Martes, 1/3/2016: Volcano rattles windows, Chinese tourists are courted, Tranvia, Families of Argentine murder victims doubt police report

Mar 2, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Upcoming events –

Star Wars – themed exhibit in the Museo Pumapungo.  “The creativity awakens” will present 30 “Art-Toy” pieces.  The exhibit opens Thu. at 19:00.chl jeanne logo  (What the heck is an Art-Toy?  Never mind, I just Googled it and now my question is “Why?”)

Colombian Film Series – at the colectivo Lakomuna (at the stairs in El Otorongo) will show “Los Hongos” Wed. at 19:00.  The movie is about 2 “grafiteros” (grafitti artists, although I don’t know if they’re artists or taggers and where that line is drawn) in Cali.

“Noche de letras. Volumen Tres” (Night of letters.  Volume 3) – will be at República Sur (Pres. Córdova 5-5) on Thu at 19:00. 4 poets will be reading their work.  (All you poets out there – I haven’t seen anything written that says these poems have to be in Spanish.  Go for it.)

Teatro con adultos mayores  (Theater with older adults) – the group, which also sings, will stage the musical, “Dulcinea el amor de Don Quijote” (Dulcinea, Don Quijote’s love) (But you knew that already, right?) in the Teatro Sucre on Fri (free admission) and Sat ($5.00), both at 20:00.

Ongoing or finished events – None!

Articles about –

Artists using technology to create art.  The “Remediación” show will be at the Casa de las Posadas (G. Colombia 17-44 y Octavio Cordero).  It opens Thu at 19:00 and runs to 3/4.   “Orquesta Inducción” is one of  the works where the artist has rigged an induction cook range to play sounds.  Another is “LED Eicchornia Crassepies” which takes wastewater and runs it into a tank with plants that both purify the water and generate bacteria which then produce electricity which powers LED lights around the tank, creating a sculpture.  (I wonder if the “agua servida” is really wastewater or gray water?)

Rafael Saula, a composer has written an Amazon “best seller,” “Técnica disruptiva de directión orquestral: Más allá de lo evidente.” about music, directing and the connections among director, orchestra and listener.

“Hacer un foto libro” workshop (Make a photobook) – will be Wed. at 19:00 in the auditorium of the Bienal Foundation (Bolívar 13-89 y Estévez Toral).  Free.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Versión oficial no convence a los familiares (Official version doesn’t convince families) – (Huh?  What families?  Why is there an official version?)  It´s more details about two young Argentinean women who were killed in Montañita.

Chinese – will be allowed to enter Ecuador without visas for a maximum 90 day stay per year counted from the date of first entry to the date of final departure.  (Now would a 3 day side trip to Perú count as part of those 90 days?)

Tungurahua – is making enough noise to rattle windows in Baños, and is spewing gas and ash.  The Geophysical Institute described two possibilities – the more likely is that the explosions and emissions continue for a few days and the less likely is new magma from inside the volcano erupts.  (Take a photo of that and you might not live long enough to send it.)

Your sliver of life article today – is about “bisiesto” (Leap Year) babies. There were 7 born on 29/2 between 3:00 and 17:00 when the newspaper went to print.  (Don’t know if was just in the regional hospital “Vicente Corral Moscoso” or if that one speaks for all the others.)

Tranvía work – starting 2/3, the intersections of Gran Colombia with Tomás Ordóñez and Vargas Machuca will be restricted. Bus lines 10, 19 / 24 will be changed.

Tree inventory – will be done this year to control cutting in public spaces. (Is that how they caught McDonald’s?)  Also, Gestión Ambiental (Environmental Management) is receiving nominations for patrimonial trees until 31/3.

Intercultural – 

An article about la yanushca (sounds Russian) which is an ancestral Cañari dish. (This might help explain why your lunch plate comes with three starches.) Yanushca consists of tender grains, 4 kinds of tubors and 3 pastas (pastes – in the sense that peanut butter and hummus are pastes).  Some women in Cañar make this and start with 1.5 quintals of papas chola (150 kg of potatoes), oca and choclo (on the cob).  The finished yanushca can be served with piece of cuy or chicharrón on top.  (Sound like a typical almuerzo?  Piece of meat with rice, potato, corn and maybe plantain.)

Internacional – 

Bolivia – Evo Morales and his ex-girlfriend had a child several years ago that Morales said died a few days after birth.  Now there’s a document saying the child might be alive.  (The scandal gets juicier and juicier.)

Colombia – intensified its control on access from Venezuela. The border has been closed since last Aug.  (I doubt any of you will be doing this, but) If you enter Colombia from Venezuela you need current documents, hotel reservations, enough money for the trip and an invitation letter if you’re visiting family or friends. (My family sure isn’t that formal.  More like “I’m thinking of visiting in June – are you going to be in town?)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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