Martes, 5/1/2016: The Desfile de Inocentes, Worry in the migrant community, Time to pay your taxes

Jan 6, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Exposición – a 150 year old nativity chl jeanne logoscene will be in the Sala Temporal at the Museo del Monasterio de las Conceptas through the 1st week of Jan.

Danza – a Danza de Vientre (Belly Dance) and Danza del Vientre Tribal exhibit will open this Thu at 19:00 in Gato Alado Project (Pres. Córdova 14-43).

Música – a salsa concert with the group “Los del 53” will be at República Sur (Pres. Córdova 5-55) on Fri at 21:00.  (Yup, this thing starts about the time a lot of you are going to sleep.)

Articles about –

The Desfile de Inocentes (Parade of Innocents) returns to its roots with masks and costumes rather than large sculptures and floats which is closer to the idea of a “comparsa” (krewe in New Orleans, or carnaval blocks in Rio.   A group of similarly costumed singers and/or dancers and a party with humor, satire and sarcasm.).  The U of Azuay will have about 500 students on the theme of “movilidad” (mobility) in a city that has none “ni a pie, ni en bibicleta, caballo, bus, etc.” (not by foot, nor by bike, horse, bus, etc.).  The U of Cuenca’s theme is Pumataqui – fiesta and dance of the puma and they will have large sculptures. (Which for a short person, is about all you can see through the crowd unless you get real lucky and get in front.)

The Alianza Francesa will continue with their Martes de Cine Francés (French film Tuesday) each Tue (duh) at 19:00.  On Sat, 23/1 there will be a French cooking workshop from 9-12:00. Register at  There is an unspecified cost.  There are also free workshops in theater – Mon, 20-21:30; creative writing – Mon. 14:15; phonetics – Tue 14:15; advanced grammar – Thu 14:15; the Alinaza chorus – Tue, 18:00; and board games – Fri 15:30.  (This group really knows how to advertise their activities.)

The Museo del Arte Moderno has a 2016 schedule that includes “Montañas y ríos sin fin” (Mountains and rivers without end – good words for the day since we’re surrounded by both.), a show about mining that will run from 14/1-5/2 with hours from 9-17:30 on weekdays and 9-13:00 on weekends.  It is also planning a retrospective of the artist Juana Córdova and smaller shows.  It’s big event will be the Bienal which will open in Oct/Nov.  (Looks like not everything in Ecuador lends itself to last minute planning and execution.)

Otras cosas –

Titular – Preocupación en la comunidad migrante (Worry in the migrant community – not you expats here, but the Ecuadorians in the US.  You have to admit – the government here isn’t raiding our houses and deporting us.) There are about 3 million Ecuadorians overseas, mostly in the US and undocumented.  Immigration raids have been reported in Georgia and Maryland.

San Francisco Plaza – the merchants who belong to 5 unions or guilds are waiting to see the plans.  Their complaint is that they have not been involved and “Nosotros no conocemos nada, absolutamente nada.” (We know nothing, absolutely nothing.) (Why is it that those that have to live with something the most are the least consulted about that something?)

The ordinance for the protection of domestic animals is being objected to by supporters of cockfighting who say it is a tradition and supports some 250 families in Cuenca.

Winter news – (it’s time for the stories about landslides and road closures again.)  A reactivation of a slide on the vía Loja-Zamora 13 km from Zamora has restricted traffic.  The route was closed at 19:00 for security (driving around a mudslide in the dark sounds muy, muy peligroso (very, very dangerous). (The accompanying photo shows a bus up to its front bumper in mud with people slopping around in mud up to their shins.  Better than going off the road, though.)

Prisoners at Turi – are complaining about their food.  (Maybe all those activities like fashion shows, art and English classes, etc are increasing their appetites.)  Inmates in one pabellón (pavillion, house) hung a banner seeking improvement in the food which is bad, in small portions, and always the same.  (I guess you get tired of arroz con arroz day after day after day.)

Time to pay your taxes – If the 9th number of your cedula is 1, you have until 10/3 to pay your taxes.  If the 9th number of your RUC is 1, you have until 10/4.
If the 9th number is 2, pay by 12/3 or 12/4.  If it’s 3, pay by 14/3 or 14/4 and so on until 28/3 or 28/4.  (If you didn’t earn anything here, you’re off the hook.  If you earned interest, (hello all of you on investor visas), better talk to a professional.

The Ley de Tierras y Territorios Ancestrales (Land and Ancestral Territories Law)  – will be coming up for approval on Thu in the National Assembly.  The law deals with the use of and access to rural property, the right to own it, and the land’s social and environmental functions.  It will regulate ownership including communal forms of ownership, redistribution to guarantee food sovereignty and environmental sustainability, and grant judicial security to right holders.

Your sliver of life article today – is about worries Ecuadorians have about the social and economic situation in the country.  The biggest worry is employment – or loss of employment, and the second is the rising prices of basic necessities.

The system at IESS – of shunting patients to private hospitals will change progressively.  IESS is building hospitals in Guayaquil, Machala, Quevedo and Quito with a total of 1120 beds.  IESS spent $780 million in 2015 on private hospital services with no clear procedure as to which patients would be referred.

El Tambo is celebrating 25 years as a canton with a festival which started yesterday and will run to 31/1.  There will be 36 events involving music, dance and gastronomy.  (I really like that about Ecuador – celebrations include food and not just in polite amounts.)

Internacional – 

Argentina – in Dec, Pres. Macri made provisional appointments to fill 2 supreme court vacancies.  Two lawyers are accusing him of the crime of “abuse of authority.”  (Let the politicing begin.)

Deportes –

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of July 21

Wilman Terán and Maribel Barreno Avoid Censure in Impeachment Trial.

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Providing Drinking Water to 10,000 People in Rural Ecuador: A Challenge Aiming to Change Lives.

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