Martes, 17/5/2016: Airport update, Award-winning coffee, TEDx Cuenca, Film fest

May 18, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming events –

Danza – La Compañia de Danza Contemporánea de la Universidad de Cuenca will have shows on Thu. and Fri. at 20:00 at the centro cultural Imay (El Oro y El Batán).  Cost: $5.00.chl jeanne logo

Concierto – A group from the U of Cuenca will have a teaching concert tomorrow (Wed.) at 20:00 in the Museo de la Ciudad. “Aguaritmo” will teach different styles and techniques of percussion along with its history and evolution.

Cine – the Festival de Cine Palestino starts tonight (Tue.) with “La sal de este mar” at 19:00 in the Sala de Conciertos at the Casa de la Cultura.

Articles about –
The Festival Charangos de América – will be on 25 & 26/5 and include recitals, workshops and theater arts.  The concerts will be on 25 & 26/5 at 20:00 in the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. There will also be charango making workshops, for which you can register at the Unidad de Cultura at the U of Cuenca (Doce de Abril y Solano).

Máscaras de Píllaro (Masks of Píllaro) – There will be a mask making workshop to learn how to make traditional masks like those used in the Diablada de Píllaro from 25/5 to 3/6 at the Centro Cultural El Ángel in the Casa de Chaguarchimbana (Las Herrerías y los Arupos).  Workshop hours are 8-11:00 and 15-17:00.  Register either at the center or call 4096 994.  Space is limited.

Ley de Cultura (Culture Law) – CCE is facilitating a debate on this law on Fri. at 19:00 in the Sala de Conciertos.  Participants will be independent individuals and cultural groups, representatives of the Ministerio de Cultura y Patrimonio, and CCE.

History of fashion show – Designer Gabriela Sánchez has a show that ends Wed. in Mogazza (in the pedestrian street of La Condomine).  Hours are 10:30-20:00.  The show includes dresses that reflect the 1910s, 30s, 50s and 60s.  (I bet a lot of you remember 60s clothing – bell bottoms, little boxy dresses and suits, hippy styles, Twiggy, and lots of hair.  Unfortunately, a lot of that hair has fallen out in the last 50 years.)

Otras cosas –  

TitularBloqueo vehicular en 2 intersecciones (Traffic blocked at 2 intersections) – The intersections of Benigno Malo and Luis Cordero with La Mar and Gran Colombia were blocked to traffic yesterday for tranvía work.  (That sounds more like 4 intersections than 2, but whatever it is, it’ll tie up traffic big time.)  A member of the Veeduría Ciudadana (Citizens Oversight) said that according to a schedule she had access to, the work in El Centro should be done by 25/9.  Many businesses in the area have chosen to close since since they don’t have customers.

Memorial masses – Masses were held yesterday in Manta and Bahía de Caráquez for earthquake victims.

Tigrillo (ocelot) – A 3-4 year old male tigrillo was captured between Naranjal and Molleturo and brought to Amaru where it was evaluated and released into the Molleturo-Mollopongo protected forest.

Award winning Ecuadorian coffee – Coffee from the Hacienda La Papaya under the brand name JUAN PEÑA was used by Cole McBride, the barista who won the US Eastern Region contest and by Tony Querio who won a national coffee roasting contest, also in the US.  In July, Diego Mejía will use the brand in the Mundial de Barismo WBC in Dublin, Ireland.  The hacienda is located in the Tenta Parish of Saraguro, Loja.  (Wonder if we can get this coffee in Cuenca?)

Airport – the Corporación Aeroportuaria de Cuenca (CORPAC) is consulting with the Dirección de Aviación Civil (DAC – Civil Aviation Agency) about the use of the airport when the runway is wet. Cooeficients of friction and cloudiness (?) are within international standards and the DAC needs to ensure that.

Amenidades –
TEDxCuenca – 10 speakers will participate in TEDxCuenca on Sat., 4/6 at 15:30 in the Teatro Pumapungo with the theme, “Crea, comparte, inspira” (Create, share, inspire).  Talk topics will include how to make magic, how to make social proposals sustainable, stereotypes about female figure, technological development and more. There is space for 550 viewers. Register at for a chance to win a ticket. (Don’t bother if you don’t understand Spanish – you’ll just be taking a seat away from someone who does.)

Internacional –
Dominican Republic – The fourth count has reaffirmed that Danilo Medina has been reelected president with 61.96% of the vote – the first president to receive over 60%. (With a “mandate” that big, why did they need to count it 4 times?)

Venezuela – A 60 day state of economic emergency has been declared.  It would grant more power to the Executive branch although it should be approved by the Parliament and reviewed by the Supreme Court.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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