Lunes, 15/5/2017: Rivers overflow, National Assembly demographics, Arab dancing, Wifi zones, Illegal parking, Hydroelectric project

May 16, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Concierto – The Coro y Orquesta Sinfónica Infanto Juvenil (Youth Chorus and Symphony Orchestra) presented it’s 2nd Concert of the Season tonight at 19:00 in the Teatro Sucre.

Taller de danza árabe – This Arabic dance workshop for youth will be on Tuesday from 2-30/5 from 9-10:30 in the Unidad Manuela Cañizares (Velasco Ibarra y Juan Bautista en frente (across the street from)  <an instance where it takes more words in English than in Spanish> the Edificio Arias.  Free.  <And how many of you are youthful enough to take this workshop?  Maybe 40 or 50 years ago?)

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Cine – The documentary “La doctrina del shock” will show Tues. at 19:30 in the República Sur.  It’s about the neoliberal economic theories of Milton Friedman, applied in the UK, Chile, Iraq or Afghanistan, often imposed by governments through repression with the consequence of increasing poverty.  <So is that what’s happening in the US?  Heaven knows ordinary people are getting poorer.)

Articles about –

“Encuentros de Otro Cine” – Spanish doctor and film maker Xiana Yago’s film, “Las mujeres deciden” (The women decide) is part of this festival and premiered in Quito. It’s about sexual abuse and risky clandestine abortions.  For more information go to or to Facebook at

Media competency – An UDA (U. of Azuay) study found a large part of the population uses electronic equipment, but do not know their best use, especially for research.

Review – The German National Jazz Orchestra’s performance was reviewed.

Book sale – A book sale started today at 10:00 on the “planta baja” (ground floor) of the Corte de Justicia del Azuay (Cordero y Sucre) and will last to 30/5.  <This is for those of you who are learning Spanish.  The rest of you can quit reading here. Maybe one day, those of you self imprisoned in your gringo bubble will learn enough to be as knowledgeable as an Ecuadorian 6th grader.>   The books include literature, science, technology, anthropology, sociology with topics on Integration and Globalization of Ecuador, Food sovereignty, Business financing, El hombre ecuatoriano and his culture, nationalities and indigenous peoples of Ecuador, Justice and sovereignty, and Democracy and Integration in Latin America.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Ríos desbordados y vías bloqueadas (Overflowed rivers and blocked streets).  (See Monday’s CHL article for more info.) The Tomebamba, Yanuncay and Tarqui Rivers usually run at about 30 c.m. per second.  At their height they were running at 54.2, 141.5, and 125.1 respectively.  <That yellow tape with “PELIGRO” written on it?  That means “DANGER” – I wouldn’t challenge that.  There’s a reason the Tomebamba’s nickname is the Matador (Killer).>

Ordóñez Lasso – Residents of the Santa María barrio are asking that the 7 historic houses be demolished before one collapses on a passer by.  The houses are on the list of patrimonial houses and encroach into the area that was planned for sidewalks and bike lanes.

Ruta de la Rosa – A giant “pavo real” (peacock) <but if you translate each word you get a real or a royal turkey>  greets visitors to the city of Tabacundo, NE of Quito. This sculpture made of 30,000 roses is just one of 9 situated around the city for the Tour of Roses which is part of the 2nd World Rose Festival.  (Does this make you wonder where the Rose Parade gets their roses?  Do you think the growers see a spike in orders a few months before New Years?)

Recursos naturales <Natural resources – your words for the day> – A report by Redsur (South American Network of Applied Eonomics) said that Latin America and the Caribbean needs to improve how it exploits non-sustainable natural resources in order to “conseguir” <to get, obtain, achieve, accomplish, attain – another good word for the day> improved development and to maximize benefits.

Assembly – The first session of the new legislature opened with elections of its president – José Serrano, and 2 vice-presidents.   (See Monday’s article in CHL for more info.)

Assembly demographics <for those of you who get a kick out of statistics and data> – Of the 137 assemblists, 85 are men (62%) and 52 are women (38%).  <The US is half that.  Think about it. At length.)  The first vice-president is a guayaquileña (a woman from Guayaquil).  The two youngest assemblists are women and the youngest is a 25 year old AP member from Napo.  In age, 31 are between 30-39 years old, 45 are between 40-49, 40 are from 50-59, 8 are between 20-64 and there are 11 who are tercera edad.  <Compare that to the US – average age in the House is 57, and in the Senate it’s 61 – so says the first site I Googled.>

Hydroelectric projects – Studies for two hydroelectric plants and a dam on the high watershed of the Río Yanuncay are complete. The project is planned to generate 22 megawatts of power. The Soldados-Yanuncay project is now looking for $73 million in financing.

Illegal parking – Transit cops are looking for cars parked in prohibited areas – double parked; blocking bus stops, sidewalks and pedestrian zones; on crosswalks; next to the yellow line; and blocking handicapped ramps.  Currently you get a ticket for 20% of the SBU (basic salary), but parking infractions are being contemplated for the penal code with a fine of 10% of the basic salary and loss of 3 points off your license.

Claro – There was a workshop for journalists to show off Claro video and Claro música, available “across devices.”  <Is that how I should say that you can use the program on your computer or tablet or phone, etc?)  You can watch movies, series, cartoons, documentaries and concerts on the CLARO 4GLTE network. The music is with GRATIS, Freemium, Ilimitado, “descarga” (download) on MP3 and a la Carta MP3  <whatever that is>.

Old News –

Buses in Paute – An urban bus service started last week with a route from the Terminal Terrestre in Paute to the Puente Europa and back.  The 9 buses will run from 6-19:00 at 10 minute intervals.  Fares are $.30 for adults and $.15 for children, seniors and disabled.

From last jueves – Wifi zones – Cuenca has 100 free wifi zones – 76 in the urban area, and 24 in the rural parishes.  They are in public spaces such as parks and plazas with no speed or time limits, although in some areas, there is no service during the night for safety reasons.  <That phone screen makes you a glow in the dark target for thieves.>

Compras y Discuentos –

Los Pitufos (Smurfs) – Shows on sábado, 3/6 at 16, 18, & 20:00 and on domingo 4/6 at 14, 16, & 18:00 – Teatro Pumapungo – one child under 5 free with one adult ticket until tickets run out – tickets available at Hotel Andreiana, Hotel Santa Ana, All Tours, and somewhere illegible.

Chery Tiggo White, Limited Edition – 4 door SUV – from $19,990 – Cuencauto on Av. España 8-31 y Barcelona – 07 280 3861 or 286 3035.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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