Martes, 5/4/2016: Schedule for Cuenca Founding, Oil contracts signed, Photo contest, Russian films, Cuban guitarist

Apr 6, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Upcoming events –

Photography competition – the Alianza Francesa de París is organizing the VI Edition of the International Photography Competition.  This year’s theme is “El Deporte en imágenes” (Sports in Images).  Entries will be received until 30/4.  For more info, go to jeanne logo

Guitar concert – by Cuban Joe Ott Pons will be this Fri at 20:00 in the Teatro de Bolsillo del Sono (Pres. Borrero 6-83) with pieces that came from Spain to the New World.  Cost: $5.00.

Articles about –

Teenagers – from 5 rural parishes of Cuenca showed short films they created through the “Imágenes andinas del guagua y guambra cine” program (Andean images of children´s and guambra (teens in Quechua? – Google doesn’t translate Quechua) film).  The films were shown to students from several high schools in urban Cuenca this morning.

Hernán Illescas – will bring 22 large scale pieces of his work to the US this Thu. And “toquilleras” (hat weavers) from Sígsig, Chordeleg, Cualaceo, Cuenca y Azogues will bring their work to an international festival in China..  (Can you imagine a billion Chinese wearing “Panama” hats?  It would replace the image of laborers in their shallow cone shaped hats.)

David Jiménez Landivar – whose political cartoons are on display in the Galería de la Alcaldía.

Russian films  – are being shown at the CCE in the Salon de Conciertos (Luis Cordero y Pres. Córdova).  The first film, “Bárbara de la trenza bonita” was shown yesterday.  The films for Wed., Thu y Fri. are “La lámpara maravillosa de Aladino”, “La Reina de las Nieves”, and “Padre Frost.” (Aladdin’s wonderful lamp, The snow queen, and Father Frost.)

Otras cosas –

TitularRiesgos en la vía Paute-Guarumales (Risks on the vía Paute-Guarumales) include earth slides, “trizaduras” (which seems to come from trizar = to shatter and in this case refers to cracks in the roadway.), and subsidence. (I guess that means be prepared for bills to fix dings and dents and to repair suspension systems.)

Copies of your cedula – and voting certificates will no longer be required to transact business at 140 public institutions.  (You’ll find out which ones when you get there.)

Petroleum contracts – Nine contracts worth $1 billion were signed with “Pañaturi” composed of Sinopec Int’l from China and Sinopec Service Ecuador for the Indillana (Is that how you spell Indiana in Spanish or is this just a coincidence?), Yanaquincha y Limoncocha fields; “Kamana” composed of Schlumberger from France and Tecpetrol from Argentina for the Edén Yuturi & Pañacocha fields; and “Igapó” which is Halliburton for the Lago Agrio, Palo Azul, Pucuna y Víctor Hugo Ruales fields. (OMG – Darth Cheney is coming to Ecuador.)  The contracts are to extend the lives of these mature fields where it is necessary to use better extraction techniques to recover more of the reserves. (Is that roundabout way to say fracking?)

Founding of Cuenca activities include

Wednesday (6/4)
9:00 – launching of the Geoportal Municipal Project.
18:00 – an homage to Eudoxia Estrella
19:00 – presentation of the “Cuenca en tu mano” app.
19:00 – launch of the “Catálogo Montañas y Ríos” (I think it’s the               catalogue for the Mountains and Rivers exhibit) – MMAM
20:00 – 2nd Ecuadorian Music Gala, organized by the Cuenca and             Yanuncay Rotary Clubs – Teatro Pumapungo – with the                        Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca – $15.00 – tickets at Casa                       Farah, Bocatti, Almacenes LVictoria and Teatro Pumapungo.

Thursday (7/4)
20:00 – another performance of the Music Gala

10;00 – a parade of 170 members of the marching band graduates from Benigno Malo, Ciudad de Cuenca, and Manuela de Garaicoa High Schools.

10-16:00 – “Festival de las Artes” (Art Festival) – CEMUART (General Torres y Pres. Córdova – facing SF Plaza)

Internacional – 

The Panama Papers – has implicated 140 politicians and officials, exposed 11.5 million documents and 214,000 off-shore companies, from more than 200 countries and territories.  (How about all those little countries who host these shell companies nationalize them as an act of poetic justice?)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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