for this reason, but no further details were given.  8 of the 13 political parties have accepted this pact, but there are voices both for and against the pact.  Guillermo Lasso and Abdalá Bucaram, Presidential pre-candidates both object to Correa’s proposal.  (Does that tell you where they or their constituents keep their money?)

Electrical outages – Empresa Eléctrica Centro Sur has acquired equipment that will allow it to restore power, depending on the cause of the outage, from the central office in an average of 2-1/4 hours instead of up to 3 days with manual restoration.  The system covers the service area of Azuay, Cañar and Morona Santiago and can moniter the electrical systems in Azogues and Loja as well.

Bus route changes – Due to the Tranvía work on De Las Américas from calle Del Arrayán to the “by pass” on the bridge over the Tomebamba, lines 13 & 50 will change their routes.  (If you take those lines, go to to read the lists of streets for the new route.  Or take the bus and find out on the ground.)

Road work – There will be a 4 month delay in finishing Ordóñez Lasso which is 35% complete and will be done this coming Oct.8.  The delay was caused by complications in the undergrounding of utilities.  The stretch of O. Lasso from De Los Cerezos to the sector Río Amarillo was opened last week.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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