Martes, 26/1/2016: Citizen Guard defends itself against social media attack, Parque Paraiso gets a make-over, Film festival

Jan 27, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Festival – de Músicas del Mundo starts Tues at 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo with las Tres Marías and the choruses (what the heck is the plural of chorus?  chori?) from the Conservatory and the UDA.chl jeanne logo

Taller – a drum workshop was held Tues with instruments made from recyled materials.

Illustraciones – of different sectors of the city are being shown in the Museo de la Ciudad (ex Escuela Central) Tues from 15-21:00, and at  MMAM on Thu.

Música de campanas (Music of church bells) – is Tues at 19:30 in the plaza de Santo Domingo.  The concert will last 25 min. so you could be back home early – assuming the concert starts on time.)

Articles about –

Independent cultural centers in Cuenca and how they survive. They hold workshops and events, and they rent out space to support their cultural missions.

French film festival which starts Tues with “Humano” at 19:00 in the Teatro Sucre. There will be 3 films Wed. at the Alianza Francesa and others on Thu & Fri at the Millenium Plaza.  Go to their Facebook page: Alianza Francesa Cuenca for the schedule.

The Conservatorio Superior “José María Rodríguez” which links music with a social vision.  Students perform weekly at the hogar Cristo Rey, work with the kids at the escuela Francisca Dávila, and started their own orchestra.  This year they are planning music workshops for the public.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Control a los informales es cuestionado (Control of informals (informal vendors) is questioned).  A video taken this weekend of an alleged attack by members of the Guardia Ciudadana on an informal vendor near El Vergel is all over the social network pages.  (So all of you Facebookers who are Linked In have been Twittering about it all day?  Or was it in Spanish so you missed the whole thing?)

Ecuador – signed an agreement with the Chinese consortium Andes Petroleum for oil exploration and exploitation services in Bloques 79 & 83 in the southern Amazon.

The coordinators – for the meeting of the heads of state of member nations of CELAC are finalizing the agenda which will include debates on peace, poverty, and development.

The Attorney General of Ecuador – appealed the decision of the Hague Court.  (To get the rest in English click here – too many new words and too many words in general.)

Jaime Nebot – mayor of Guayaquil will not run for President.

Parque El Paraiso – is getting extensive maintenance work.  The artificial lake is being cleaned with 395 cubic meters of sediment removed, there will be improvements to la cancha de fútbol (the football field – your word for the day since Superbowl is coming up), installation of park benches, and planting of kikuyo in areas of heavy wear.

A new tourist information booth – in the arrival area at the airport opened Tues.

Free parking – if you are disabled and have a disabled card which you can get at the offices of EMOV EP in Misicata.  (You have to bring supporting documents.  Which you will need to research for yourself.)

Internacional –

Brazil-Bolivia – Presidents Rousseff and Morales will talk about a tren bioceánico (Bi-oceanic train) which would link Brazil, Bolivia and Peru from the Brazilian port of Santos to either Ilo or Matarani in Peru.  (Now there’s a major public works project.  I wonder if the US would now run coast to coast if it hadn’t built the Continental Railroad?)

Paraguay – 1500 evacuees have returned to their homes in Asunción against the advice of authorities who forecast more flooding in March.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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