Martes, 28/3/2017: San Francisco Plaza vendor relocation, Paute water problems, Car registration blues, Theater festival

Mar 29, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Header notice – (The agenda items seem to have disappeared so there’s now one short announcement in the header and then the articles.)

Charla – There will be a talk Wed. at 15:00 in the Sala de Conciertos.  The topic will be “Hibrido, Sitios Patrimonio Mundial y su dinámica con la dimensión Cultural, para implementación de la sostenibilidad” (Hybrid, World Heritage Sites and its dynamics with the Cultural dimension, for implementation of sustainability). It is organized by the Red de Museos Centros y Espacios Culturales y el Archivo Nacional de Historia, Cuenca (Network of Central Museums and Cultural Spaces and the National Archive of History, Cuenca).

Articles about –

Teatro – There will be a theater festival as part of the Mes de las Artes Escénicas (Scenic Arts Month) from 31/3 to 1/4.  The actors will be from child care centers, 3 and 4 years old.  (I’m imagining a 3 year old lisping, “To be or not to be.”)  The opening act will be by students from the conservatory.  There will be 4 performances each day.  (I’m guessing at the CCE since it’s involved.)

“Añoranzas” (longings/yearnings/homesickness) – An essay.

Teatro – “Entre violetas y braguetas” will be performed tonight at 20:00 in the teatro Pumapungos.  (In Spanish of course – don’t you hate that you can’t take advantage of all the theater activities, assuming you’re one of the mono-linguists?)

“La Adoración de los Magos” – The painting, one of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous, will return to the Galería de los Uffizi tomorrow after 5 years of restoration during which new secrets were revealed.  (Those secrets, however, were not passed on in the article.)

Law – La Comisión Andina de Juristas, headquartered in Perú, will offer law courses on line including “El Derecho a la consulta previa frente a industrias extractivas, Análisis de casos” (The right to prior consultation with regard to extractive industries, Case analysis) and “Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, Jurisprudencia 2016 sobre trata de personas, Población LGTBI, Derecho a la salud y defensores de DD.HH.” (Inter-American System of Human Rights, Jurisprudence 2016 on trafficking in persons, LGTBI population, Right to health and defenders of Human Rights).  The seminars are directed at public officials, representatives of the private sector and extractive businesses.  For “attendees” outside of Peru, courses cost from $80-100, payable through Western Union.  For more info, go to (Actually, these sound like interesting topics.  But you already knew I’m weird.)

Taller de fotografía documental – Jerónimo Rivera is in Cuenca to accomplish a photography project and to give a workshop on documentary photography.  Register at the centro cultural El Prohibido (on La Condomine).  Spaces are limited and the course starts el sábado and will run for the next 5 sábados. Participants can show up with or without a camera.  (Does a smart phone count as a camera?  And when was the last time you saw a Cuencano on a phone-phone?)

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Pondrán cerco al edificio del CNE (They will surround the CNE building.) CNE headquarters and 24 Provincial Delegations will be enclosed within a 200 m. perimeter to avoid a repeat of the violence of the 19/2 elections when Lasso supporters demonstrated in front of the CNE offices demanding transparency in the process.  (So how’s that violent unless they were threatening and pushing and shoving people.)

Matrículas en línea – Failures in the auto registration system have caused long lines to get a turn.  Their AXIS system would get hung up at the end making applicants re-enter information changing a 2 minute process into 10 or 15 min.  In the office in parque De La Madre, 120 turns were given out, but you had to get there by 8:00.

New AG – A former advisor to Pres. Correa, Carlos Baca Mancheno, had the highest score – 94/100 – on the test for the “fiscal general.”  He will replace Galo Chiriboga.

Fast vote count – 2,000 volunteers will participate in the fast vote count this domingo. They will work through the NGO Participación Ciudadana (Citizen Participation).

Hospital – A new 231 bed, 34,609 sq. m. hospital was opened in Esmeraldas.  The cost was $87.5 million.

San Francisco Plaza – The main option for relocating the vendors temporarily will be on Padre Aguirre between Juan Jaramillo and Pres, Córdova.  (Oh, why not just shut the street off between calle Larga and Cordova since it will be impossible to stuff them onto the sidewalks in one block.  Add shoppers to the mix and you have the recipe for traffic chaos.)  Vendors will also have temporary and individually lockable metal modules which still need to be fabricated.  There will also be “dos baterías sanitarias” (2 sets of porta-potties – is that name peculiar to Calif?) and lighting. Work in the plaza is planned to start in the middle of abril.  (I wonder if planners were worried that if they put the vendors too far away (Otorongo) the vendors would move themselves back in the same rickety manner that they currently operate.)

Water cut-offs – Since last Sept, there have been repeated water service suspensions when it rains because Pauteños get mud instead of water.  The fire department will deliver water to homes, and other residents go to a public fountain next to the Plaza 10 de Agosto.  One council member said the problem started when a contractor to La Corporación Eléctrica del Ecuador (CELEC) built a substation in the páramo of Chanín and dumped a lot of soil on the “vertiente” (slope – your word for the day) that is the watershed for Paute.

Internacional –

US – AG Jeff Sessions called on sanctuary cities to collaborate with federal authorities to detain and deport immigrants who have committed a crime or are undocumented.  (Do you think that the perpetually surprised look he has is due to too much Botox?)

Argentina – Argentina will use money seized from the “caso de maletín” (Briefcase case) to build 2 children’s centers.  A Venezuelan businessman brought almost $800,000 into Argentina (in a briefcase – duh) to give to the Cristina Fernández campaign in 2007.

Venezuela – The Venezuelan Sec. of State struck back against Luis Almagro, the Secretary General of the OAS for his request that Venezuela call general elections.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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