Martes, 13/9/2016: All that jazz, Bus safety reviewed, Cathedral dome repair
Hola, Todos –
Pagina cultural –
Tuesday’s agenda events –
Martes de cine francés – The Tuesday movie at the Alianza Francesa was “Quai D Orsay”. This Sat., at 20:00 the theater work “Los rostros y los cuerpos” will be presented at the Teatro Sucre. Free.
Yoga for kids – Yoga classes for kids 3-10 are given at 16:00 on Tuesdays in the Centro Pascana.
Upcoming agenda events –
El Festival Eurocine 2016 – The festival will be held at a national level from 22/9 to 15/10. In Cuenca the screenings will be in the República Sur and the Alianza Francesa. (Told you that you’d get more information if you were patient. So now all you’re waiting for are the specific films and times, but it’s awhile, until the 22nd.)
Música – The Big Band and Jazz Choir of the U. Católica of Guayaquil and the Eam Jazz Bank from Cuenca will perform on Thu. in the Museo de la Ciudad (Antigua Escuela Central – and of course everyone knows where that is. In case you’re FOB, that’s on Benigno Malo and Bolívar.)
Concierto – “Jazz, Encuentro Intercultural” (Jazz, Intercultural Encounter) with Cuenca Unity Jazz will play genres from Brasil, México, EE.UU, Perú y Ecuador on Thursday at 19:30 in the Teatro Sucre.
Jazz – The second promotional concert of the “Cuenca Jazz International Festival” with Spaniard Gilberto Rivero will be this Thu. at 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo. (All you jazz lovers are wishing you could clone yourselves right now – so much to choose from.)
Taller – Tomorrow (Wed.) at 15:30 in the Centro Pascana (Puente de Todos Santos y Paseo Tres de Noviembre) there will be a workshop on how to create and paint mandalas; to help improve your patience and memory. (I think there are probably a lot of you out there who could use help in those areas. Especially patience for all of you Type A gringos … or maybe just typical gringos.)
Articles about –
Susana y Fernando Moreno Ortiz – The siblings were recently made members of the CCE. Both have been writing for 30 years and both have recently published books of poetry – “Poiesis” and “Escribir.”
Homage to García Lorca – The Literature Section of the CCE has organized a cycle of activities to commemorate the poet on the 80th anniversary of his assassination. Wed. at 19:00 in the institution’s library, there will be a colloquium about the poet. On Thu. a film will be screened in the Sala de Conciertos. “Muerte en Granada” tells the story of Lorca’s assassination at the hands of the Spanish nationalists during the Spanish civil war (Remember For Whom the Bell Tolls with Ingrid Bergman and Gary Cooper?). Fri. there will be a reading of Lorca’s poems.
Film – the Festival de Cine “La Orquídea” will not be presented this year, but the Gobierno Provincial del Azuay will present film forums on Saturdays at 19:00. Each week, films that have been part of the “La Orquídea” festival will be presented in the teatrina in the Casa de la Provincia on the Plaza San Blas.
Acting seminar – Raúl Teba is holding a seminar today and tomorrow (Tue & Wed) for movie and TV actors in the sala “Alfonso Carrasco Vintimilla” in the CCE. Go to or call (02) 321 5390 or 096 818 2852 for more info or to register.
OSC – The Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca started its concert season last week with the premier of the “Concierto para violín y Orquesta” by Ecuadorian Jorge Oviedo, in which international violinist Jorge Saade soloed.
Otras cosas –
Titular – Mayor control al transporte de pasajeros (Better control of passenger transport) – The buses of Tansportes Patria were suspended from the Cuenca-Quito route by the Agencia Nacional de Tránsito (ANT) for a month starting 7/9. On 5/9, one of their buses overturned on the vía Chunchi-Alausi leaving 2 dead and 21 injured. The investigation of the cause is being carried out.
There are 6 departures from the Terminal Terrestre in Cuenca to Quito, 7 days a week, at 4:15, 5:15, 9:48, 11:15, 14:00 and 15:30. The buses registered in Cuenca have to pass a mechanical check in the Revisión Técnica Vehicular. Formerly, this was required two times a year and now the inspection is only once a year. EMOV has a fixed control point open 24 hours for interprovincial buses. They check the driver’s documents and test for alcohol, registration and titles, and mechanical items – tires, lights and windshield wipers. (How about brakes? If you drive anywhere out of Cuenca you’re driving in the mountains!)
Miss Continente – The contestants in this beauty contest will be in Cuenca until Thu. On Wed. they will visit Om Dental and Caba San Miguel and eat at Fabianos Pizzería, Jhons Burguer and Resaturante Goza. (So hang around there to ogle beauty queens.) On Thu, they will visit PersaFlor and Movistar. On Thu. night at 18:30 there will be a parade in the Centro de Convenciones Mall del Río and they end their Cuenca visit with a Mexican goodbye event organized by Tacanijo Restaurant.
Back to school for universities- The Universities of Azuay, Católica and de la Cuenca started yesterday. Traffic near the campuses increased.
Catedral de la Inmaculada – Work restarted on the New Cathedral last week. Workers were reinforcing and girdling the domes to avoid problems like “filtraciones de agua” (infiltration of water/leaks – your words for the day. Save them for when you need to tell your landlord you’ve got some. That’s not something you might need, but something you will need here.)
Mining in the páramos – The Provincial Chamber met to make various resolutions about the strategy for mining development in the province. The first point was to call a Parlamento Popular Provincial de Agua y Ambiente (Provincial People’s Parliament on Water and Environment) for all citizens, organizations and institutions interested in debating the problem of mining in the province and especially in the páramos. The meeting will be held on Sat., 24/9 at 8:30 in the salón de eventos at the Mall del Río. Those interested in speaking need to register with Sully Toro in the departamento de parlamentos in the Prefectura del Azuay. (I think you’ll need to make your speech in Spanish, though.)
Intercultural – “La cultura cañari, raíz e identidad cuencana” (The Cañari culture, Cuencanan roots and identity) – Gyna Freire de García and her husband Fernando García Durán maintain the Centro Cultural Gaspar Sangurima which is open to the public. It is located in El Monasterio (Pres. Córdova 6-26 y Hermano Miguel) along with the Museo de la Identidad Cañari and the Galerías de Arte El Monasterio. The Cañari territory included Cuenca and Azuay and the culture predated the Incan and later Spanish invasions. Some of the pieces date back 4,000 years. Hours are 9-13:00 and 15-18:00, M-F. Sat. from 9:30-13:00. Admission: $2.00 adults and $1.00 for children.
Discuentos y compras –
2 for 1 promotion – Pay with your Banco Guayaquil credit or debit card and get 2×1 at Tiestos, El Mercado, Tierra de Fuego, Rosée, Casa Alonso and Noe. Restrictions apply, good Sept. to Nov, 2016.
And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –