Lunes, 27/3/2017: Rain damages roads, Yasuní exhibit, Campaign wrapping up

Mar 28, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Just to let you know that this weekend I will trade Sunday for Saturday since I have something to do Sunday and don’t want to start translating at 10 pm.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Teatro – The comedy “Entre violetas y braguetas” (Don’t tell me that you already forgot what that means.  It was yesterday’s word for the day.) by the Quiteño Patio de Comediaa group will be performed este martes, 28/3 at 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo.  Buy your tickets at Librimundi.

Articles about –

The Conservatorio Superior “José María Rodríguez” will move in a few weeks to a new location in the ex-Colegio Borja in the Pumapungo complex.  (It’s the 2 story institutional looking building behind the museum and visible from Huayna Cápac.) The conservatory will also reform as the Cuenca campus of the Universidad de las Artes which is headquartered in Guayaquil. The conservatory currently has 100 students studying dance and music.  This number can grow and take advantage of the school’s new proximity to the Pumapungo complex with the symphony and theater.  (Wonder what will be done with the Casa de la Lira?)

Centro cultural El Alfarero – Ballet and guitar classes will be given in this cultural center, located in the Convención  del 45. Ballet is for girls 4 and older.  (Does being in your second childhood count?)  Classes are free and are held on lunes y martes from 15:30-17:30; los miércoles from 15-17:00; and sábados from 10-12:00.  The guitar workshop will be during Abril and is for youth 15 and older, and adults. Classes will be lunes y martes from 15-17:00.  You need to register for the classes.

There will also be an art exhibit by Fausto Bravo, an artist in the Convención del 45, which will open the first week of abril.

Exposición – “Yasuní: El paraíso de los contrastes” (Yasuní:  The paradise of contrasts) by Jorge Chalco will open esta miércoles, 22/3/2017 at 19:00. (I know – save your breath – that’s how it’s printed and I’m not guessing for you. Take your own risks.)  The show of medium and large scale paintings of the exuberant and rampant richness (can you tell that’s a direct translation? – cause it sure isn’t how I talk.) of the Yasuní will be in the Museo de la Ciudad until 22/4 with hours from 8-13:00 and 15:00-18:30, M-F.

Exposición por la Cuaresma (Exhibit for Lent) – “Cuaresma, Pasión y Resurrección” (Lent, Passion and Resurrection) will open on miércoles, 29/3 at 19:00 in the Museo de las Conceptas (Hermano Miguel 6-33 y Juan Jaramillo) with paintings and sculptures.  The show of religious art related to the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ will run until 30/4.

Otras cosas – 

Titular4 días para convencer a electores (4 days to win over voters)

Youth shot – Another young man was shot in Cuenca last Sat. by people passing on a moto on Dávalos, behind the Terminal Terrestre. He is fighting for his life after being shot in the head.  There have been 4 violent deaths in the last week, 3 in Cuenca and 1 in Gualaceo.  The area around the Terminal Terrestre and La Merced in El Centro are the locations of much aggression, delinquency and drug trafficking with organized gangs in possession.

Rain – Damages are expanding.  Ponce Enríquez canton suffered partial destruction of roads and 17 families in the center were affected, with a similar situation in Molleturo.  In Cuenca, 8 families were evacuated from the Nuevos Horizontes barrio in Sinincay.

Cuy – Ricaurte celebrated it’s 107th anniversary yesterday with cuy and a parade.  A cuy cost $12 and up depending on the size and was accompanied by potatoes, salad, a hard boiled egg, mote and ají de pepa.  Mmmmm good.  (I know some of you can’t get over the image that you’re eating Grover who died in 1986, from natural causes of course.)

Road work – Work on av. Pumapungo from the Monay bridge towards the ciudadela Eucaliptos will be opened to traffic in abril.

4 car crash – An accident yesterday afternoon on the vía Cuenca-Azogues near the IESS hospital left two injured.  (And the foto shows it also left one of those cars completely off the ground on top of another car.)

Discuentos y compras –

Kia – Cerato Forte from $21,990 incl. IVA, Sportage Active from $27,470 incl. IVA – 20% down, first payment in mayo.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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