Lunes, 17/4/2017: Curious history of Calle Santa Ana, Complaints about street artists, Recount, Power shut-offs

Apr 18, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Header events –

Workshops – Various cultural centers are holding workshops starting today.  These include making vases out of recycled materials in Gullanzhapa; circus and juggling for kids in Las Herrerías; crafts in Día de la Tierra; and painting on cloth for adults in Los Sauces.  <So don’t complain to me if you’re bored.>

Articles about –

Calle de Santa Ana – This recently restored street which runs between the Catedral Nueva and the old seminary was a cañari road which followed the path of the sun. When the Spanish arrived they renamed it after the Virgin Mary’s mother.  Calle Santa Ana was crossed by Benigno Malo which followed the Southern Cross Constellation.  After being closed for at least 80 years, Calle Santa Ana has been reopened and re-reopened.

History of Calle Santa Ana – There has been recent controversy as to the administration of the street, some feeling it is a public space.  <This is your trivia/history lesson for the day.  No scandals, murders or celebrity explosions so you can quit reading if you’re bored.>  The oldest map of Cuenca from 1729 shows that the block bounded by Bolívar, Sucre, Benigno Malo y Padre Aguirre was the property of the Jesuits who had a church with 3 domes.  After the Jesuits were expelled from Spanish colonies, the property was given to the Archbishopry of Cuenca for a cathedral, seminary and residence.

The first archbishop arrived to find none of the above.  He wanted a cathedral similar to the one in Málaga, Spain and thought about financing it with a tax on export cacao and cascarilla (quinine).  An official in Quito recognized that Cuenca had an abundance of materials: marble, rock crystal, and stone to build a cathedral, but no architects or contractors or money.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Urge solución de raíz ante caída de árboles (A root solution against falling trees urged) – Authorities are taking <interesting what happens if your finger slips off the “t” to the key to the southeast.  Taking becomes faking.>  action on the problem of falling trees.  EMAC has until the end of the month to present a mitigation plan.

Fiesta de Resurrección – Baños had a cuy festival Sunday to raise funds to make improvements at the “asilo de ancianos” (nursing home) and on the facade of the church.  About 350 cuys were sold for $10-20 depending on size.

Vote counting – The army has been transporting the 3,865 actas to Quito for the recount Tues.  CREO has said it won’t participate in Correa’s “show.”  These are the specific actas that either CREA-SUMA or AP has complained about which correspond to about 1,275,450 of the votes in 24 provinces and 2 overseas jurisdictions.  This is 11.2% of the vote on 2/4.  <Is there a statistician out there who can say if this would be a good enough sample?>

The boxes of actas will be opened and each vote on that acta will be counted.  600 election officials will take about 8 hours to count the votes.  Logistically, there will be 250 tables with 2 election officials, a coordinator for every 4 tables and a supervisor for every 16.  <I think there will also be a soldier at each table to insure security, and party observers. But only AP since CREO says the recount is a sham.>  See the article in CHL today for more details.

CREO filed an appeal with the Election Disputes Tribunal against CNE’s decision to not accept CREO’s petition to verify all of the ballot boxes nationwide.  <I wonder if Lasso was the kid who wouldn’t go to other kids’ birthday parties because he didn’t get all the presents?)

Windshield washers, venders and jugglers – These stoplight services and shows are at many intersections in Cuenca and worry some drivers including a couple of Guardias Ciudadanos who ran into an aggressive vendor.  One woman said she had not seen aggressive washers and that they are probably just trying to earn a living and working is better than stealing.

Electrical shutoffs – La Empresa Eléctrica made planned power shutoffs to do tranformer work today in the sector Benedicto XV y Del Vaticano from 9-12:30, at Guayas y Pastaza from 13:30-16:00 and at 27 de febrero y Jaime Rosales from 9-13:00. <These interruptions will be all over as Empresa Eléctrica does something to the transformers.  If you pay the your own electric bill, the company should be sending you a message a couple of days ahead.  Don’t erase things with “corte de servicio and dates and times.  That’s your notice.  Just because it’s in Spanish doesn’t mean you should ignore it.>

IESS health care – A program is allowing the hospital to send test results to hospital patients electronically.

Peruvian flood victims – If you want to make a donation to help, you can take the donation to Acción Social Municipal (Del Farol y San Roque), at the Peruvian business “Déjame que te cuente” (Luis Moreno Mora 323 y Francisco Moscoso) or deposit to the savings account no. 2902154372 at the Banco de Loja or svgs. acct. no. 2203412882 at the Banco del Pichincha.  Both in the names of the consulado de Perú en Ecuador.

Road closure – The vía Gualaceo-Limón will be closed tomorrow, 18/4, until 2/5/2017 for a widening project.  To get from Azuay to Morona Santiago, take the vía Paute-Guarumales-Méndaz-Limón Indanza.

Amenidades –

Martes de cine Francés – Tomorrow’s Tuesday movie at the Alianza Francesa will be at 19:00.  “Qui Vive” is in French with subtitles in Spanish.  Free.

Deportes –

Fisicoculturismo (body building) – Crosby León and María José Jarrín were selected as Mr. and Miss Cuenca 2017, and will represent Azuay in the next Mr. & Miss Ecuador contest.  <There’s a picture of the winners and his thigh is bigger around than her waist.>

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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