Martes, 10/1/2017: El Centro vehicle restrictions, Buses back on Lasso, Plastic surgery advertising restrictions

Jan 11, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Tues.) agenda events –

Cine – “Castillos de Arena” screened at the Alianza Francesa on Tues.

Película (movie) – A film series of movies by film maker Nicolás Pereda started today at 19:00 in the Museo Pumapungo with “Perpetuum mobile.”

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Ley de Cultura – Art. 1 was printed.

Teatro – The Mexican group Tarheni will present “La fastera” (The border) del jueves al sábado (from Thu. to Sat.) at 20:00 in the sala “Alfonso Carrasco.”  It will also play in Sigsig.

Articles about –

FIMAC – the Festival Internacional de Música y Artes Sonoras Contemporánea, 2017 is ongoing with concerts, workshops and meetings.  (This is the Strange Sounds festival from the other day.)

Bienal – Another venue for the Bienal is the Federación Obrera at Borrero 12-38.

CCE – Their library, La Biblioteca Manuel Muñoz Cueva, is about 70 years old and will continue with the “Salón de lectura” (Reading room) program.

Poetry – Juan Romeros’ book of poetry was launched el pasado jueves.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Restricción vehicular en el centro, analizan (Analyzing vehicular restriction in El Centro) – Results of studies on the first two projects on circulation and public spaces will be ready in three months.  The first project is a Microred Peatonal en el Centro Histórico (Micro Pedestrian Network in El Centro) which would improve two pedestrian corridors – Luis Cordero and Pres. Borrero from Héroes de Verdeloma to Calle Larga.  The second project will address the dearth of commercial activity north of La Mar by using architecture and planning of public spaces to integrate that area with the Tranvía (which was what probably killed the commerce in the first place.)  A third project will study the public transport system and locate stops to integrate with the Tranvía.  The 4th project is to define the mechanisms for integrating the physical and fare structures of the Tranvía and buses.  (I hope physical takes into account schedules a well as bus stop locations.)

Radar speed control – Starting 15/1, the automatic radars will start issuing tickets to speeders.  The units are portable, solar powered and will email you your ticket. They’re the yellow signs that show your speed if they’re working.

Suspension of cosmetic surgeries ads – Advertising for the low cost cosmetic surgery called “Hola Mauricio” was provisionally suspended after a 21 year old woman died during a liposuction procedure at the clinic in Puerto Principal.  The prosecutor opened an inquiry in to possible “negligencia médica.”  (Hey, Doc – that’s not fat in the tube, that’s liver!)  The family feels that there was misleading advertising involved as well.

Bus routes – Bus routes are starting to return to O. Lasso.  Line 3 (Bellavista-Sayausí) went back to its original route yesterday (How many of you haven’t been here long enough to know what that original route was?)  Line 8 (San Joaquín-Trigales) is being analyzed today, and Lines 13 & 50 are still running their current routes.

Phone/internet booths – ETAPA is installing a network of coin operated phone/internet booths.  There are currently 650 booths in different sectors and institutions and this will be extended including into rural areas.

Protest – Residents of Zhidmad and Santa Ana protested to have their priest changed.  They have been complaining for 20 years, and finally took their protest public.  Their complaint is that the priest is telling them how to vote.  (This may be a Catholic country, but it sounds like the flock is mighty independent.)

Internacional –

Venezuela – The Parliament declared “abondono de cargo” (colloquially, not doing his job) by Pres. Madura and demanded elections so the people could speak.

Perú –  Peru has made 7 modifications to its Ley de Extranjería (Immigration Law). The law will take effect on 1 de marzo próximo and include a provision that any foreigner “expulsado” (expelled, kicked out) of Perú can’t return for 15 years. Additionally, foreigners who damage the national patrimony have to pay a fine before leaving the country.  (Too many tourists carving their initials into walls at Macchu Picchu?  Make it a hefty fine or a long time in jail.)  It will also make it easier for foreigners considered “altamente calificados” (highly qualified – your words for the day) to get residency for themselves and their families. Foreign volunteer workers will no longer need to leave the country every 90 days, but can schedule their residencies for up to a year.  There will be two types of residency – temporary, like tourists, and residence for those who intend to stay in the country and perform activities for a year with the possibility of renewal.  (One reason Peru’s not on anyone’s best places to retire list even if the food’s better.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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