Lunes, 14/12/2015: Cedulas to be replaced, chicha cheer, Christmas moonshine, design fair, Maduro to make changes in Venezuela

Dec 15, 2015 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Teatro – Theater group Barojo will present “La niña de los fósforos” (The Little Match Girl) which reflects on the real significance of Christmas this Thu. at 20:00 in the teatro Pumapungo.chl jeanne logo

Máscaras – a group show of ceramic and other masks from tomorrow (Tue, 15/12) to 31/12 at Enfrijolada (Francisco Moscoso 4-31 y Rafael Torres).

Diséno – A Design Fair to showcase independent local producers will be at República Sur (calle Pres. Córdova 5-55) this Sat and Sun from 10:00.

Article about – 

Chicha Christmas cheer. Drink in moderation.

Chicha Christmas cheer. Drink in moderation.

Chicha – The Pulla-Álverez family and 22 helpers started making 7,000 liters of chicha yesterday to be handed out at the Pase del Niño Viajero.  The recipe is a family secret which has been passed down from Beatriz Álvarez to her children and to their children who have put it on a computer.  (I guess it’s not going to be a secret for very much longer.)  Some of the ingredients are naranjilla, cedrón, hierbaluisa and manzanilla and 200 pineapples, 450 sugar canes, and 5 quintals of jora.  (A quintal is 100 kilos or about 220 pounds and jora is corn flour.)  (But no spit, unless it’s the secret ingredient.)

Otras cosas –

Titular – Para el Pase ya preparan 7,000 litros de chicha (For the Pase, 7,000 liters of chicha already being prepared – see above)

Cedulas – will be replaced with a Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI) (National ID).  The new ID will have less information which lawyers feel will generate problems with legal proceedings.  The new IDs will be ready to issue in 24 months, and you will get one when your cedula expires.

San Francisco Plaza – has had 7 plans, none of which got further than paper.  The first was in 1956.  (Before some of you were born.)

Internacional –

Venezuela – Venezuelan cardinal Jorge Urosa asked Pres. Maduro to listen to what the citizens decided and “rectify” the policies that have left the nation in “carestía” (famine – your word for the day.  I’ll try for pestilence or death tomorrow.

Peru – 25 victims of forced sterilization met in Lima to petition the government for justice and reparations.

US – a Hispanic researcher at the U of Michigan said the US uses the desert as an “arma disuasoría” (deterrent – arma is a weapon) against illegal immigration by forcing migration along routes with high probability of death.  The idea is to discourage further immigration if people see it as too risky.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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