Lunes, 18/7/2016: Venezuelans cross border for food, medicine, Japanese exhibit at CIDAP, Verify cedula data online
Hola, Todos –
Pagina cultural –
Upcoming event –
El Festival de Artes Vivas de Loja 2016 (2016 Loja Performing Arts Festival) – This major performing arts event will be from 17-27/11.
Articles about –
The XXIV Assembly of Museums – The Consejo Internacional de Museos tri-annual assembly was held in Milan, Italy from 3-9/7. Ecuador sent the largest delegation in the history of ICOM with 12 people from different cities in the country, mostly from Cuenca, Guayaquil and Quito.
CCE – the Casa de la Cultura has a publishing arm which is working on various projects such as the Editorial Tomada to attract youth.
Exhibit – An exhibit of Japanese toys and games will be showing at CIDAP all July (av. Tres de Noviembre next to the Escalinatas). “Juguetes y juegos tradicionales de Japón” is being mounted in conjunction with the Japanese Embassy.
Vacation activities – The Municipality has a program “Vive tus vacaciones” (Live your vacation) for kids, mostly between 6 & 12 given by various groups in parks, community and cultural centers, and libraries. (I’m seeing busloads of kids in the park, soccer field, and multi-use court. I also saw a kid with a white cane followed by a classroom of kids in blindfolds accompanied by two adults. The kids (except the one with the cane) were groping their way along one of the paths. The adults might have been making sure no kids fell into the river – a little too rough for a teaching moment.)
Concierto de acordeón – Musician Rubén Ruipérez, from Cuenca, Spain, will give an accordion concert this Thu., at 20:00 in the Teato Sucre. He will play tango, waltz, bolero, pasodoble, etc. You can buy tickets starting at 18:00 today at “Déjame que te cuente” (Luis Moreno Mora y Francisco Moscoso, near El Vergel). Cost: $5.00.
Public announcement – The CCE is calling for collectives and cultural managers who want to be part of the Institution as Members to present their resumes to the Secretary until Fri, 5/8 between 8-16:30. (It seems as if this would be a way for some of you who are already organizing activities to become more involved in the cultural scene in Cuenca. I almost copied the announcement in Spanish because I think that would be a prerequisite for meaningful involvement in CCE.)
Otras Cosas –
Titular – Venezolanos cruzan frontera en pos de víveres y medicinas (Venezuelans cross border for food and medicine) – More than 130,000 Venezuelans crossed the border from San Antonio del Táchira & Ureña into Cúcuta. (Your geography test for today is – into which country did the Venzuelans cross? Surinam, Ecuador, Colombia or Brasil?) The crossing into Cúcuta was closed on 19/8/2015 by Pres. Maduro to control contraband and alleged paramilitary, and then extended to the whole frontier between the countries. The receiving country (I’m not giving you the answer.) expedited the access with extra teams of officials. One Venezuelan was detained for allegedly trafficking in migrants when he tried to assist two people, apparently of Arabic origin, whose papers were not in order to cross.
Transportation complaints – Passengers on Line 27 (Sinincay-Huizhil, Baños) complained that they were taken as far as Pío Bravo and then had to get off. Instead of completing its route to Huizhil, the bus turned around and collected passengers going to Sinincay. In addition, there were complaints that the buses didn’t stop for riders of “tercera edad” (your phrase for the day which many of you already know or ought to know – third age or adulto mayor or senior citizen, since that’s what’s getting you your IVA refunds.) This discrimination exists in spite of the approval of a $1,353,000 city subsidy for students, disabled and elderly passengers. EMOV also gave $1,496,000 for a total of $2,850,000 which will be distributed among the 475 buses in service. (So at the bus stop, make sure you hide in a bunch of younger people, but not school age people who also receive the 50% discount.)
Cedulas – (tourists, you can stop reading here.) You can verify the data on your cedula at and go to the Registro Civil (Civil Registry) to update your data until 30/8. (This is important because if your cedula shows less than a “bachillerato” (high school grad) as your education level, you can’t get a driver’s license. You won’t get a driver’s license if you can’t pass the test which is in Spanish either, but that’s another issue.)
Baños – Cuenca is expanding towards Baños which has seen the addition of many more businesses, especially along Ricardo Durán from Control Sur (at the Panamericana Sur) to calle Juan de Seniergues. The parish is served by bus lines 100, 5, & 12. (Look for a “picantería” which sells pork goodies – fritada, sancocho, hornado and mote sucio. It’s got a mostly red sign with some kind of circular logo and there’s a portable stove in front. It opened 3 weeks ago. I’d give you a name if I could read it – the photo was from an angle and fuzzy.)
Airport – Obstáculo legal para obras emergentes (Legal obstacles to repair work) – A professor and former dean of the U of Cuenca School of Law and the president of the Azuay Lawyers’ Association both said a judicial technical inspection of the previous repair work should be done before any new repair work covers it up. The previous CORPAC director said that tests were done by universities, laboratories and the Civil Aviation Agency. The current director said that after the work, the runway had problems which were reported by two pilots. The previous repair work was provisionally accepted on 4/3 with final acceptance to come in one year and after completion of a series of measurements, principally coefficients of friction. The emergency repairs scheduled to start on 15/8, if done, would make it impossible to see if the previous work was done correctly, and if not, to determine who was responsible. The Direccíon General de Aviación Civil (DGAC) through their Internet Flight Information Service (IFIS) issues information about conditions at airports in the country and weather information.
Ley de Solidaridad – The new law about contributions (taxes) by residents to rebuild the earthquake hit areas applies to income and assets. A person is considered a resident if as of 31/12/2015, all the criteria for residency established by the Ley de Régimen Tributario Interno were met. If you are a resident by that criteria, you should pay a percentage of the value (1.8%?) of the assets covered in the Ley de Solidaridad. (That’s as much of the article as I could understand – you need to talk to SRI or a lawyer if you own stuff here. Or an enterprising lawyer could set up a class. It would be a bad thing if “gringo” became associated with “tax dodger.”)
Amenidades –
Festival de música internacional – A concert with musicians from England, Peru, Argentina and Ecuador will play a mix of rhythms including jazz, blues, soul, funk and folk on Wed, 20/7 at 20:00 in the Catedral Vieja. Buy tickets at the museum on the day of the event until 15:00. Cost: 5.00 and for VIP: $9.00. (It’s Ecuador – even to go to a concert takes two trips.)
“Del folclor a la danza” (From folklore to dance) – The “Conga Corp Dance” School will present a show this Sat., 23 at 19:00 in the Teatro Sucre. The 90 min. performance will show the origins of salsa and latin rhythms in the world. Get your tickets from Congo Corp Dance (Tarqui 9-41 between Bolívar y Gran Colombia), at the theater ticket booth or call 2829-908, 098 755 2666, 099 591 8708 or 099 592 1013. Cost: $5.00.
And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –