Martes, 7/6/2016: U.S. Supreme Court upholds pro-Chevron ruling, Music festival, Dubai invests in deep water port

Jun 8, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming events –

Revista (magazine) – The literary magazine “El gaucamayo y la serpiente” has returned to circulation.  The current issue, number 40, has a monograph about the poetry of Efraín Jara, the magazine’s founder.  (I’m sure you are all going to run out and buy your copy as soon as you finish reading your emails.)chl jeanne logo

Novelas – Two novels by Ernesto Carrión will be presented on Thu. at 10:00 in the Centro Cultural República Sur.  (Ditto about running out and buying fresh off the press copies of these books. You know, if you went and learned Spanish you could read your own El Mercurio and stop putting up with snide comments about your monoliguisms)

Finished event –

Puppet show – “La rana sabia” (The wise frog) was shown in Gualaceo this morning.

Articles about –

Juana Estrella – A festival celebrating this actress’ 30 year career will start today and run until Sat., 18/6 with different performers honoring her work.  Today’s (Tue.) show is with Juana Gaurderas in “No quiero morir virgen” (I don’t want to die a virgen.  I think most of us passed that landmark decades ago.) at 18:30 and at 20:30. Wed. at 20:00 will be “Cuentos y canciones de perro plagio” with various artists, Thu. will be “Ser animal no es atenuante” at 20:00, and Fri. will be a master class by Prof. Norma Lixta at 20:00.  All the above events will be in the teatro “Alfonso Carrasco Vintimilla” (Luis Cordero y Pres. Córdova). Sat. will be Juan Estrella at 20:00 with a magic show in the República Sur (Córdova between Hermano Miguel and Mariano Cueva.  You can buy tickets at Librimundi (Sucre y Mariano Cueva – unless they’ve moved, it’s on Hermano Miguel and Sucre) and at “El Gañal” across the street from the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz.

CCE – La Casa de la Cultura is implementing a plan to improve and increase cultural space in its buildings.

La Fiesta de Música – (Unless you come from a country where the writing is in squiggles or brushstrokes, you should be able to translate that for yourself.)  The festival will be on 17 & 18/6 with 20 venues, 52 groups and 300 musicians.  The opening concert will be on Sat., 17/6 starting at 19:00 in the parque Curiquingue. There will be 10 simultaneous concerts in private spaces around the city and on Sat., the music will be in 6 public spaces – Parque Calderón, plaza de El Otorongo, Esquina e las Artes, Puente Roto, parque De La Madre and the Teatro Pumapungo. The organizer is the Alianza Francesa and the city (So start there if you want more info about who’s playing, when and where.)

Otras cosas –  
Titular – Ejecutan plan de seguridad para Centro Histórico (Security plan for El Centro being implemented) – The plan for the area of Tranvía work will address general security and emergency response by fire and police.  (Best if you just don’t have yourself an emergency although the response time has only increased by 1 minute.)

New port – the Dubai Port World Inverstments (I think the typist combined inversiones with investments – your word for the day. Some of you should be familiar with inversiones because of your visa status.) is putting $1.2 billion into a new deep water port in Posorja, Guayas Province, the first of its type in Ecuador.  The 3 year project will include designing the port, dredging a channel to Posorja, building docks and a new road from Playas to Posorja, and maintaining the channel and roads. Container ships with a capacity of 4,000 containers will be able to berth and the port will create 2,000 direct, and 2,500 indirect jobs.

Chevron – The US Supreme Court upheld a lower court decision awarding Chevron $96 million plus interest in it’s lawsuit against Ecuador for violating a bilateral trade agreement.  (Maybe Ecuador could just say to credit that against the $9 billion judgement against Chevron that it’s still trying to collect.)

InflationThe national inflation rate for May was .03%, less than the .18% rate for last May.  The canasta basica is $686.74 and family income with 1.6 workers was $683.20 not including reserve funds which brings the income up to $106.49.  The canasta basica includes 359 products that form part of the Consumer Price Index.

Road work – Paving work started on Primero de Mayo from calle Carmela Malo to the Misicata bridge, and on Camino del Tejar from calle La Grevilla to calle César Andrade y Cordero.  1 de Mayo should take 45 days and Del Tejar 75 days.  1 de Mayo is still open, but with 2 narrower lanes, and Del Tejar is closed with Ordóñez Lasso as the alternate route.  (Now that Lasso is supposed to be finished – or is the alternate route to the alternate route still in need of an alternate route?)

Internacional –

Perú – With 94.1% of the votes counted, Kuczynski has 50.28% to Fujimori’s 49.72%.

Venezuela – Amnesty International is sending a delegation to visit the country for 6 days to document the state of human rights and the humanitarian crisis.

Brazil – The Senate has rejected the proposal put forth by a member of interim President Temer’s party to shorten the impeachment process against Dilma Rousseff.  (Trying to rush to judgement – before the people decide that they want her back.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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