March for referendum, Call to reinstate airplane fuel subsidy, Women’s concert, History of disaster
Domingo, 3/9/2017
Hola, Todos –
Pagina cultural –
Today’s agenda events –
Publication – The publication “Cuenca: La próxima Tragedia” (Cuenca: The next Tragedy) was presented hoy a las 18:00 in the Unión Nacional de Periodistas (UNP) (Paucarbamba 3.23 y Los Fresnos). The research starts with La Josefina landslide of 24 years ago. Free. <I imagine one major landslide across the Río Tomebamba or Cuenca would have the valley filling up like a cuenca.>
Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –
Documentary – “Si yo muero primero” (If I die first) will premier Fri. in commercial theaters throughout the country. It is about the musical career of Julio Jaramillo.
Concierto – “Concierto para Mujeres” (Concert for Women) will be on 28/9 a las 20:00 in the Teatro Sucre with various artists performing “Contra del Femicidio” (Against Feminicide). Buy your tickets in El Surtido.
Articles about –
Alianza Francesa – The Alianza has a new director. Antoine Lissorgues took office el pasado lunes. The schedule for 2018 is being prepared and will include the Fiesta de la Música, francophony week, and the French film festival at the end of the year. A new program, “Una Oportunidad Más” (One More Chance), which gives scholarships to public school students from families of limited means, has started and students in the Sept-Nov. cycle will take 100 hours of French.
Exposición – A show of drawings of the human form by Óscar Sánchez opens hoy a las 19:00 in the Museo Pumapungo.
Teatro – “Los Tambores” (The drums), a work that has been staged for over 30 years will be presented hoy a las 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo as part of the Festival Escenarios del Mundo.
Otras cosas –
Titular – Marcha por la Consulta y contra la corrupción (March for the referendum and against corruption) – Different groups including unions, indigenous leaders, members of the Comisión Nacional Anticorrupción, and ordinary citizens marched into the Plaza Grande in front of the Palacio de Gobierno (Carondelet Palace) without restrictions for the 1st time in 10 years. Representatives went into the Palace to deliver their suggestions. Examples of posters included, “Glas out, corruption out, no more looting of IESS funds, jail for the corrupt, and no indefinite re-election. There were also marches in Guayaquil and Cuenca.
Odebrecht – Different businesses including Equitransa, Multiquip, and Tramo paid Odebrecht to do business with them. Then they included those payments in their bills to Odebrecht. Odebrecht was paid by the taxpayers. <It’s very tangled and that’s what I think the paper is saying.> There was also a network of public officials selling their influence. <Ecuadorians want their swamp drained, too. Which citizens do you think will get their wish first?>
Water service suspension – Water service was suspended hoy desde las 8:30 y las 14:30 for water users supplied by the Sinincay treatment plant to do something connected with filters.
Fuel subsidy – The Industrial, Production and Employment Chamber of Commerce (CIPEM) is hoping that Pres. Moreno will issue a decree to reinstate the fuel subsidy for planes serving Cuenca. Flights between Quito and Cuenca cost as much as $380 and between Guayaquil and Cuenca about $100 with 4 or 5 flights daily. 5 years ago, there were 16 flights a day with 4 different airlines. In addition to LATAM and TAME, Cuenca was served by Air Cuenca and Avianca (Aerogal).
Reina de Cuenca – The candidates for the Queen of Cuenca will be officially presented hoy a las 19:30 in the Seminario San Luis (Benigno Malo y Bolívar). It will also be a fashion show.
Internacional –
México – The death toll from Tuesday’s earthquake has reached 230 with rescuers working around the clock.
Descuentos y compras –
Chevy – a 2 for 1 sale on the Sail, see more at – Spark Life from $12,490, Tracker from $29,990, and D-Max 4×4 Full from $41,990.
Kia – Sportage Active – from $25,990, Cerato Forte from $21,990.
And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –