Lunes, 5/9/2016: Alianza Francesa kicks off new programs, Land auction, World pig roast championship, New app for bus info

Sep 5, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

There will be no Periodico starting tomorrow until I get reading glasses made.  I have no idea how long that takes.

Pagina cultural –chl jeanne logo

Upcoming agenda items – all repeats.  Seems like there’s less going on – an effect of a bad economy?

“Jornadas de la Cultura Saharaui” – from tomorrow (Tue) to Sat in the Sala “Alfonso Carrasco.”  The event includes a photo exhibit and films.

Tribal Fusion – The centro cultural Gato Alado (Pres. Córdova 14-43 will start a new series of La Danza del Vientre Tribal which is a style of modern dance derived from belly dancing and fused with other styles such as flamenco and modern.

Libro – “Cabalgata Nocturna” will be presented in the Sala de Conciertos at CCE on Thu. at 19:00.

Cursos de música – The Centro Musical Santa Cecilia will restart music classes. More info at calle de Las Herrerias 2-20 or 409 8202.

Museum guest registers – Museum visitors can sign and comment on their visits to museums in a guest book.  At the MMAM, many visitors also include their own drawings as well as comments.

Alianza Francesa – The Alianza Francesa starts a new year of educational and cultural work with French classes, a media room with films, games, magazines and a virtual library.  Hours are from 9:30-13:00 and 15:00 to 19:00.  It will present a European film festival.  Films from literary works start tomorrow (Tue) and films about the art world start on 11/9 as part of the Martes de Cine program.  On 17/9 it will present a theatrical work, “Los rostros y los cuerpos” (The faces and bodies).  From 21/10 to 31/12 it will hold a show by Kader Attia in the galería Paul Cézanne.

Short stories – “Antolohit”, an anthology of short stories by mostly young writers from different countries has been published by Ecuafuturo in Quito.

Otras cosas –  
Titular –  El “recreo” termina y clases comienzan (Recreaction ends and classes start)  Students in the Sierra and Amazon are returning to classes gradually.  Today only high school students start school.

Mundial del Hornado (Roast Pig World Championship) – 3 winners from Zone 6 will compete in Otavalo on 25/9.  Irma Mendieta from the 25 de Junio Mercado in Gaulaceo will represent Azuay Province.

Moovit – This app which shows the bus lines and routes in 1,000 cities in 65 countries is coming to Cuenca on 15/9.  The rider can enter where he wants to go, and the app will say which line to take, name the closest stop, when the next bus arrives, and how long it will take to get to the destination.  You can download the free app from the “App Store” for iOS phones, “Play store” for Android, and “Tienda Windows” for devices with “Windows Mobile.”  The Dirección Municipal de Tránsito (Municipal Transit Department) is responsible for keeping the data current.  (So how current do you think that will be?  And will they keep abreast of all the Tranvía caused changes?)  Once you have the app, you can use it in any city with “Moovit.”  The list of cities is at

IESS appointments – There are three ways to make an appointment at IESS (but only one language – I’ll leave it to you to guess which “idioma” that would be).  You can go to their web page at, their national call center at 140, or “ARIESS” at 4134-555 which is gradually replacing the national call center.

Water park – Guachapala has a water park that is open all weekends and holidays from 9-19:00.  Admission is $2.20 for kids 1-14, $3.20 for adults 12-65 (So what does a 13 year old pay?), $1.20 for over 65, and $1.70 for handicapped.  There are 26 attractions including a 9 meter high toboggan, climbing wall, canopy (zipline?), snorkeling, a wave pool, water slides and toddlers’ pool.  There are also hydromassages, sauna and steam rooms, a cold pool (water straight from the river?), steam boxes, and more.

Discuentos y compras –

Land in liquidation – Cooperativa de Vivienda Puente del Paraíso is in liquidation. The 20,000 meters of land is on the right bank Río Yanuncay across the river from the Golf and Tennis Club. The value has been assessed at $718,600.  I think offers have to be at least 75% of the assessed value, made in writing and accompanied by a certified check in the amount of 10% of the offer.  Make the offers at Edificio Acrópolis, Ste. 412 on Av. José Peraltay Av. 12 de Abril on or by Mon., 19/9 between 9-17:00.  To look at the property, call (07) 410 3642.  (I’d wouldn’t waste their time if you’re not serious.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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