Lunes, 29/8/2016: Gov’t offers discounts for electronic money accts., ETAPA launches SIP phone service, Roast pig championship

Aug 30, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Ongoing agenda item –chl jeanne logo

Fondos concursables – The Minister of Culture and Patrimony, Raúl Vallejo, announced that the competitive funds to finance cultural projects in 2016 will be $2 million.

Articles about –

Parroquiarte: Arte a las parroquias (Parroquia + arte, parish + art: art to the parishes) – This program to bring art to the rural parishes in Cuenca ended last Sat. in Chiquintad.  Participants including seniors, children and youth were given time to look at and recognize those elements that formed their idenity – from feeling the textures of traditional clothing, admiring the colors in buildings, listening to the wisdom of elders, and walking around their parishes.  After reliving their histories and memories, participants picked a detail to paint.  (There is just so much good stuff going on in this country and city.  Why dwell on things to complain about and shrink your life to obsessions over minor inconveniences.)

Arte de acción (Action art) – A workshop is being planned by visual artist María José Machado for Wed, 7/9 to Fri. 9/9 in the Casa de las Posadas with the final “performance” on Thu, 22/9.  (No times given).  The workshop is practical, applying the cognitive method (does that have a technical meaning?) to using the body as a tool of creation.  (So it’s not just flailing around looking like you’re beating off insects.) The artist is the proprietor of the Cu.Gallery gallería.  (So if you’re interested, try there.)

Iberescena 2016-2017 – The fondo Iberoamericano will receive proposals for funding until 30/9 for projects in the theater arts, and themes from the perspectives of gender, original peoples, and afro descendents who contribute to the cohesion and iberoamerican social inclusion.  Funding is available for co-production, creation, circulation and promotion of theater, contemporary dance, and circus arts through shows, festivals, theater spaces and artists in residence.  Get more info. at or call Bolívar Yantalema at 02 381 4550, ext. 491 or at 099 541 2200.  Submit proposals at //  (OK, theater folks – don’t let this opportunity pass you by.)

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Escaladoras azuayas ganan oro en Juegos (Azuayan women climbers win gold in Games)

SIP phones – ETAPA is launching SIP phone service in Sept. which will allow callers who have a device with internet access to call anywhere in the world for 1.6 cents per minute.  It will offer a plan of 600 minutes for $9.99.  (There’s more info of a technical nature which I don’t understand so get thee to an ETAPA office if this interests you.) ETAPA also announced that there are 50 places in the city with free Wifi, identified with signage.  (The one in the park near me says it’s limited to hours between 8 and 8.)

Campeonato del Hornado (Roast pig championship) – 3 roasters are vying to represent Azuay in the Campeonato Mundial del Hornado this Sun. at 10:00 in Paute in the Parque Lineal de Paute. Representing Cuenca is María José Machuca of the 27 de Febrero market.    The two other contestants are from Gualaceo and Paute. The winner will go on to the finals in Otavalo on 25/9.  The three women use wood fired ovens at their houses and depending on demand, sell 4-10 pigs a week.  (I think the Cuenca contestant is where I get my hornado – she has the corner stand closest to the entrance.  That would be hard to live next door to – I could probably gain weight just smelling the air.)
Cuentas electónicas (Electronic accounts) – The gov’t is stepping up its campaign for Ecuadorians to open an electronic currency acount.  If you open an account by 31/8 you have the right to up to 4 point (percent?) refund of IVA on purchases made since May with electronic forms of payment.  You can open an account by “dialing” *153# and open an account “Efectivo desde mi celular” without an internet connection.  You can get 2% of the IVA on transactions made with electronic currency, 1% of IVA on transactions made with debit or prepaid cards issued by Ecuadorian entities (sounds like your BofA debit card won’t count), and 1% on transactions made with a credit card.

Fiebre aftosa – Ecuador has been declared free of foot/hoof and mouth disease (your words for the day – not very useful unless you’re a rancher and then it’s crucial) by La Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal.  In the past 4 years, 178,000 head of cattle have been vaccinated in Azuay.  This certification allows Ecuador to export milk products.  Nutrileche exports liquid and powdered milk to Costa Rica and Perú.

Discuentos y compras –

Concert – An ad for a concert by Richard Clayderman on his Tour Mundial Romantique on Thu. 8/9 at 20:00 in the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz.  Tickets at TicketShow, Musicalismo and the theater box office.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana – maybe (and here’s where English could use the subjunctive)



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