Martes, 19/1/2016: San Francisco Plaza meeting, Zika spraying possible, Art, theater and music, Ancestral secrets

Jan 20, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Exposición – “La verdadera historia de Omar Tello, el sembrador de la selva” (The true story of Omar Tello, sower of the jungle) will open Wed. at 19:00 in the Alianza Francesa (Tadeo Torres y Solano).chl jeanne logo

Teatro – “El Invertido” (The homosexual) (Invertido without the El would be invested.) will be at el Sono Centro Cultural (Pres. Borrero 6-83) on 21, 22, & 23/1 at 20:00.

Música – There will be a tribute to Joaquín Sabina on Sat, 30/1 at 21:30 at La Parola.

Articles about

DJs from the 80’s and 90’s, before computer mixing, who are meeting to dust off the vinyl and share their “vivencias” (experiences – your word for the day).

Iván Petroff who took the presidency of the CCE at 10:00 this morning.  (I bet there’s still a follow-up article about the new president’s goals, etc. before it goes away.)

The Ciudades Piloto 2015-2017 project of the Agenda 21 de Cultura started yesterday with 4 workshops.  It’s a process to understand and improve the relation between culture and sustainable development.

The U of Cuenca which was awarded the “Diálogo de Saberes” (Dialogue of Knowledge) prize for its work in educating “grupos excluidos” (excluded groups) such as the indigenous in the sierra, costa y selva.  (3 of the 4 geographical regions in Ecuador – mountain, coast and jungle.  And all of you know what the 4th region is, no?)

Otras cosas –

Titular – Altibajos en la vialidad (Ups and downs in roads) are due mainly to a lack of money.  MTOP (Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Publicas (Public Works)) owes the contractor for the vía rápida (high speed road – relatively speaking) Cuenca-Azogues-Biblian for 3 months of billings.  The project is 82% complete, but there are adjacent owners whose properties still have not been acquired for this road widening project, and the contractor has pulled workers and equipment off the job.

Zika – the Ministry of Public Health in Azuay is prepared to fumigate, if necessary, to control the Zika virus.  (Another virus that shouldn’t kill you, but makes you wish you were dead.)

Plaza San Francisco – there will be a meeting Wed. at 17:00 in the School of Architecture of the U of Cuenca which is in charge of publicizing the project.  This meeting will be for the vendors in the plaza.

The recent elections for Pres. of the Corte de Justicia del Azuay are in limbo because the incoming president should be from a different “Sala” than the outgoing. In this case, they are both from the Sala Civil y Mercantil.  (Civil and Mercantile Courtroom?)

Intercultural – this seems like it’s going to be a regular page and it’s interesting.

“Los secretos ancestrales de cortar la totora y tejer esteras” (Ancestral secrets about cutting reeds and weaving mats.)  The reeds come from lakes in El Valle, Sinincay and other locations, and are about 6′ long.  Women like María Feicán will cut the reeds for the size mat they want, and weave the mats which sell for $5 for a large one and $3 for a small one.  At the same time, she is also caring for her animals – chickens, cuyes, dogs, etc. (Maybe totora used to grow in Totoracocha.)

Internacional – 

Venezuela – Pres. Madura rescheduled yesterday’s meeting with the Consejo (Council) Nacional de Economía Productiva to today.

Argentina – 4,000 people were evacuated due to flooding the the provinces of Entre Ríos and Santa Fe.

Central America – El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala are receiving $65, $98 and $112 million from the US to counter the migration of children and adolescents from these countries. However, the governments will not receive the money directly. It will be paid to the Agencia de Cooperación de Estados Unidos to execute projects. (Sounds like some multinationals are going to get richer for probably doing zilch if not actually making things worse.)

Deportes –

Grassboarding – a new extreme sport developed in Azuay.  It`s surfing/snowboarding in the mountains on grass which should be at least 10 cm long and wet although you can get a board for dry grass.  A board can cost $155 plus your protective gear (and your orthopedic surgeon’s bill).

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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