Lunes, 16/1/2017: CIDAP crafts festival, Water contamination in Paute, Political debate, Tuesday’s French movie

Jan 17, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Ongoing agenda event –

Free classes – The Casa de Juventud (Youth House) has classes in orchestra, folk dance, hip hop, batucada, cheerleader, singing and hula dancing sponsored by the Mayor’s Department of Social Development.

Articles about –

Juan Cordero Iñiguez – The life chronicler of Cuenca is preparing a book on the coronations of two Cuencanans in 1917 (symbolic with laurel leaves)’.  The two were Luis Cordero Crespo, a former president of Ecuador, on 24 de mayo and Remigio Crespo Toral on 4 de noviembre (I’m hoping that if you read the Spanish for days and months enough times, it will stick.) although Crespo received a crown of gold laurel leaves.  The book should be out in May, 2017.

Theater workshop – The second phase of a theater workshop for children started on 11/1 with 14 kids.  For more information, call 419 1756.  The workshops are at the centro cultural los Eucaliptos (calle del Tahuantinsuyo, ciudadela Los Eucaliptos).

“La Frastera” – This theater work will be performed on 20 & 21 de enero at 20:00 in SONO Centro Cultural (Borrero 6-83 y Pres. Córdova).  Cost:  $5.00.  The performance will be repeated on 27 de enero in the Casa Guacamaya (calles 16 de Abril y Bolívar) in Sígsig.  Cost: $3.00 for adults and $1.50 for students, children and seniors.  For reservations go to or call 098 590 8730.

Festival de artesanías – CIDAP has received a grant from the National Council of Ecuadorian Culture for its fifteenth crafts festival.  (I hope they keep the food section.)

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Alerta en Paute por lluvias (Alert in Paute due to rains) – Strong rains over the weekend caused the La Magdalena to rise, damaging the catchment for the water treatment plant.  Turbidity is high and there is a risk of a water shortages.

Roads – Paving on many roads is “en malas condiciones” (bad condition – your phrase for the day).  In addition to potholes and puddles there are drivers esquivando (dodging) around these axle breakers.  (So don’t get mad at your taxista for the lurching, roller coaster ride – he’s just trying to save his suspension and tires.)

Announcement – the Cámara de Comercio de Cuenca (Cuenca Chamber of Commerce) is hosting a political debate among the Assembly candidates for Azuay on 19/1/2017 at 18:00 in the Auditorio “Roberto Crespo Toral.”

CCRC – Iván Granda, Councilman and President of the Municipal Legislation Commission of the Cantonal Council, said the decision on the termination of the Tranvía contract will be made this week.  According to Granda, the contract had clauses contrary to the law and daily liquidated damages of $1 for every $10,000 of the contract amount instead of the normal $1,000 and the contractor was under capitalized and had no experience.

Purification ritual – Practitioners of ancestral medicine met in Chordeleg for a purification ritual.  The group was formed in 2010 with only 6 people and has grown to over 100, with young people joining.

Ley de Plusvalía – The newspaper is reprinting parts of the law. (You’re on your own. I am not translating legal stuff.  Lawyers in the US don’t speak normal English and I bet it applies here, too, except in Spanish.)

Amenidades –

Cine francés – The film “Le Dernier Diamant” (El último diamante – The Ultimate Diamond) will be shown tomorrow at 19:00 in the Alianza Francesa.  It’s about Simon, a thief on parole who accepts the biggest heist of his career – the “Florentino,” a mythical diamond that has been put up for auction.  To succeed, he has to get close to Julia, a diamond expert.

Internacional –

Colombia – The government and ELN are continuing the exploratory talks in Quito and addressed the issue of pardons.

Brazil – Another riot in a Brazilian prison, this time in Alcacuz in northeast Brazil, took the lives of 30 prisoners.  A special riot team took back control after 14 hours of rioting.  (I think you don’t want to be arrested and jailed in Brazil.)

Deportes –

Byron Piedra – The Cuencano runner came in 9th in the Houston Half Marathon (or 8th depending on which paragraph you believe).  The 27,000 participants ran in 97% humidity with temperatures that felt like 68 C.  (Yes, celcius.  It might be a misprint, but I’m reading what it says.)  He was the only athlete in the top 10 who was not born in Africa.

Discuentos y compras –

RM – sale – 10% off everything, and up to 50% off selected merchandise (not applicable to previously marked-down items) – until 31/1 –

Kia – Rio R – from $18,990.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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