Martes 7/2/2017: Zero inflation, Ordinance targets AirBnB’s, Petroecuador suspect jailed, Abandoned animals rescued

Feb 8, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Tues,) agenda events –

Martes de Cine – The Alianza Francesa’s Tuesday movie was “Algunas horas de primavera” (A few hours of spring).

Articles about –

Cielo Mendoza – The 14 year old actress is the star of “Instantánea,” a childrens’ movie filmed in Playas de Villamil in Guayas Province.  Some of the film is animated and you can go to vimeo instantaneatrailer, or instantaneapelicula at Facebook, or on youtube.  It’s at the Milenium Mall in Cuenca.

UPS – The Universidad Politécnico Salesian has 6 internationally registered scientific magazines.  (Professors here must have to publish or perish, too.)

Comments – Antonio Sacoto reviews a novel by Ernesto Arias who wrote “Agitadas sombras bajo un nuevo sol” (Shaken shadows under a new sun) and just published a sequel, “Hienas” (Hyenas).

“Ánima” – This graphic show by Luis Guzmán will be in the basement of the CCE (Pres. Córdova 7-89) until el próximo viernes.  Hours are 9-18:00.  (Be grateful you don’t have to read these art reviews.  Following is a sample.)  The show organizers note that “la muestra es una representación que favorece lo reflexivo, una mirada vuelta hacia el interior, con una estética e neutralidad realizada a través del dibujo figurative monocromático.”  (The exhibition is a representation that favors the reflective, a look turned inwards, with an aesthetics and neutrality realized through the monochromatic figurative drawing.)  (That really makes you want to go check out the show doesn’t it?)

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Fin al contrato con Concorcio, apoyan (Support for end of contract with Consortium) – Representatives of barrios of Cuenca brought in 700 signatures supporting the Mayor’s decision if (when?) he terminates the contract with CCRC.

Material Electoral – The first 40,971 domestic election packets were sent to Zamora Chinchipe, Morona Santiago, and Pastaza. The last packets will be distributed in Pichincha because of its proximity to the CNE.  The military trucks who deliver the boxes are equipped with security cameras, satellite tracking, and are guarded by soldiers.

Petroecuador – A judge opened a criminal proceeding against Michel M. J., attorney for Petroecuador and close associate of Carlos Pareja, the ex-minister of Hydrocarbons, and Álex Bravo, the ex-director of Petroecuador, who are already in the justice system.  (Although Pareja is at-large in Miami.)  He has been ordered to a 90 day “prisión preventiva” (pre-trial detention). (Someone must be worried that he’ll wind up with asylum in Miami, too.)  The charge is ilicit enrichment.  The Comptroller said that between 2010 and marzo of 2016, the suspect inexplicably increased his wealth by over $271 million.

Odebrecht – Wilson Toainga, Ecuador’s prosecutor met with Brazilian authorities to get information on the multi-national corruption case against the construction firm. The attorney for Odebrecht was detained in Spain at Brazil’s request for alleged money laundering, bribing public officials, and being part of a criminal organization. Spanish prosecutors will assist Ecuador in questioning the attorney.

Last week, Attorney General Galo Chiriboga met with a US Deputy A.G. who told him that the information the US possesses will not be released since it is part of an ongoing judicial process.  (Sounds like Mr. Tinyhands excuse for not releasing his tax returns.  So what all is everyone hiding?)

Zero inflation – According to the Índice de Precios al Consumidor (Consumer Price Index), inflation in enero of 2017 was .09% (Close enough to zero for a catchy headline.).  In 2016, the rate was .90% (Compared to Venezuela, this is also almost zero, too.) Cuenca and Ambato had the highest rates with .42% and .30%. The lowest rates were in Esmeraldas with -.17% and Manta with -.13%.  In enero, the “Canasta Básica” (basic basket) was $701.93 and the monthly income for a family with 1.6 workers was $700.  Including “fondos de reserva” (reserve funds which is an extra month salary that can be accumulated in IESS or paid by the employer at the end of the year), the monthly income jumps to $749.98.

Hotelería informal (Informal hotelry) – Iván Granda, councilman, will introduce an ordinance to reduce informal hotelry in the city (That’s you if you’re advertising an extra bedroom or apartment on AirBnB.).  That’s one of the biggest complaints hotels and tourist agencies have – that the informal hotels are causing economic losses. There are property owners who offer lodging and are not qualified to do so.  They pay residential utility rates instead of commercial rates as they should, they are unpermitted, and are not paying taxes all of which creates unfair competition.

Minga Azuay – From last Sat. until yesterday, there were 21 mingas in Cuenca, working on projects like street/gutter cleaning, building and improving sports courts, closing courts, and improvements to the “casas comunales” (community houses). (Have you ever noticed that they’re all over the place?)  The Prefecto del Azuay, Paúl Carrasco, and the Parlamento Popular (Peoples’ Parliament) came up with using the minga to make meet the necessities of the neighborhoods as well as restoring the value of work done in a minga.  (A minga is a pre-conquest tradition of communal work for a communal benefit.  Neighbors get together and clean out a ditch to keep the area from flooding, or they pitch in to spiff up the school before the school year starts.)

Abandoned animals – Between 31/1 and 5/2, the Guardia Ciudadana found 7 puppies that had been abandoned in the garbage.  The puppies were taken to the station and fed.  They put a sign up and got homes for 2.  The other 5 went to the “Refugio del Mejor Amigo.”  In 2016, about 350 dogs and 50 cats were rescued by the Guardia Ciudadana and put up for adoption. The worst days are miércoles y sábados.

Amenidades –

Band concert – 3 independent (Does that mean you haven’t signed with a record company yet?) bands will be at the “Repúblic Sur” este sábado, 11/2.  “Sjuperlitio,” “Les Petit Batards,” and “La Madre Tirana” will give two performances, for everyone at 5:00 and for adults at 21:00.

Internacional –

Colombia – (Acually Quito, but it’s about Colombia) – The government and ELN will be meeting at the negotiating table in Quito este martes after a first meeting on 17/10/2016 was cancelled because ELN had not released an ex-congressman.  The congressman was released on 2/2 and a soldier who was taken on 24/1 was also released.

Trump insiste en que su “deber” es “proteger” a los estaounidenses (Trump insists his “duty” is to “protect” Americans) – He spoke at the McDill Airbase in Tampa. Meanwhile, a court provisionally blocked his order banning entry to the US by refugees from everywhere and citizens of 7 Muslim countries.  The 9th Court of Appeals upheld the lower court. (Would Trump have had a choice of his court of appeal? If he did, why the heck would he pick San Francisco?)

Peru – Ex-president Alejandro Toledo repeated that he had not received any bribe from Odebrecht.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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