Lunes, 20/6/2016: Tranvía street re-openings, Van service controversy, Ikat exhibit, Ancestral walk on the Inca Trail

Jun 21, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Ongoing events –

Exhibición – The “Manos Magicas” exhibit is open at CIDAP fromchl jeanne logo 9-17:00, M-F.

Articles about –

Exhibición – “Colonias ecuatorianas en la celebración de los Raymis en Estados Unidos” (Ecuadorian colonies in the US and the celebrations of the Raymis) is a photographic exhibit which will be inaugurated Tue., 21/6 at 10:30 in the Temporary Gallery of Ethnography in the Museo Pumapungo. A student doing her thesis on the music played during the Raymi celebrations in the US asked for photos. Ecuadorian expats (or are they immigrants?  Or does that depend on if they’re brown or white skinned?) responded with about 30 photos.

The Museo Pumapungo is also mounting an ikat exhibit which was declared a Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación last year.  This will open on Thu, 23/6 at 19:30 in the Sala Nacional de Etnografía with a fashion parade of styles and culture.  The exhibit will include cloth from the National Ethnographic Reserve.

Escultura – A sculpture exhibit called “Volumen del Amor” (Volume of Love) by Venezuelan artist Vanira Rodriguez Sosa will open on Thu, 23/6 at 19:00 in the Casa de las Posadas.

Ruta de las Parroquias y Caminatas a los Cerros Ancestrales (Route of the Parishes and Walks to Ancestral Hills) – This program will feature the Llacao Parish on Sun, 26/6.  The tour starts at 9:00 from the meeting point at the parque de San Sebastián. The walk will visit the central plaza of the parish where attendees will learn about the history of Llacao, after which they will go to the plain of Pachamama.  Part of the walk will be on the Qhapac Ñan or Inca trail.  Afterwards everyone will share in a pampa mesa, an activity to revalue the customs of solidarity and sharing.  Register at the offices of the Dirección Municipal de Culturas in the Museo de la Ciudad (old Escuela Central on Gran Colombia y Benigno Malo).  The organizers suggest clothing and footwear appropriate for walking, sunblock and bringing a refreshment to share at the pampamesa. (Sunblock?  With the weather we’ve been having?)  (And think of the pampa mesa as a potluck – not just your private tuna sandwich.)

Centro Cultural Todos Santos – The center, located at calle Larga y Vargas Machuca 4-30 (different address format) is reopening with therapy for your soul and spiritual cleansing.  Activities include:
Mon., 20/6 – 16:00 – Sister Gisella Dellagiacoma will hold a conference on the Therapy of forgiveness.
Tues, 21/6 – 17:00 – a forum on family disfuncion
Wed, 22/6 – 9:00 – a workshop on healthy dishes and salads
All three days will have the accompaniment of pianist María Quevedo.  To register for the workshop, go to the center or call 282 4045 or 099 484 4964.

Otras cosas –  
Titular – Transporte turístico en controversia (Tourist transport in controversy) – A proposed new transit law with modifications is causing controversy between carriers in Cuenca in terms of vans offering tourist services to other provinces.  La Unión Provincial de Transporte Turístico del Azuay (UNITTRA) (all cognates – you’re on your own or with Google) is not supporting the proposal by Assemblyman Diego Vintimilla who wants to recognize van businesses that provide interprovincial service.  The UCTIPA, composed of interprovincial bus owners, also want to provide touristic services.

Vacation season – Coastal communities esperan (expect, hope for, wait for – your word for the day has multiple meanings) tourists from the Sierras.  Beach umbrella and tent concessions are getting ready as are restaurants.  Get typical coastal food across the street from the Asociación Feria de las Ostras (oysters) in Playas – $3 almuerzos and $5-6 a la carte.

Tranvía street openings – The intersection of Gran Colombia and Tomás Ordóñez was opened yesterday with the stoplights expected to be turned on today.  Gran Colombia is still closed to traffic.  The next intersections to be opened are Vargas Machuca, Mariano Cueva and Borrero. Buses will be coming back to their original routes.  (Almost like wildlife disturbed at a watering hole – they might run away but they’ll drift back.)

Book – “No me toques” (Don’t touch me) by Juan Carlos Calderón is about violence against women which is a problem in Ecuador.  The book (not that the great majority of you are going to read it) uses interviews, reports, chronicles, etc. of real stories. It also talks about public policies and rights.  An example is if a child or teenager is raped and becomes pregnant, she has to bear the child because if she aborts it, she can be punished for murder.  (Did a Republican write that law?)

Debate – A proposal on the use of medical marijuana is being debated in the Asamblea Nacional (National Assembly, the unicameral, multi-party legislative branch of the government – your civics lesson for the day.)  (I’ll tell you when some decision is made.  You’re probably already familiar with the arguments pro and con.)

Internacional –
México – A confrontation between teachers and police in Oaxaca left 3 dead and 45 injured.  The teachers had blockaded the Oaxaca-Puebla national highway and security forces moved in to oust them.  (They seem to take their strikes very seriously – like the early unions in the US.)

Bolivia – The government declared a strike illegal because the union didn’t comply with all the requirements.  (Undotted “i” and uncrossed “t”.  Most of you who got your visas can probably sympathize.)

Discuentos y compras –

Decameron All Inclusive Hotel and Resort – Punta Sal – from $69/person/night – 16/6 to 11/7 – 1 800 DECAME –

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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