Lunes, 27/6/2016: City statues to be restored, Dancing on air, Cuenca orchestra conductor finalists named

Jun 27, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Mon.) events –

Short films – Short films produced in Cuenca will be shown today starting atchl jeanne logo 19:00 in the Sala de Conciertos at the CCE (Pres. Córdova y Luis Cordero).

Upcoming events –

Radio El Mercurio – Radio El Mercurio is renewing its programming with “La historia detrás del mito” (The story behind the myth) at 15:30 about the world of spectacular shows, “Risas y sonrisas” (Laughter and smiles – your words for the day – you can see it in some stores that have security cameras.  Sonrisa por la camera – smile for the camera or something like that.) at 17:30 with recordings of humor, and “Expediente misterio” (Mystery files) at 20:00 about universal history.

Conferencia – The seminar “Fortaleza Autónoma” (Autonomous Strength) will be held today and tomorrow from 16-18-00 in the Museo de las Conceptas.  Free, but space is limited so call 2830 625 or write to

Articles about –

Air dancing – Air dancing suspended on lengths of cloth joins art and skill and is good for even small kids.  (Probably as close to flying as we’ll ever get – until they invent some kind of personal rocket you don’t have to be rich to buy.)

New conductor – The finalists for the position of conductor of the Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca are all foreigners – from Venezuela, Russia, Bolivia, Italy and Mexico. The selection process will take place from today to Fri.

Poetry DVD’s – The CCE has produced two DVD’s.  The first has 7 of the most well known Ecuadorian poets, reading from their own works and the second is an anthology of regional poetry read by other literary figures.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Bicampeones! (Two-time champions) – Chile won the Copa América.

Restoration of monuments – More than 60 monuments and sculptures are in public spaces of Cuenca and show evidence of time and lack of maintenance.  The city will restore 16 of these monuments starting in the middle of next month with a budget of $100,000.

House design for Alzheimers patients – Michael Trujillo, a student of Interior Design at the UDA, has designed interiors for patients suffering from Alheimers as his graduation project.  It includes flooring of different textures so patients will know where they are, with different wall colors and light intensity in various parts of the house.  You can see the design on You Tube on “Casa diseñada para personas con Alzheimer.”  (Learning Spanish is my Alzheimers prevention program.  What’s yours? Another beer is probably not going to be too effective.)

Police page – 44 tickets were issued to people for drinking in public spaces over the past weekend.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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