Martes, 27/6/2017: Ecuador promotion, N. American writers, Electric service cut-offs, Many mini restaurants, Odebrecht, IESS
Hola, Todos –
Pagina cultural –
Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –
Vocal technique workshop – The Intensivo Internacional de Técnica Vocal workshop will be in the Imay Centro Cultural on 8 & 9/7.
Monument – On 4/7 at 10:00, a monument to the Mariscal José Domingo La Mar y Cortázar will be inaugurated in the Casa de la Provincia (Simón Bolivar y Tomás Ordóñez, San Blas sector). This is part of the commemoration of the “Centésimo Nonágesimo Tercer Aniversario” (193d) <Google Translate says Hundredth Nonaggressive Third Anniversary – your demonstration in the dangers of translation programs. To use one effectively, I think you really need to know at least a little Spanish – at least enough to catch things like that.>
Disc launch – The CD, “El canto de la guitarra ecuatoriana” (The song of the Ecuadorian guitar) by Darío Torres will be launched el próximo jueves, 6/7 at 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo. This is the latest musical production of the quiteño musician now living in Cuenca. <I guess the only way to ditch the “now living in Cuenca” is to be born here. I’ve seen references to people’s birthplaces who are “now living in Cuenca” and they’ve been here for 30 years. I guess that’s still a step up from “extranjero” (foreigner).>
Articles about –
UNAE – The Universidad Nacional de Educación is innovating in new ways of learning.
III Conferencia Internacional de Escritores – This conference which was organized by North American authors living in Cuenca <see previous comment>, will be el sábado at 14:00 in the jardines altos (rooftop? gardens) in the Edificio Terrassa (av. 3 de Noviembre). “Perpetuum Mobile” (Perpetual Motion), an anthology of poetry by Efraín Jara Idrovo will be presented. Two books by North American authors will also be presented: “For de (sic) Curious” by Su Terry and “The Phoenix Spring” by Barbara Snow.
“Cena show” (Dinner theater) – “Maria la Guagua,” one of Cuenca’s legends, will be performed by the Teatro Barojo on el jueves at 20:30 in the restaurante Lirón Lirón (Gran Colombia 9-41 y Benigno Malo) <I think it’s the ex-Eucalyptus.)
INAV (Red Iberoamericana de Narrativas Autiovisuales – Ibero-American Network of Audiovisual Narratives) – The Network is a research organization in audiovisual narratives.<I’m sorry, but I can’t get past the first paragraph of this turgid article.>
Otras cosas –
Titular – Premian a estudiantes destacados (Awards to outstanding students) – 180 high school students, flag and standard bearers for their campuses, received certificates. They also received a trip on a tourist train. <How would you like to chaperone that event without taking all the fun for the kids out of it? As in separate cars for boys and girls with an armed guard in the vestibule between cars.>
San Francisco Plaza – Mayor Cabrera announced that the Technical Commission for the contracting process found a parental relationship between an ex-secretary of Infrastructure and Public Works and one of the people in the consortium of contractors. The mayor will start analyzing the proper legal steps that should follow.
Transit reforms – The City of Cuenca and EMOV presented a project to reform the Códico Orgánico Integral Penal (COIP – the Penal Code) with regards to transit, transportation and mobility to make infractions and sanctions more proportionate. These would include cancelling jail for speeding over the moderate range (this would not apply to public transport and heavy cargo drivers), sanctions for public transit drivers who do not help passengers who are being sexually assaulted on the bus, and an increase in sanctions on informal transport, especially from other cities or provinces among others.
IESS – The financial situation of IESS has united workers, businesses and retirees who raised the issue of having a plan that includes making the entire debt of the gov’t to IESS and BIESS more transparent. The coalition believes this debt exceeds $15 billion. The Ministry of Finance said the amount established by the Comptroller as of 18/6 was $2.527 billion.
Public announcement – An economic recovery event for the merchants who have suffered losses due to Tranvía work will be on Sangurima between Vargas Machuca y Tomás Ordóñez and the Plaza Rotary on 28 & 29/6 from 9:30-17:30. There will be shows by Anita Lucía Proaño and “El Hombre Voz,” face painting, sales and more.
Odebrecht – The primary “delator” (informer – your word for the day) in the Odebrecht case gave a memory card with videos, recordings and documents to the Prosecutor’s Office. It was submitted for the first technical evaluation in the presence of 5 of the 7 people charged with “asociación ilícita (illegal association/ conspiracy) including VP Glas’ uncle.
Promoting Ecuador – The Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, and Tourism and Culture met to coordinate on how to promote Ecuador globally. The agenda included increasing exports, tourism, responsible exploitation of the environmental and patrimonial riches, and positioning Ecuador in the forefront of human mobility and defense of human rights.
Mercado 12 de Abril – The interior of the market will be renovated with new stalls for vendors and bathrooms. There will be an underground garage built where the fruit stalls currently are. Machinery will be brought in el domingo. The 222 merchants who will be relocated to around the market are happy with the plan since all of the stalls will be rebuilt so that all the merchants can return. The outside work is expected to take 5 or 6 months. Technicians have started to measure the existing conditions inside.
Bus stops – A proposal for the design for new bus stops will be presented mañana at 9:30 in the Galería de la Alcaldía (Borrero y Bolívar).
Electrical shut offs – Power was shut off today in the area of Sangurima at Manuel Vega, Vega Muñoz, and Tomás Ordóñez to modify underground low voltage circuits. <Those of you affected already know it’s over.>
Business page – Mini restaurants and other small businesses are located in house vestibules and hallways. <Never mind fire codes.> The article featured two women who sell ceviche and comida rápida and a man who sells empanadas and bolones.
Cantonization of Biblián – The canton will celebrate for a month, from 26/7 to 26/8 with 24 events. One of Biblián’s biggest tourist attractions is the rock grotto on Zhalao Hill. It is also a “Panama” hat weaving center.
Internacional –
Brazil – A survey showed that ex-president Luíz Inácio Lula de la Silva leads in a voting intention poll against various other possible candidates. <Sounds like Brazilians aren’t too happy with Temer.>
Discuentos y compras –
And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –