Lunes, 20/2/2017: Remigio Crespo Museum preps to open, Bowling club, Bogota bombing

Feb 21, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Música – There will be vintage soul este martes y miércoles at 20:00 in the sala “Alfonso Carrasco” in the CCE (Luis Cordero y Pres. Córdova).  The concert will be an ensemble with violin, piano, percussion, and a soprano and a tenor.  Cost: yes. (Vintage soul has violins?)

Article about –

Painting of Tigua – The village of Tigua, in Cotopaxi Province, is home to many painters who are the subject of a book, “Tigua, los colores de la memoria” (Tigua, the colors of memory), published by Produbanco-Grupo Promérica.  (There seems to be a fair amount of publishing going on, but not out of publishing houses.) The style of painting, started by Julio Toaquiza who painted on lamb hide drums, has continued almost a half century.  The artist paints the life in his community, daily activities, the landscapes, and his indigenous spirit.  The colors are vibrant and strong. (You can find them at galleries, fairs and even outside of Ecuador.  You better buy them now before the prices go to international levels.)

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Suspenso electoral (Electoral suspense) – As of the close of the issue (1:30), Lenin Moreno was ahead of second place Guillermo Lasso 38.9% to 28.5% with 81.51% of the votes counted.

Assembly – As of 22:00 yesterday, with 56.1% of the votes for national assemblists from Azuay tallied, CNE is projecting 3 seats for AP – Esteban Albornoz, Doris Soliz y Juan Cristóbal Lloret and possibly 2 for CREO – Esteban Bernal y Lourdes Cuesta, using the D’Hondt method to make projections.  Assemblists serve in a unicameral legislature for a 4 year term.  (That was today’s civics lesson.  4th grade level?  I can’t remember when I learned about the branches of gov’t, etc.)

A pie chart shows the percentage of votes to each party.  Alianza Paíz (Moreno) with 40.70%, Creo-suma (Lasso) with 24.8, Acuerdo por el Cambio with 9.75, Partido Social Cristiano (Viteri) with 5.77, Izquierda Democrática with 5.55, and the others with 13.43.

Protests – Hundreds of both Quiteños and Guayquileños went to the CNE buildings to watch as election results were announced.

Vote Counts – Votes from jail and from home were counted first.  A Junta Provincial Electoral (JPE – Provincial Electoral Board) was installed to count votes from the jail in Turi (86) and from the Voto en Casa for seniors and disabled (94).   Ballots were brought to the JPE in sealed boxes by soldiers to the CPR (Centro Procesamiento de Resultados – Results Processing Center).  They were looked at by delegates of the parties before being opened.

In Azuay, there are 113 RTPA’s (Transmission Centers) where ballots are scanned and sent to the CPR.  For results, go to  (You pick the district you want to see from “todas” (the whole country) down to the canton.  The pres. results are at the bottom.  Azuay appears to have gone for Moreno.)

Museo Remigio Crespo – The delivery of this 100 year old house/museum will be this week.  Once the work on the building has been accepted, the work on the exhibits will start.  Before the restoration, only about 15% was open to the public where now 100% will be.  This will be the first museum with all its reserves open to the public.  The 5th floor (top) will have archives for research and an exhibit hall; 4 (calle Larga level) will have 8 exhibit halls, one of which will be a small museum store; the first basement level will have 4 halls, an auditorium and 3 terraces; the 2nd basement level will have 6 visitable reserve collections, 2 restoration labs and 2 terraces; and the 3d basement level will have a cafeteria that connects with the garden.

Internacional –

Colombia – A bomb attack in Bogotá near the plaza de toros La Santamaría, left 26 injured, 24 of whom were police.  The last bullfight of the season was scheduled for today, but the Commander of the Metropolitan Police denied that anti-bullfight groups were behind the attack.

Bolivia – Marchers for and against a referendum passed last year on 21/2/2016 will be in various cities on 21/2/17 but cities have arranged to have the marches at different times to avoid conflicts.  The referendum was to amend the constitution to allow Pres. Morales to run again in 2019.  53.1% voted against it but Morales says he will ignore it and run again anyway.

Perú – Odebrecht has admitted to paying $29 million to the governments of Alejandro Toledo, Alan García and Ollanta Humala.

Deportes –

Ad for – Huarmi Runner 5K – Race on domingo, 5/3 at 9:00 – Register until 26/2 or until spaces are filled – Mi Boletería/ Mall del Río, Fybeca on Bolívar – $12.00.

Bowling – The Gasgon Bowling Club of Cuenca has competitions to rank players for national tournaments, and will hold a Bowling Clinic.  Call 099 948 3081 for information and registration.  To learn the sport, the alley in the Mall del Río (the only bowling alley in Cuenca) has a bowling school on martes y jueves from 18:30 to 20:00.

Zumba y Fitness show – “Party Fitness-Concert” will be on sábado, 11/3 at 9:00 in the Centro de Convenciones at the Mall del Río.  Tickets at Team Zumba Fitness (av. De Las Américas y José Vinueza) and Vitefama in the stadium sector (across the street from the Supermaxi El Vergel). – $6.00.  (Will current clients be essentially exercising in front of an audience?  Or only the advanced ones who are near their weight loss/fitness goals?)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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