Lunes, 15/2/2016: Tranvía work in El Centro accelerates, Volcano activity, Election schedule, Music and art classes, Biggest salami

Feb 16, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Centro Musical Santa Cecilia – (calle de las Herrerías 2-20 y del Arupo) Offers classes in piano, accordion, guitar, requinto (a small, higher pitched guitar) and singing. chl jeanne logo

Museo Remigio Crespo – was created by Mayor Luis Moreno Mora in 3/3/1947.

Primer director – the first director of that museum was Victor Manuel Albornoz.

(And I thought they’d run out of things to announce yesterday. Looks like today is even worse. Too much Christmas, New Year and Carnaval – now it’s time to recuperate for Easter.)

Articles about –

The art program at the escuela especial San José de Calazans for special needs students and other students. The school has a bread workshop and you can buy it from 8-13:00 at their location at Paseo del Río Yanuncay y Río Tarqui on la Isla. For more info go to:

Cuerpo Pacifico is an on-line project by the Ñukanchik People collective. The on-line publication is to be a node for South American art as well as a research and networking tool.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Resultados de estudios preocupan en cuidadela (Results of studies are a worry in ciudadela) The ciudadela “Jaime Roldos” (Pat yourself on the back if you know who he was) had a large landslide in the past and is activated during harsh winters. (Harsh is relative – I bet most Cuencanans have never felt snow.) The slide has collapsed at least 15 buildings since it reactivated in 2012.

The CNE (Consejo Nacional Electoral) – has approved the electoral calendar for the 2017 elections for President, Legislature and the Andean Parliament. Since 2014, the number of voters has increased from 11.6 million to 13.1. (And they can say the number of voters with some accuracy since it’s a legal obligation to vote. Less than half of eligible voters in the US bothered to do so in the 2014 elections.)

Volcan Reventador (The Explorer – nothing to do with the Ford with the same nickname) – is at a high level of activity with “material incandescente” flowing to a level 700 m. below the crater. Tungurahua is a a low level of activity.

Tranvia – there was a meeting today to determine the new schedule of work, with priority for work in El Centro which the Mayor wants finished in May. The work picked up today especially along Mariscal Lamar and Gran Colombia.

Tourism – the Fundación Municipal Turismo para Cuenca (The Municipal Tourism Foundation for Cuenca) is holding a press conference tomorrow at 10:30 to to talk about what the public businesses are doing to legalize hotels and restaurants in Cuenca. (Now is this about making an easier, simpler permit process or cracking down on illegal lodgings and eateries?)

Your sliver of life article today – is about Saraguro which has approved a pilot solar energy program with the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. The project will install panels that will provide electricity and hot water as well as run an irrigation pump to a parish.

Official and obligatory holidays – for all workers are 1/1, Good Friday, 1/5, 24/5, 10/8, 9/10, 2 & 3/11 and 25/12. (Some of those dates should look familiar from street signs and mercados.)

Internacional –

Argentina – the largest salami in America (as in the hemisphere and not just the US) was presented in the city of Tandil. It was 28.2 meters long and weighed 88.2 kilos. (That should be enough for about a thousand sandwiches.)

Bolivia – an influence peddling scandal is decreasing support for Pres. Morales. Something about Morales having a child with a woman who was the Bolivian General Manager of a Chinese business that got a lot of contracts from the government.

Mexico – the Pope spoke about his hope for a country (Mexico) “donde no haya necesidad de emigrar” (where there was no need to emigrate) and where there was no need to create out of the despair and poverty for the many, opportunities for the few. (I really like this Pope, especially after the last one with no emotions.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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