Martes, 14/3/2017: Noise ordinance details, Downtown fires, 10k race, More tram tracks

Mar 15, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda event –

Martes de Cine – The Tuesday movie at the Alianza Francesa at 19:00, is about Patrice Lumumba, leader of the independence movement in the República del Congo.

Articles about –

Theater – The theater group “La Guarida,” (The Den/lair) composed of 6 U. of Azuay students, will present “Amor de don Perlimplín y Belisa en su jardín” a work based on García Lorca from miércoles a sábado. The first day’s performance is at 20:30, and the last day’s is at 20:00 in the Centro Cultural “La Guarida” (calle Mariscal la Mar y Luis Pauta).

Art & Assemblea – A group of artists and cultural activists met with an advisor to assemblywoman Doris Solíz (would that be an aide in the US?) who wanted to know the concerns and complaints regarding the new Ley de Cultura that the assembly could address.

Grupo “Víctor Jara” – This musical group has been picked to represent Ecuador at the World Art Festival China 2017 in Beijing from 26/4 to 26/5.  They will play their own compositions which tend to social themes such as the environment and human rights as well as Ecuadorian music.

Film – A new Ecuadorian film, “Solo es una más” (It’s only one more) will premier on 13/10.  It’s the story of Joaquín Wappenstein, a young man with a brain tumor who is diagnosed with epilepsy.  (And right here, the line between news and advertising gets crossed.  Or is product placement not really advertising.)  The film uses Renault cars in some scenes. Renault which “auspiciar” (to sponsor – your word for the day – use it when you solicit funds for your charitable activities, which I hope you have.) the film was looking to create a consciousness about an inclusionary society.

Títeres – There will be a puppet show (one puppeteer, multiple puppets) tonight at 20:00 in the sala “Alfonso Carrasco Vintimilla” in the CCE (Cordero y Córdova).  The show is a fable, an adventure, and explores the prejudices against differences and the unknown.  (Like someone who once told me he didn’t like mushrooms, but had never tried one.)

Casting call – The folkdance group Wayrapamushkas of the U. of Cuenca is auditioning for dancers this sábado in the sala de danza of Unidad de Cultura (av. 12 de Abril 5-199 y Solano, antigua Escuela de Medicina – just when I managed to drop the ex-Escuela Central, here’s another ex.) from 10-12:30 and 14-16:30.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Concluye la impresión de las papeletas (Printing of ballots finished) – The ballots are being shipped to the Centro de Exposiciones Mitad del Mundo (Cemexpo) for assembling the election kits.  Separate meetings were held for AP and CREO delegates to learn about the security process.

Fires – There were two fires Tues., one in the back part of the Mansión Alcázar, attributed to a gas leak, and the other on Francisco Cuesta and 27 the Febrero which created a column of smoke visible from many points in the city.

Noise Control – The noise ordinance was passed in enero, but requires 60 day period to educate the public.  The installation of devices that will play “música amigable” (agreeable music – just steal it out of an elevator.  You know my choice is Jumpin Jack Flash.) on gas trucks will be determined at a meeting today. The ordinance calls for 90 days to install the “dispositivos” (devices, gadgets) to replace the beeping with music.  Other sources of noise are El Centro businesses and schools.  A team will measure decibel levels and let owners know what levels are allowed.  After the educational campaign is finished, the penalties will be determined. You can make complaints about noise by calling 4134-900, ext. 1644; through EC 911; social networks; or at the offices of the Municipal Comisión de Gestión Ambiental (City Environmental Management Commission) (Simón Bolívar y Pres. Borrero).  You need to give your name, cedula number, contact info., the name of the infractor if known, the source of the noise and the time.  (Confidentiality will be respected, but I wouldn’t bother reporting that moto with no muffler that just went by your house unless you got the plate number.)

State of Emergency – Pres. Correa extended the decree for Manabí and Esmeraldas. In another article, Correa sent the Assembly the project to create the law prohibiting public officials from holding assets in tax havens.  The referendum on the issue was passed 55.12% to 44.8%.

Sexual harrassment – Women who use public transport in Quito can report sexual harrassment from their phones.  Enter 6367, the word ACOSO, and the number of the vehicle to activate a response process.  The call goes to an operations center, an alarm is activated in the vehicle alerting the driver, and police will respond in 3 minutes. The system is on 120 trolley and Ecovía vehicles.  (Is that an Ecuadorian 3 minutes (20 minutes?) or a gringo 3 minutes (20 seconds)?)

Tranvía – The rails in El Centro should be installed this May and work is progressing at La Mar y Hermano Miguel.  The Mayor said that a new schedule is being written and will be released in a few days.  (Date of completion.  Nunca?)

Deportes –

UCuenca 10K – The race will be on 26/3 starting at 8:00 from the main gate of the university (av. 12 de Abril).  You can register at Mi Boletería in the Mall del Río, Mon-Sun from 10-20:00 or in the Instituto de Cultura Física (Institute of Physical Culture – Gym?) at the university from Mon-Fri from 12-18:00.  Pick up the kit (chip, t-shirt, etc) on 15/3 at the Coliseo Universitario from 12-17:00.

(If no one is reading about the runs, I’m going to stop posting them.  Let me know via CHL if you want to know about them.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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